Friday, September 04, 2020

Back to Normal

Back to normal, in the sense that for the past week I haven't been impelled to bang out a lengthy post on some obscure subject first thing in the morning. Who would want to do that? It's a curious affliction, like vertical Tourette's or something.

Is this a temporary remission or a spontaneous cure? Don't get your hopes up. Over the past 15 years there have been numerous faux recoveries, only for the logorrhea to come roaring back, often worse than before. It's like an addiction, I suppose: you're never really cured, but can only take it one day at a time.


Anonymous said...

I suppose it selfish of me to hope you keep posting because you spend the time and do all the work while I do nothing but sit back and enjoy it ... but, I hope you keep posting. It not only brightens my day but also gets me thinking about things worth thinking about.

Van Harvey said...

"It's a curious affliction, like vertical Tourette's or something."

Bwa-Hah- Hahahaaa...! That one resonates!

Oracle of Vidanatru said...

I belonged to a church once where one of the kids had Tourette’s. You got used to it. Although some of the outbursts did come at awkward times. It was a good place to practice the skill of “maintain”.

julie said...

Oddly enough, I finally got back to posting on my old blog a week or so ago. Of course, it's a lot easier tossing the odd photo online than actually banging out thoughts in coherent sentences.

JP said...

I'm not really interested in blogging. I'm more of a commenteer.

I'm not much of a writer, either. But I'm a lawyer, which involves writing. I only went to law school because I actually toured chemical plants as a chemical engineering student.

You know, Van, someday, I'm finally going to get visit Vegas as an adult. I hear that they have a quarter deficit.

ted said...

I'm sure the CA heat wave is getting to you. When it gets really humid on the east coast, my mind shuts down. It's as if all that moisture in the air gets inside me, and blocks all the flow of energy. I don't know how people live down South (Julie?). I suppose I'd have to adapt or forever be in an AC sealed vacuum.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Dr. Godwin:

It is best to pause each morning to see what your inner guidance system is telling you. Ask yourself, should I write a post today?

It is wise to act on all prompts from the intuition.

If you get an impression you should write a post, you should write the post.

The content will be supplied to you as you go along.

In this way you best serve God.

The corollary is, if you do not receive an intuitive prompt and the material is not supplied, writing a post would not be a good use of your time.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Gagdad sir, feel free to take a furlough, break, hiatus, vacation.

No worries, while you are away the panel will discuss a variety of topics in the comment section.


-Sex and spirituality; how do they fit together?
-Money and spirituality; does Mammon always corrupt?
-You, politics, and God. How does it all fit together?
-Divine Intoxication; should we get loaded as part of our walk with God?
-Spats with the Spouse; how, why, and what to do?
-So you want to be a Troll?; here's how to get started.

But we will definitely start with the sex.

If you are pious and religious, can you also be horny and kinky? I'm not sure about this. I'm thinking it is naughty? Not OK? That is how I was brought up. What do you think?

💋🌹🎉❤ Betsy Mergatroyd

Van Harvey said...

JP said "I hear that they have a quarter deficit."

They do at that. Be wary of their free drinks though, they have more in mind for that 'trade' than quarters.

Anonymous said...

(sex and spirituality) Anybody who believes correctly shall be saved. Wrong sexuality might be an exception, while killing millions of Jews is not. But then I’ve long believed that there should be spiritual attorneys. Maybe one shall be appointed for you at the pearly gates.

(money and spirituality) Mammon is like alcohol. A little mammon is good for you, maybe even healthy, but an addiction to mammon can ruin everything around you. Unless you’re like the quiet thoughtful vagrant often seen in public libraries, who remind me of Warren Buffet.

(politics and God) God is an masterful authoritarian who believes that communism is for losers and suckers.

(divine intoxication) Out of all the denominations and cults, I’ve never heard of one where getting loaded was part of the doctrine. Yet I'm finding such an idea strangely intriguing.

(spousal spats) If you’ve married a Karen (or Shaniqua if you’re black) then you’re just plain screwed. Other kinds of women might be saved by a domineering husband (provided he’s not a loser or sucker).

To be a successful troll one must know that the definition of “troll” is highly flexible and conditional. One mans troll is another mans reason for cancel culture.

julie said...

Hi Ted! We are no longer living in Florida, but yes, AC was a necessity even though the actual temp was usually not so bad. Had the AC go out a couple of times and tried to tough it out, but the houses now are built so that there's no airflow from the outside to cool things down. It was like living in a bread proofing oven.

Now we're back in SoCal, inland, where it's usually a dry heat. This summer really hasn't been bad, I know they're shrieking about the heat wave but considering we usually have triple digits most of the summer (in my experience), having it for just a couple of days here and there has been quite pleasant. In fact, the weather has been quite mild. Evenings are lovely for just sitting outside and watching the kids & dogs run around.

As I understand it, Arizona is getting it pretty bad this year, though. Can't say I miss that, we pretty much stayed inside from May through October.

ted said...

Thanks Julie for the update and your heat escapades. Now that you and Bob are living in the same general vicinity, I see a Raccoon meetup forming in the future. Social distance enough, and no one will know you're a cult. :)

Gagdad Bob said...

They say it's going to reach 114 here today, but it's only going to feel like 116.

julie said...

Wow, you are getting it worse than we are. Only supposed to be 112 here.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Panel

How is everyone doing today? Have you had your coffee?

Anonymous 9:43, thank you for your responses to my prompts of yesterday.

Regarding trolls, the prevailing opinions indicate about half receive professional training and the rest are "self-made," so to speak.

Are any readers here also a troll? If so, maybe you could speak on your career, how you got into it, does it pay well, etc. I'm kind of curious about trolling, perhaps even thinking of becoming one.

Yours Truly, Betsy Mergatroyd 💋😉ᓚᘏᗢ

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mrs. Mergatroyd.

In response, I'll say that trolling is done for many reasons, ranging from a compulsion to call out strange and anomalous fad follies, to just wanting to escape boredom. But some trolling, such as The Tea Party of historic American Founder Patriot fame, may not be such a bad thing. But that's just me. Others may have their own views about trolling. Allow me to describe a couple of my own trolling adventures.

Back in olden times, before the internet made trolling opportunities commonplace, I was what some might call an “OT” (Original Troll). I’ll describe using the topic of “unusual vocals fads in pop music” as my theme.

I didn’t mind the occasional falsetto male voice, such as Robert Plant with Led Zeppelin, which added a bit of expansive creative zest to the rock scene. But then the Bee Gees arrived. They took the falsetto male voice craze to eleven, where every single singer in single damned song sang in falsetto. This was a touch too much for me. So I sought to troll them out.

Of course back then one couldn’t easily troll publicly. Outside of bathroom graffiti, it had to be done in person. So I bought a ticket to a Bee Gees show and waited for the quiet part. When the quiet part happened, I shouted out as loudly as I could: “YOU SUCK!!!”

I was soundly beaten. But it wasn’t as bad as it sounds since most of the attendees were young girls and fruity boys, and it was mostly just slapping.

Not long after came the macho gangster rap craze. At first I was pleased, since falsetto voices were forbidden there. But it quickly became this all macho, all gangster, always rapping all the damned time. So I tried trolling an NWA concert. Sadly, I had less acceptable results. In fact I wound up in the hospital. Those fans didn't slap, instead preferring to use fists and even weapons of every kind.

Thankfully trolling is much more convenient today. I think it would be harder in a Marxist society, which Joe Biden and his henchman Kamala Harris wish to force onto the labilishly sheeplike American people, as Dear Leader Trump states. So I think trolling is more necessary now.

Anonymous said...

Hello Anonymous 2:40.

Your concert adventures sounded very amusing, thank you for sharing that.

I kind of like the B-Gees though, overdone falsetto and all. Well, it must be a girl thing.

Gangster Rap: sounds a bit toxic, I tend to flee the stimulus like a paramecium on a microscope slide flees the sodium hydroxide.

If I do end up trolling, I'm going to do this electronically only🤦‍♀️for safety.

I am honing my troll chops by memorizing all of the logical fallacies. I am focusing on "arguing from authority" this week.

"Never tell the truth when you can lie instead"

This is a credo I am using in preparation for coming out of my cocoon as "Mothra Mergatroyd, Destroyer of Karens."

Famous I intend to be, famous I tell you.

OK, new topic. Let's talk about Love. Meow. ᓚᘏᗢ

Anonymous said...

I used to love Peter Jackson.

But that was before his compliance with the Hobbit Law. Would that be why the visually amazing Mortal Engines was the biggest movie bomb of all time? I'm thinking, perhaps.

I do know that movie mogul elites threatened the New Zealand prime minister with leaving and going to Poland or some other low rent place, even lower rent than New Zealand already was, if something wasn't done about those pesky NZ film workers. Now that's power! So the workers got stuck with an anti-freedom law so they'd get all stuck making peanuts while the sociopathic corporate-socialism moguls, like Harvey Weinstein, got to make even more bank. And avuncular teddy bearish Peter Jackson got stuck with the tag of asshole!

I digressed yet again.

I've just digressed from the topic of "love" to the topic of "Powers That Be assholes ruining it for everybody else". Is this is why I'm trolling at a psychbloggers hangout? Am I looking for love in all the wrong places?

Anonymous said...

Hello Anonymous 8:32

Well, thank you for attempting to talk about love. Really, it isn't something which can be discussed. It has to be felt.

Now on the topic "Powers That Be assholes ruining it for everybody else" - This is why it is important for one to become "the powers that be," so that one can't be ruined by others.

If you are not yet "a power" immediately takes steps to seize power. Become dominant, Chief Bull Goose Loony of your ward, and you shall be happier.

Throw scruples to the wind; the important thing is to gain the upper hand using whatever means are at hand. The goal is to be the Kingpin, the Mother of all Bosses.

Then others must do your bidding, and you will have only yourself to blame for any failures that might occur.

The other approach is to be meek; in this way you shall inherit the world but you may have to endure some pretty bad sh#t while waiting for that to happen.

The good thing about being meek is you get to show up and tell the truth, and need make no effort to manipulate or influence anyone. Free to love. But you might get oppressed and be deprived of money.

You have to pick your path. Whatever floats your boat.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of power, the power thing is where I find some disappointment in our otherwise fine host here. Bob could’ve been so much more powerful and well richer had he just played his cards right. Look at all the effort Bob puts into reading all the books, sampling the lefty TV, and working a full-time day job as a normal hardworking husband and father. Yet after all that he’s just another typical conservative blogger putting in much effort reading all the books, sampling the lefty TV, and working a full-time day job as a normal hardworking husband and father.

Meanwhile Dave Rubin just bought a mansion with his husband. Dave’s the guy who left the left in a big huff because of all the cancel culture. And now he’s rich and powerful well financed by wealthy elites and he even has his own Youtube show. He got all that without caring about squat, studying or doing any real work at all. Dave gets to live the flamboyantly fabulous without a hint of morality.

I think Bobs made his mistake when he quietly left the left and didn’t make a big stink about it. He could’ve then made himself up to look all fabulous and sassy, to catch the eye of that elite playful who might be charmed enough to fund him, and fund him silly. A good opportunity lost.

Gagdad Bob said...

In my head are many mansions, and the party never stops.

Gagdad Bob said...

Besides, I prefer the challenge of being the laziest man in Los Angeles County.

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