Friday, July 03, 2020

Your Choice: Unique Persons or Leftist Ants

If the left doesn't believe in universally valid truths -- including of course the very concept of a universally binding morality -- then why are they canceling everyone and everything based on them?

Imagine if the founders had behaved like this. A quantitative analysis of their writings counts exactly 3,154 citations, with over a third of them to the Bible, followed by Montesquieu, Blackstone, Locke, Hume, and Plutarch (Novak). Now, these sources are all Deeply Problematic. The writings of Plutarch, for example, mention nothing about transgender bathrooms.

Which comes first, the rights or the person who possesses them? Obviously the person comes first, because only persons can have rights. Which highlights the absurdity of various Supreme Court decisions, from Dred Scott v. Sandford, to Roe v. Wade, to the recent Gorsuch v. Biology. In each case, rights are invented and conferred while undercutting the basis for their inherence in persons.

For example, if a woman has a right to infanticide, this right can't inhere in persons, because it grants the right to destroy persons, precisely. Likewise, if a person has the right to own a person, then a person has no right to property in himself, which is the basis of personhood. Etc.

Now, if everyone is the same, then killing someone isn't morally problematic. This is why, for example, no one thinks twice about stepping on an ant or eating a chicken, because there are billions just like the deceased, and nature will never stop cranking out more identical copies.

But I know for a fact that there is no one like me. Gagdaditude, whatever it is, inheres in me -- I, rather -- alone. I have a monopoly on it, nor do I predict we will ever see my likes again. Or anyone else's likes.

The discovery of personhood is one of the blessings of Western civilization, AKA Christendom. It is why it would be a racist slur for one of us to claim, for example, that "Chinese all look alike," whereas in China they have no compunction whatsoever about murdering and oppressing Chinese by the millions.

Those damn communists are all alike, in that they insist, at the point of a gun, that persons are all alike. For them, people are just gears -- or sand -- in the Machine. It doesn't matter how many they kill, because they'll just make more, the only limit being the one child law.

It can scarcely be sufficiently emphasized that the metaphysics of the left not only denies personhood but renders it impossible in principle. You could say that this is the ground source of the left's pneumopathology.

And no, we are not exaggerating: either unique persons or interchangeable collective ants. And show your work: don't pretend personhood is real while holding an ideology that denies its very possibility, e.g., Marxism, scientism, Darwinism, etc.

Crosby highlights the fact that to be an individual means to be incommunicable. Yes, we can communicate with one another, but our actual selfhood is known only to ourselves. No one will ever know what it's actually like to be you or I. If our personhood were fully communicable, then it would be just a general concept rather than a unique particularity. Truly, Homo sapiens is a kind of paradox or contradiction in terms, since it is a species of individual instances.

This leads straight up and into another key question, which is to say, by virtue of what principle is the principle of unique human personhood possible? Correct: the utter uniqueness, unrepeatability, and incommunicability of the Divine Person. To understand that we are in the image of the Creator is to see that human persons (because they are persons) share these divine qualities.

Does this imply that God does not or cannot communicate? Of course not. We are ceaseless recipients of vertical murmurandoms. We have only to amble to the shore -- the shore between immanence and transcendence -- and find another message in a bottle tossed from the other side. Yes, revelation as such is just that -- a message in a bottle -- but so too is the intellect itself.

Of course, this is not to imply that your body is a bottle and your soul the message inside. Rather, your body is an important aspect of the message, or the Incarnation is utterly superfluous. Rather, a book or pamphlet would be sufficient to convey the message.


That was going to be the original title of this post, before it was immediately hijacked by other considerations. The title has to do with a certain well-known (to me) phenomenon whereby things literally jump from the page and yell out THIS IS SOMETHING YOU CAN USE! For what? Often I don't even know, but the knowing of it is a vital aspect of knowing what it might be referring to.

It reminds me of the title of one of Dávila's books of aphorisms: Footnotes to an Implicit Text. I am constantly being bobarded with footnotes. Where is the text? Well, I'm in the process of discovering it by paying attention to the constant clues as to what it's about.

For example, yesterday I was rereading a plump Volume of Voegelin, and various passages screamed out YOU CAN USE THIS! When this happens, I highlight the passage, but I have various ways of highlighting, depending upon how loudly the passage is screaming at me.

Here are just a couple of particularly loud examples:

[P]alpably one and the same reality is illuminated in philosophy and in Scripture, the one more heavily accenting questing reason, the other responsive faith.

The old (↑↓) dynamic, which applies to deep knowing of any kind.

"Reason [or the intellect, AKA nous] is itself a revelation," as the Logos "is no less the rational Ground for apostles than for philosophers." It is only for us to see -- or to experience, rather -- the connection. The connection is lived more than known; to the extent that it is only known, then it isn't truly known at all (going to the distinction between mere [k] and [n]).

Or the following passage, so relevant amidst the contemporary soul sickness of BLM and other diseased forms of identity politics: "Against the stifling secularism," the "collectivist tendencies," the "brutal authoritarians" of our age, abides the Person:

Such a man, whenever and wherever we find him, diagnoses the existential maladies that deform reality, and resists as best he can the disorders by invoking higher truth, perhaps only vaguely known.

I only mention this because sometimes there's a man -- I won't say hero, because what's a hero? -- but sometimes there's a person, and that's enough to trigger the left and make them want to cancel him.

A couple of random thoughts, or lucends:

If ignorance of history is collective amnesia, then the left has given itself an auto-lobotomy.

But they'll never know it, for an irony curtain has descended on the left.


julie said...

sometimes there's a person, and that's enough to trigger the left and make them want to cancel him.

Along those lines, Van posted this the other day.

Anonymous said...

In other news, the Washington Redskins have bowed to corporate advertiser pressure, and is going to be changing their long-controversial (and some say racist) team name to the “Washington Fed Exes”. Runners up in the re-naming contest were the “Bank of Americans” and the “Pepsi Drinkers”.

Not to be outdone during these fierce winds of societal reckoning sweeping the country, the Kansas City Chiefs will be renamed the Kansas City Hallmark Cards. But the now infamous “tomahawk chop” will be only slightly revised. Instead of one hand being repeatedly brought down as if chopping, it will be repeatedly be brought down as if signing greeting cards. The chant music will however, remain the same.

Cousin Dupree said...

Why not the Washington Paleolithic Savages?

Cousin Dupree said...

And instead of the Tomahawk Chop, how about the Aztec Plunge?

Anonymous said...

Anyone who knows a leftist (with a small L) well comprehends that besides the odd political bent all leftists are pretty standard individuals.

Leftists are just people much like yourself. The leftist is not submerged in a collective. She wishes she were. No, she has the same ego needs as anyone else and is constantly seeking validation as an individual-- relief from erotic tension, something to ease menstrual anxiety, what to say to her mother the next time she bugs her about having grand-children, etc.

Individuality is well nigh inescapable. The leftist can't be a cog in a collective. It just doesn't work that way.

Have you ever tried to submerge your individuality into a collective? You have? And what happened?

That's right. You got a headache after about 30 minutes of trying and went back to being your usual self.

Now: THAT BEING SAID, there is a true Leftist (with a capital L) collective. Now these are breed apart. They are biologically different. They look like people but there are key differences. These beings form a kind of hive organism, and they indeed do not individuate.

One key difference is the female is oviparous. She will lay a clutch of 1-2 large eggs rather than give birth to a fully formed baby.

The eggs are incubated for about six months. If you go to a Leftist home, try to slip unobserved to the back porch. Look in the laundry storage hampers or other warm nooks in the house and you may stumble upon an egg nestled in a clothing basket.

Leftists do not like you poking around in their homes so make it quick before you get caught snooping around.

If you get into their papers, look for the Leftist's birth certificate. If you are lucky enough to find one you will see a blue mark in the right lower corner with an "E" meaning born from an egg. And that's why Leftist states are called "Blue" states.

Leftists keep normal food in their refrigerator as ruse. If you check the cellar you will find a secret pantry laden with the nauseating foodstuffs preferred by the Leftist; bark and leaves from trees, insect larvae, certain types of fungus which they cultivate, and an assortment of animal bones which they crunch up with their powerful mandibles.

So, we can't expect a Leftist to try to be a person in any way, shape, or form. That would be unnatural for them.

Anonymous said...


Captain Picard was assimilated into the ultimate leftist collective. The Borg. Yet besides some useful techie implants they gave him a cool name, an individuals cool name. Locutus.

Locutus of Borg.

I wish I had a cool sounding name. Like Latravius Lemonois (pronounced lemon-wah). Might be odd for a white guy. Maybe get me confused with a performance art lefty of the beatnik kind. But that's the name I wish I had.

Anonymous said...

Dupree, I think San Diego State has that one trademarked. I never liked their halftime show. That's one sick mascot.

BZ said...

Bob, we're on parallel tracks. If I may quote my guru, Soren Kierkegaard: "The Crowd Is Untruth":

There is a view of life which holds that where the crowd is, the truth is also, that
it is a need in truth itself, that it must have the crowd on its side. There is
another view of life; which holds that wherever the crowd is, there is untruth, so
that, for a moment to carry the matter out to its farthest conclusion, even if
every individual possessed the truth in private, yet if they came together into a
crowd (so that "the crowd" received any decisive, voting, noisy, audible
importance), untruth would at once be let in.

For "the crowd" is untruth. Eternally, godly, christianly what Paul says is valid:
"only one receives the prize," [I Cor. 9:24] not by way of comparison, for in the
comparison "the others" are still present. That is to say, everyone can be that
one, with God's help - but only one receives the prize; again, that is to say,
everyone should cautiously have dealings with "the others," and essentially
only talk with God and with himself - for only one receives the prize; again, that
is to say, the human being is in kinship with, or to be a human is to be in kinship
with the divinity.

Anonymous said...

Well, "unique persons" have shown themselves to be a bunch of blithering idiots. And with "leftist ants" anything is possible, including mass destruction, by blithering idiots.

A great example would be the old news of Fauci, American Money, and the Dysfunctional Wuhan Bat Lab.

That'd make a pretty good comedy movie name. "Fauci, American Money, and the Dysfunctional Wuhan Bat Lab".

So when I look it all up I wind up at Gateway Pundit, the place where idiocy made a comeback. As if it never went away. The comments typically blame "Gill Bates, Soros, China, Democrats, deep state". I suppose there's a grain of truth to that. But it seems more likely that instead of some highly organized evil socialist plot to take over the world, we had a bunch of selfishly entitled elite blithering idiots making one screwup after another.

Meanwhile, cosmologists have revised their exoplanet intelligent life numbers downward, to explain Fermi's Paradox. They say that there's only going to be around 36 technological civilizations in the galaxy at any one time. This is because the optimum conditions for intelligent life are pretty rare, and any civilizations won't last very long because they destroy themselves. Reality or projection? In dunno.

So what does this have to do with bat labs and the Natural Laws of Liberty?

I'm going to postulate that Natural Laws of Liberty aren't attempts at stemming human sinfulness. Not just sinfulness. They're mostly attempts at mitigating human stupidity. The evidence is everywhere.

Petey said...

A system built on sin and stupidity is built on rock solid foundations.

Gagdad Bob said...

Just read a timely thought by Voegelin about how it came to pass that Black lives matter:

"We include within mankind, for example, all Africans, yet in all Africa there was never an insight that would have enabled an African tribe to conceive the idea of man or of mankind. There simply was no such thing. These are Western, or at least largely Western, ideas -- classical and Christian ideas."

Anonymous said...

That'd work if I hadn't gone to college. At college, I met a variety of Africans who all seemed more intelligent than the native American Africans I was used to.

Maybe it's just wild coincidence. Or maybe they're only sending their best. (I think the latter)

But they all had a worldly empathic wisdom about them, well beyond the selfishly sociopathic street smarts of the Americans.

Anonymous said...

Petey, I'd rather buck the 'Universal Fermi's Great Filter Law' which seems to state that the universe is just too much for all intelligent life, and just keep trying to build a system based on integrity and wisdom. Sure, we might fail badly anyways. But never giving up is a part of being American, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

So tired of feeling like Joe Bauers. I just want to be a regular guy again.

Anonymous said...

I have read the post and the comments, and never have I seen such a mass of steaming pessimism assembled anywhere.

What, do you like pessimism or something? Things going to well for your taste?

Take a look around:

Our People are noble; they are loving; they are effective at what they do.
Our People are Godly; they are humble; they are grateful.

Look at our President, for example. Daily he gets up early and exerts himself for his Nation, at great risk to his bodily safety. He must confront unfavorable events coming at him from all quarters. Yet despite all this he looks composed, he has dressed well, his hair is brushed.

He is willing to take on four more years of the same harsh duties, for not very much money. He will do this out his great love for the People.

Trump is noble, but I point him out not because he is especially noble, but because if you look at any body with loving eyes, their nobility is obvious and it is very touching.

Look at our Great Nation through loving eyes. It has always been Great.

Our people have created the finest Marijuana in the world. Now, I am not joking around. The nobility it takes to choose the right cultivars, to risk all money to start a grow, to find a building, to meet all of the regulations which our dignified government places around this cultivation, to love the growing plants and treat them like your own daughters as they mature, and then to sacrifice them so that others may have medicine.....if that is not nobility, then what is it?

And you can find these incredible stories in every Bodega, Restaurant, Hospital, or Nursery one might encounter. Nobility. The nobility of the merchant.

And in the humble laborer, who stands at a cash register and smiles at the customer, there is nobility. It is everywhere.

And for those who sin, look behind their action and find the desperate circumstances which led to the error. Then forgive.

So, now what say ye to your fellow American? Howdy Friend!!!

Happy Independence Day all.

--Latravius Lemonois (pronounced lemon-wah).

Anonymous said...


For the first time in our history we have an orange president. I think I can celebrate that.

We had a halfrican before that. And I celebrated that too. even though both are assholes.

While out shopping, I still see the occasional big, dumb looking guy not wearing a mask. I could think that it's a big, dumb middle finger to all the small business owners out there. But as long as everybody else is being conscientious, I think I celebrate that too.

I also celebrate that the are Chinese smarter than we are (especially our negroes), even if it's in that absent minded professor sorta way, like the genius who forgets to turn off the laboratory's gas when he leaves and the place explodes overnight. I celebrate the business icons who give them our technologies.

As for Corona faux pas? Who cares if it's gonna cause a few million deaths, and hell, since CV-19 is similar to the cold virus in its mutatability, and up to 50 times more deadly than the flu, meaning that vaccines may not be possible and we'll all be watching big dumb assholes not wearing their masks for the rest of our lives, is worth celebrating because it could've been a whole lot worse. It'll be a lifetime warning that will go completely ignored in any possible larger scope implications. I celebrate the stupidity of the human race.

So I think of the development of carbon eating bacteria for oil spills, which could mutate into something nature and/or God never intended which eats everything and anything carbon based. But I'll celebrate that one too, because my ass is gonna get raptured and you'll be down here gnashing your teeth along with all the leftist ants.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, your efforts to see the bright side of things are appreciated, although because your comments always veer back to the negative, I'm gong to say you may have a strong tendency to catastrophize (expand on manifold apocalyptic visions).

Probably at your age that's not something you can change. That is "who you are," and there are many like you. Because you have a sense of irony and humor, you easily thrive and are well amidst, and despite, your paranoia. You have become "comfortably numb."

You shall be raptured tomorrow, and then every evening thereafter. You shall dwell in the Kingdom of Heaven all the rest of your days.

I shall gnash my teeth along with all the leftist ants. I am the Queen Ant, the originator of all Leftist ants. I dwell in the Nest among my servants.

My nickname is "Big Sister Pooty-Tang" but you can call me "Luscious Lemonois."

Anonymous said...

Maybe I read Gateway Pundit too much. It's always something at that place.

Anonymous said...

So Kanye West is running for president. This is no publicity stunt or prank, like when Alice Cooper or Marilyn Manson runs for president. He’s serious. And so is Elon Musk in supporting him. I predict that he’ll run as a Republican, be considered at first to be a screwball anomaly with many never-Kanyes, to then win the nomination and be elected. Kim Kardashian will be our First Lady and this’ll be considered a miracle from God.

It's like, so many miracles we gotta wear shades. We might as well celebrate that one too.

Anonymous said...

Leftist here.

Now, when calling us "Leftist ants," do you mean red ants or black ants? You need to specify the color.

It is very offensive to be all lumped together merely as "ants." We are a very diverse group of insects.

Until the late 20th century, people would routinely step on an ant and not think twice about it. The ant's life was literally without value. Only after a long struggle have ants achieved recognition of their worth and value. It has not been an easy road.

So please, a little respect is due. Read up on ant culture, art, and politics. We don't bite. Well, some of us, maybe a little. But get to know us. We are as American as any other insect or mammal found in the lower 48.

Thank you. Antie Up.

Cousin Dupree said...


Petey said...

Especially the black ones.

Anonymous said...

Kanye West would be OK for president, that is, if he would run on the Democrat ticket.

Elon Musk would make a great President under either party.

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