Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Saving Tales and Broken Minds

To repeat: The answer will not help the man who has lost the question. And the predicament of the present age is characterized by the loss of the question rather than of the answer.

These are worth some further pondering. First, life is obviously a predicament. Always has been, always will be. And yet, Voegelin implies there is an answer, so long as we remember the question. Thus, a worse predicament than life itself is losing sight of the question, because it results in either no answer or a multitude of bad ones.

Speaking of which, our recent revisiting of Koestler's Creative Act prompted me to check out his biography. His most famous book is Darkness at Noon, an indictment of communism from the perspective of a former True Believer.

But he didn't fall for just communism. Rather, his whole life was a quest for meaning, going from one belief system to another, from communism to parapsychology and everything in between. And yet, nothing stuck.

The author suggests that he suffered a kind of "absolutitis," which sounds about right: as we said the other day, the Absolute always is, and cannot not be. Life is a perpetual engagement with it, failing which we will substitute one ideology or another and thereby foreclose the divine-human space. This is good news / bad news for the radical secularist, because his denial of God results in the abolition of man, whether symbolically or literally.

Koester's flight from one cause to another "was as psychologically important as the causes themselves," motivated by

a deep instinctual urge, powered by personal unhappiness and psychological frustration.... it was the cause of causes lurking behind everything he wrote, emblematic of the twentieth century's own flailing in search of a workable form of utopia. Koestler was bound to fail in the quest, of course, but the quest itself was the point.

Why was the quest bound to fail? He found plenty of answers. Yes, but The answer will not help the man who has lost the question.

In this regard, it is particularly important to avoid collapsing the vertical hierarchy, and thereby formulating answers that are appropriate to one level but wildly inappropriate to another (e.g., materialism). This always results in a form of tyranny -- it is auto-tyranny at best, but becomes collective tyranny when imposed upon others. Ideology is never a victimless crime.

His conversion to communism was literally a religious experience:

something had clicked in my brain which shook me like a mental explosion. To say that one had "seen the light" is a poor description of the mental rapture which only the convert knows. The new light seems to pour across the skull; the whole universe falls into pattern like the stray pieces of a jigsaw puzzle assembled by magic at one stroke. There is now an answer to every question, doubts and conflicts are a matter of a tortured past -- a past already remote, when one had lived in dismal ignorance in the tasteless, colorless world of those who don't know.

Born again! With one small catch: for that is not the sound of liberation. Rather, it's the sound of the prison doors closing.

How do we know? The giveaway is the answer to every question and the dismal ignorance of those who don't know. This is a concise description of the political Gnosticism that characterizes modernity. Our struggle is always against those who would enclose us in their ideology by collapsing reality down to the size of their own shrunken heads and shriveled souls.

Koestler had similar quasi-mystical experiences with other creeds, and come to think of it, so did I -- sometimes with his help (back when I was a new-age/integralist type). I distinctly remember it happening with existentialism, psychoanalysis, Jungian psychology, Zen, and others.

Another giveaway of Gnostic ideology is the internal and external inconsistency that can only be resolved by force, for example, the political correctness that has always characterized leftism. Leftism simply cannot be logically maintained, so certain avenues of thought must be forbidden or explained away. It is why their first resort is always to the accusation, the smear, the condemnation. Cancellation is the feature, not the bug. It is of course at antipodes to Christianity, in which forgiveness is the feature.

In fact, if you're a conservative and you haven't been called a racist, a fascist, or a Nazi, you're just not trying.

Another feature of the gnostic revolt is the inevitable attack on language, e.g., more murders and shootings of blacks = black lives matter. Upon Koestler's politico-religious conversion, "My vocabulary, grammar, syntax gradually changed." He "quickly learned an early form of doublethink" which "appeared as natural and justified as the choice of the cause we were championing."

"As a 'closed' system of thought," Marxism "could provide answers to every question in terms of its own theory..." He "was delighted with the dialectical muscles he was able to build, reveling in the competitive advantage they gave him in argument. He knew the 'right' questions and answers 'as though they were the opening variants in a chess game...'"

Here are some recent examples of Marxist dialectic, yoinked from our own comment section. Note that the sweeping condemnation is the argument, and vice versa. Marx himself could have been the author of any of these:

--Any black person stupid enough to support Trump is not going to change their mind over him being slightly more fascist today than he was a year ago.

--Religion is a powerful force for making people act against their own interests.

--The right has a large variety of morons and liars, but the ones who try to link the left and Nazism are really the cream of the crop.

--You are projecting from your shitty, imperialist, fundamentalist religion onto the more honest and humble faiths of the people Christianity aims to conquer

--Your racism is completely obvious. You should own it instead of denying it.

--Everything in conservative culture is basically lifeless, a feeble imitation of actual culture, which is alive and hence leftist by nature.

Well, let's stipulate that mass culture is indeed lifeless and broken, and that vulgar politics is downstream from this. We are

plainly in a period of massive deculturation through the deformation of reason.... the deculturation of the West is an historical phenomenon extending over centuries; the grotesque rubble into which the image of God is broken today is not somebody's wrong opinion about the nature of man but the result of a secular process of destruction....

The question of the search cannot be recovered by stirring around in the rubble; its recovery is not a matter of small repairs, of putting a patch on here or there, of criticizing this or that author whose work is a symptom of deculturation rather than its cause, and so forth (Voegelin).

It's not ideology vs. ideology, but ideology vs. reality:

there is no Saving Tale other than the tale of the divine pull to be followed by man; and there is no cognitive articulation of existence other than the noetic consciousness in which the movement becomes luminous to itself (ibid.).


There's a new Dane in town. One isn't enough:


Gagdad Bob said...

Re the deformation of language, acting lawfully is fascist, political mob violence is anti-fascist.

Anonymous said...

Maybe most people aren’t as worried about the Communism or the Trumpism or the Whateverism as they are the Corruption? That's the whole point of tribalism - to manipulate the supplicants into to forgiving the corrupt leadership.

Me, I left Team "Our Corruption Is More Forgivable Than Your Corruption" way back when Clinton was exposed as a self-serving fraud. Just because Clinton was a self-serving fraud, didn't mean the corporate conservatives weren't still out to get me.

Anonymous said...

Note that the sweeping condemnation is the argument, and vice versa.

Dude, you've made sweeping condemnations of "the left" practically every day, for years. I'm just giving back.

Marx himself could have been the author of any of these:

I'll take that as a compliment!

Gagdad Bob said...

Good. It's certainly not intended as an insult, just an objective description for pedagogic purposes.

Anonymous said...

Totalitarian Communism failed because of the 'absolute power corruption' thing. Capitalism fails for the very same reason, albeit more slowly because it takes time for those smaller competing interests to unify and collude with their government elites.

The problem for me is that the more this anacyclosis happens, the more it trickles down into the common culture. Exact same basic human behavior, completely different political system.

Anonymous said...

The concern for thinking righties and lefties alike, is that non-thinkers from both will come to embrace a more authoritarian view in their angsty quest to eliminate the other.

Spain went down that road. Franco did everything in his power to eliminate his left for over 40 years. Today, post-Franco Spain is a center-left country with at least one poll telling us that religion is of primary importance to only 3% of the country. I'm talking that Spain, of inquisitions and conquistadors and grand cathedrals fame.

I'd call that a disaster.

julie said...

the predicament of the present age is characterized by the loss of the question rather than of the answer.

Had the TV tuned to the Barr hearing this morning. Bizarre. The D reps were basically just shouting out "questions" they didn't actually want him to answer; in fact, most of the time they hardly seemed like questions so much as condemnations without proof, fired off so rapidly that he rarely had time to provide answers, and pretty much all of the "when did you stop beating your wife?" variety. Few true questions, just talking points punctuated by question marks.

julie said...

He "was delighted with the dialectical muscles he was able to build, reveling in the competitive advantage they gave him in argument. He knew the 'right' questions and answers 'as though they were the opening variants in a chess game...'"

Reminds me of being in high school and college. In certain classes the important thing wasn't so much that you got the "correct" answer as that you got the answer the teacher wanted to hear. It was bad when I was young, I can only imagine how much worse it must be now.

Gagdad Bob said...

Our new Dane is learning the same thing: that here are certain behaviors that please the alphas, even if they make no sense to him.

julie said...

Love the danes; those tails must be lethal, though!

We are getting a new pup soon, a golden this time. We have two older dogs (shepherd and cockapoo; they came with the house), but my kids have never had a puppy. Should be fun :)

Gagdad Bob said...

I think we're going to name him Walter.

julie said...

That's awesome. Will you train him to intimidate nihilists?

Anonymous said...

The Danes must be trained to keep each other in check. Should they collude, they'll take over the house and eat all the doggie treats. And then starve to death. After eating the master.

Can avoiding all that be done by teaching them to "respect individuals"?

Gagdad Bob said...

Once you pay them the Danegeld, you never get rid of the Dane.

Gagdad Bob said...

I looked out the window and he's in the pool. At first I thought it was my car.

Gagdad Bob said...

He also jumped in the jacuzzi, but that's apparently bad for dogs. Harder for them to regulate body temp.

Gagdad Bob said...

We've had seven Danes, and he's the first to like swimming. He doesn't want to get out.

julie said...

That is funny. The vizslas we had were supposed to be water dogs, but they hated getting wet.

Gagdad Bob said...

Walter, get out of the jacuzzi! Don't be an asshole!

julie said...


I can't imagine it would be much fun to share a jacuzzi with a dane, he'd probably hog all the water jets.

Anonymous said...

the Danegeld

But Danes are good investors who’ll reinvest what they extorted from you right back into their pack. So a happy family is assured. For now. But do remember that mixed in with all the winter sports medals is usually a penchant for socialized medicine. It’s always something with that breed. On the plus you’ll be paying about half per pound of dog weight as compared to other breeds.

Gagdad Bob said...


Barr said...


Van Harvey said...

"Why was the quest bound to fail? He found plenty of answers. Yes, but The answer will not help the man who has lost the question."

For some reason the number 42 is coming to mind....

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