Sunday, July 19, 2020

Live on Radio KBOB

This post took an abrupt and unanticipated turn, and it's too late to turn back now.

Last week I was rifling through Voegelin's mail, and noticed a reference to Balthasar's A Theology of History, which prompted me to reread it. Akashic records indicate that I first read it in 2004, which is well before I could have possibly understood it.

Looks like I only got up to page 40 or so before throwing in the towel, so "reread" isn't quite accurate. But nor is "reading" the correct word, because I was just as capable of reading then as I am today. What's going on here?

Whether due to limitations in von B or in me, I often find him obscure. However, this time around I understood way more than I did the first time. And I wonder if this in turn speaks to Voegelin's theory of history, in that the cosmos I inhabited in 2004 was less luminous than the one I'm sitting in today. It reminds me of the phrase "shedding light on the subject." The subject hasn't changed, but somehow I'm able to shed more light on it (or it on me?).

Voegelin (writing in 1950) calls it a "masterwork of its kind," and claims it "is the most competent philosophy of history from a strict Catholic position that has ever come under my eyes." I still can't give it a general raccoommendation, for the same reason I don't advise cracking a textbook on quantum mechanics just for fun, or going to the batting cage and trying to hit a 95 mph fastball.

That last one is an apt metaphor, because the first time I tried to hit off Balthasar, I whiffed. Couldn't hit his hard stuff, let alone the curveballs, of which there are many. At this point I can at least make contact, but I don't pretend to be a .300 hitter.

I do understand the first sentence:

Since man began to philosophize he has sought to grasp things by distinguishing two elements: the factual, singular, sensible, concrete and contingent; and the necessary and universal (and because universal, abstract), which has the validity of a law rising above the individual case and determining it.

That was clear enough: man -- human consciousness -- always inhabits two realms which can be formulated in different ways, but it is strictly impossible to reduce one to the other. Not only does this correspond "to man's way of knowing" but "to the structure of being." Which is a good thing, because it means that knowing corresponds to being. How convenient!

Consider the Kantian alternative: knowing and being are like two circles with no contact. All we can ever know is the phenomenal. The noumenal -- the thing in itself -- is forever unknowable.

Like anybody could know that! In other words, to claim reality is unknowable is to claim a great deal indeed about reality. How does he know it's unknowable? What, is he God?

Notice that Kant can't help distinguishing the two elements as described by Balthasar. However, he doesn't so much distinguish as drive a permanent wedge between them. For the Raccoon, this is literally the most soph-defeating thing one could possibly do, for it seals one in a state of permanent and ineradicable stupidity, and why? Just to preserve a perverse form of poorly understood Christianity?

Let's open up the lines. Our first caller is Frithjof from Bloomington, Indiana. Hello Frithjof. Am I pronouncing that right?

No. Not close.

Okay. May I call you Fritz?

No you may not.

Let's move on. I understand that you disagree with Kant?

Yes, Bob -- is that how you pronounce it? Longtime listener, first time caller.

For starters*, Kant's whole approach is reducible to a gratuitous reaction against all that lies beyond the reach of reason; it is an instinctive revolt against truths which are rationally ungraspable and which are considered annoying on account of this very inaccessibility. All the rest is nothing but dialectical scaffolding, ingenious or "brilliant" if one wishes, but contrary to truth.

Wo, that's a little harsh! Sounds like you're accusing Kant of an impeccable logic starting from a basic error?

That's right, Bob. What is crucial in Kantianism is its altogether irrational desire to limit intelligence; this results in a dehumanization of the intelligence and opens the door to all the inhuman aberrations of our century, to say nothing of the last.

In short, if to be man means the possibility of transcending oneself intellectually, Kantianism is the negation of all that is essentially and integrally human.

So by committing logicide, modern and postmodern philosophy commits genocide?

Indeed, Bob. Negations on this scale are an assault on the very dignity, value, and meaning of the human station. The true philosopher and metaphysician is not just open to reality, but open to the fact of intellection itself. In the grand scheme of things, primordial intellection is as it were the "first word" that never stops speaking. Our friend Eckhart says as much.

Conversely, the modern philosopher wishes to have the "last word," and this last word is ideology in all its ghastly forms, from Marx to Comte -- scientism, positivism, progressivism, the whole ball of wax.

Wax or whacks?

The latter. Seeking to free himself from the servitude of the mind, the ideologue falls into infra-logic. In closing himself above to the light of the intellect, he opens himself below to the darkness of the subconscious.

Isn't that an insult to Satan? Is he really that stupid -- as stupid as, say, AOC, or Pelosi, or Obama?

No, he is not that stupid. But the people who are seduced by him render themselves stupid thereby. You've heard the old line by Mencken: the demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots. Satan is the world's most accomplished demagogue. As it applies to Kant, unintelligence is put forward as a "doctrine" and definitively installed in European "thought," giving birth to countless monsters of ideology.

Are you being a little rough on Kant?

Some people may reproach us with a lack of due consideration, but we would ask what due consideration is shown by philosophers who shamelessly slash down the wisdom of countless centuries. For Kant, intellectual intuition -- of which he does not understand the first word -- is a fraudulent manipulation which throws a moral discredit onto all authentic intellectuality. That includes you, Bob. Are you going to just take it, or fight back with equal energy?

No one knows the limits of thought. To the extent that he pretends to know them, he has discovered only his own self-imposed limits. By its very nature the intellect is in principle unlimited or it is nothing.

We're coming up against a hard break. Care to summarize?

One can try. Kantian “criticism" decrees that no one can know anything, just because they themselves know nothing, or desire to know nothing. And if the intelligence as such is limited, what guarantee do we have that its operations, including those of critical philosophy, are valid? Any so-called philosopher who casts doubt on man’s normal subjectivity thereby casts doubt upon his own doubting.

If there is nothing to prove our intelligence is capable of adequation, then there is likewise nothing to prove that the intelligence expressing this doubt is competent to doubt. If the optic nerve has to be examined in order to be sure that vision is real, it will likewise be necessary to examine that which examines the optic nerve, an absurdity which proves in its own indirect way that knowledge of suprasensible things is intuitive and cannot be other than intuitive.

Moreover, since philosophy by definition could never limit itself to the description of phenomena available to common observation, it is perfectly consistent only when exceeding itself -- like man himself, who, should he fail to transcend himself, sinks beneath himself.

Speaking of putting listeners to sleep, I want to say a few words about my friend Mike Lindell at my

(*Much of what follows is shamelessly plagiaphrased from this page.)


Gagdad Bob said...

An unintentional humor site: Trump the antichrist.

For example, Trump will force the federal government to "hire mainly people who profess belief in creationism" instead of hiring sophisticated people who profess belief that Trump is the antichrist.

Gagdad Bob said...

"National monuments and national parks will decay because of lack of funding."

Unless Antifa and BLM get there first.

Gagdad Bob said...

"Trump will use FBI and Justice Department to investigate and prosecute political opponents and journalists."

Since Obama actually did these things, I suppose that makes him the antichrist.

Gagdad Bob said...

"Millions will lose food stamps."

The inevitable drawback of a sizzling economy: people are no longer poor enough to qualify for welfare.

Gagdad Bob said...

"There may be a massacre of protesters."

Or a massacre by protesters. Whatever.

Gagdad Bob said...

"Federal response to at least one natural disaster will be mishandled causing heavy loss of life and property."

I don't know that I'd call Democrat rioters a natural disaster.

Gagdad Bob said...

"Postal service may be privatized."

This makes no sense. Satan runs the Post Office.

Gagdad Bob said...

"Palestine will lose more land to settlements."

This makes no sense. Satan runs the Palestinian Authority.

Gagdad Bob said...

"the gods have prophesied that Trump will very likely be the last President of the US."

Woo hoo! Trump 2020... 2024... 2028... 2032... 2036... ∞...

Anonymous said...

Crazy talk aside, I don't get all the tadoo over Kant. The very first two things Kant taught me: the Categorical Imperative and that those little blobs of fuzzy light in the sky are island universes, both seem pretty smart to me.

Gagdad Bob said...

Those examples are just wrong, not crazy.

Gagdad Bob said...

Roger Kimball on the left's worship of power over truth. Which is what happens once you've denied man's ability to know truth, and descended into the relativism of critical theory.

ted said...

Now live on KBOB it's "Frithjof and the Balthasars" with "Kant You Bogart that Imperative"!

julie said...

For starters*, Kant's whole approach is reducible to a gratuitous reaction against all that lies beyond the reach of reason; it is an instinctive revolt against truths which are rationally ungraspable and which are considered annoying on account of this very inaccessibility.

There was a recent example used when the WuFlu first made the rounds and people were screaming that millions would die, talking about the models that began with bad input: "Imagine a spherical cow in an airless vacuum..."

Everything that follows may be beautifully constructed and even airtight, but it won't reflect reality in any meaningful way.

julie said...

Are you being a little rough on Kant?

Ha - I read that first as "Are you being a little rough on Karen?"

Gagdad Bob said...

GITO: garbage in, tenure out.

Anonymous said...

I get it, you support Trump because it pisses off the liberals.

Is making leftists cry really worth the actual threat of death? I mean, there are 130000 people dead from Covid and likely to be a million by sometime next year. Schools will be closed, the economy will be cratering, all of which could have been prevented with a minimally competent leadership. You can look at how almost any other country has managed and see better results.

Your life and those of your children and loved ones have been materially endangered. Doesn't that matter at all? This isn't scoring points on the internet, it's life and death.

I do not understand. I must be dumb like AOC.

Anonymous said...

anon @7/19/2020 05:07:00 PM
Pissing off liberals means never having to say you're wrong. It also means never having to pay attention to what your own people are doing, because at least they're not liberals.

Masked men without badges are jumping out of unmarked vans and grabbing people in Portland. They’re said to be from DHS ICE. This seems a direct violation of due process.

I’m predicting that Biden will very likely continue this policy, the way Obama continued Bush’s authoritarian policies. A surveillance police state seems in the making.

So, to maintain our freedom and liberty, we may have to vote better. Or something.

But yeah. A higher percentage of the worlds coronavirus cases than practically anywhere else (except for Brazil maybe, where half the urban population lives in favelas)? This thing is still just getting started and some people just cant keep from calling it a hoax.

ted said...

The headlines are funny, just saw on aol: Trump may not accept 2020 results. It's like they want to paint him like he's truly satan. He won't go no matter what. So pathetic.

julie said...

Ted, it's kind of funny - they were making the same claims in 2016. With everything that's happening, they still have to rehash the same tired complaints.

Anon who said "I do not understand. I must be dumb like AOC."

You said it...

Cousin Dupree said...

If I were as dumb as AOC, I wouldn't worry about dying from Covid, since we'll all be dead anyway in 10 years from global warming.

Cousin Dupree said...


"The numbers suggest that the COVID epidemic is more or less over, as far as fatality is concerned. This chart is a screen shot from the CDC web site. It shows total deaths from all causes, the most objective measure of the impact the Wuhan virus is having, at least with regard to fatality. (In some states, maybe all, authorities classify deaths as COVID without any pretense that the virus was the cause of death.) As you can see, the total number of deaths has returned to the pre-epidemic baseline. COVID is no longer causing any excess number of fatalities....


The left is always hysterical about something. In my life, not once has one of their hysterias had any basis in fact.

Anonymous said...

Hey I can cherry-pick data off the cdc website myself:

The state-level ensemble forecasts suggest that the number of new deaths over the next four weeks will likely exceed the number reported over the last four weeks in 22 states and 2 territories. The jurisdictions with the greatest likelihood of a larger number of deaths include: Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Montana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, the Virgin Islands, and West Virginia.

But why get hysterical, what's a few hundreds of thousands of deaths to the party of life?

Cousin Dupree said...

No one's forcing you to leave your mom's basement. Unless it's your mom, and there's nothing Trump can do about that.

Anonymous said...

The left is always hysterical about something. In my life, not once has one of their hysterias had any basis in fact.

Free trade would eliminate millions of good American jobs. The Iraq war would turn into an expensive quagmire. Losing the middle class would yield consequences. A corporate owned US government would create a new kind of socialism. Failing American infrastructure would be a bad thing. Exxon would eventually embrace climate change as real. Trump would lie a lot. The CV-19 would be worse than the modern flu.

You must be really young, Dupree. And if Portland is any indication, Trump is working on removing people from their mamas basements.

Cousin Dupree said...

You're not the only one. There are plenty of other Bernie Bros who are closer to the Trump agenda than they are to corporate Democrats.

Anonymous said...

No way. Trump may against NAFTA, the Iraq war, and exporting middle class jobs, but his support of Goya beans is a dealbreaker!

Anonymous said...

And the Chinese travel ban was straight-up racism.

Anonymous said...

Drain the swamp. Lock her up. Build that wall.

"That plays great before the election -- now we don't care, right?"

Their (most of DC) tribal infighting is as fake as they are. It's all about the power. The tell is when both parties turned corporate yet their supporters turned all angsty tribal, against each other.

FWIW, I saw it in the workplace. A normally competitive, hardworking, reasonably functional workplace completely changed when the sociopath arrived. The sociopath cared nothing for "normal", "competitive", "hardworking" or "functional". They just wanted the power. So they manipulated people into wasting their time and energies fighting with each other, so they themselves could get that power.

Meanwhile in America as a whole, half of our youth claim to have lost faith in democracy.

Lets just go ahead and keep blaming the left, the media, the academic elites... and I'll keep believing that all the angsty people just want something better and more hopeful to do. And yes, most of them on their personal responsibility own. People get tired of having all the fertile ground taken away from them by bad politicians with their bad mandates.

I guess we can either maintain our status quo and just keep sliding into something unpredictably authoritarian and probably quite nasty, or we can settle for a boring old functional capitalism and liberal democracy just like we used to have.

(Of course there are other variables all aligned to create this perfect storm)

julie said...

Wokes and racists find common ground

Cousin Dupree said...

From slavery to Jim Crow to destroying the black family to racial quotas to identity politics to woke racism, Dems never change.

Anonymous said...

What people on both the left and the right don’t get, and quite foolishly, is that no system can magically maintain itself. All complex human systems must be maintained, lest they become corrupt and fall apart, usually degrading into an ugly authoritarianism to restore stability. I believe that there’s a psycho-social science behind all this.

But when have you ever heard a lefty or righty talk about any ‘science of power’, let alone about keeping the wrong people, even one of "their own" wrong people, out of power? It’s always ‘their people are the only right people’.

It’s not that hard once you’ve got it. There are people out there who care about what they preach. And there are those who do not. Both may quack and waddle exactly the same, but they are not the same. As flawed as Right or Left always is, those kinds of people are far worse than either. Keep them out of power!

julie said...

Anon, nobody should have faith in democracy. To playgiarize a quote from somebody, real democracy is a wolf, a boar, and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

Nicolás said...

The more severe the problems, the greater the number of incompetents that a democracy calls forth to solve them.

Anonymous said...

From slavery to Jim Crow to destroying the black family to racial quotas to identity politics to woke racism, Dems never change.

Johnson was willing to lose the south when he changed.

LBJ said...

We'll have them niggers voting Democrat for a hundred years!

Anonymous said...

The more severe the problems, the greater the number of incompetents that a democracy calls forth to solve them.

Is there a science behind why this always has to be the case? History is telling me otherwise.

Nicolás said...

Democracy is the political regime in which the citizen entrusts the public interests to those men to whom he would never entrust his private interests.

Anonymous said...

Julie, nihilism is what we're fighting here. Give the people no hope and they'll gather into mindless mobs to loot stores out of pure animal emotion.

We have to deal with the people we have and not the people we wished we had.

In my limited travels I've noticed that some people sin more than others. I've also noticed that a few greatly enjoy their sinning, even manipulating others to sin, as long as they can get away with it. Do we just ignore all that?

Anonymous said...

AFAIK, Nicolas put all people into the same temperamental pot. He never once described that some are more prone to evil or good or spirituality than others.

That makes him, like Marx, a complete fool to me.

Nicolás said...

As to the science behind the aphorism, I recommend Sowell's Knowledge & Decisions. It's all about the very different system of incentives under which the politician operates.

Nicolás said...

The central planner forgets that sin shuffles the cards.

Anonymous said...

The central planner forgets that sin shuffles the cards.

That's it? No government watchdogs, no Tea Parties, no protests, no Paul comments about "blowback"?

So lets just get rid of the inevitably corrupt police who work for inevitably corrupt politicians who inevitably corrupt citizens always vote into power already.

Anonymous said...

I know. I don't understand a word of what Bob says either.

Anonymous said...

Somehow the comment thread has veered into a sh*t show of pessimism. A slurry of "badevilcorruptinevitablesinfightinglootingmobsjimcrowlbjniggerssheepwolfboarsinshufflesthecards."

Good. God. People. Get. a. grip.

Is the sun coming up tomorrow?

Will coffee be available?

Are sensible middle-of-the-road majority Americans going to get out of bed tomorrow and make a buck?

Yeah? Are you among them? Yeah?

So un-twist your panties already. This is America. You man or woman up and stop that whining. Understand? We don't want pessimistic defeatist whining.

Alright then. Get to work. Enjoy Life. That's an order.

-Commanding Officer X

Anonymous said...

There should be a left. There should be a right. They should freely compete for ideas, since the only constant in this world is constant change. What’s best for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness should be debated by all, and not just a handful of powerful elites.

Christians can be either side, since human politics is a bunch of secular stuff anyways. Left and right should debate over the sweet spot for government, knowing that there’s nothing wrong with preferring to err on the side of less government and corruption and taxes and more freedom since that’s how we’ve historically rolled with reasonably good results.

Should my saying this get me declared stupid, evil and criminally insane?

Cousin Dupree said...

We never assume the latter two when the former is a sufficient explanation.

Van Harvey said...

"Are you being a little rough on Kant?"

No. If you disagree, why? I mean, it's not as if you can know, right? No, you cant know, because you can't know, because you kant know.

Van Harvey said...

BTW, awesome call Fritz, nicely done.

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