Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Exodus In & Of History

As human beings meander through prehistory and history...

Well, first of all, what can we possibly say of man before taking his history? Recorded history only goes back 5,000 years or so. Prehistory goes back another 3 million years, but human history per se only begins 50-100 years ago, with the speciation event of Homo sapiens sapiens. Of course, our innocent preliterati couldn't have had any conscious awareness of this cosmo-historical event. Nevertheless it was knowable, or we couldn't know it.

Let's say we go back 100,000 years ago. Someone shows us this strange looking beast. What could we say of him aside from the fact that he is badly in need of a bath? Or that he must have escaped from Portland? Only history could reveal his potential -- for both good and ill.

Indeed, history is the revelation of human potential. It isn't something that can be rationally known from within history a la Hegel and his retarded progeny, nor is it a material process a la Marx and his awokened mob of tenured barbarians.

Rather, it is precisely that which reveals itself in the tension between immanence and transcendence. If the Oracle of the Comment Box has taught us nothing else, it is that the human adventure is reality itself becoming luminous for its movement from the ineffable, through the Cosmos, to the ineffable. That is simultaneously the least and most we can say of it.

The point is that, when we examine our history, it is as if we're, say, peering into our own medical, or better, psychiatric, chart. What has the doctor been recording about us over the years, decades, centuries, and millennia? Let's see: likes to create things. Prone to impulsivity & violence. Obsessed with group status. Cannot manage envy. Prefers ideological dreamworlds over reality. Can't stop lying.

It reminds me of something Charles Murray wrote in Human Accomplishment:

We human beings are in many ways a sorry lot, prone to every manner of vanity and error. The human march forward has been filled with wrong turns, backsliding, and horrible crimes.

In the book, he attempts to quantify the great feats of human accomplishment, but it seems that for every achievement there are any humber of equal and opposite monuments to our depravity. He asks, "What can Homo sapiens brag about -- not as individuals, but as a species?":

Military accomplishment is out -- putting "Defeated Hitler" on the human resumé is too much like putting "Beat My Drug Habit" on a personal one.

Government? Please. I've lived in California my whole life, long enough to confirm Genesis 3: if megalomaniacal ideologues with good intentions and unlimited power can ruin California, then they can certainly ruin paradise.

Let's not ramble. Focus. The point -- it seems -- is that history itself is one long "speciation event." And one of the sources of tension in our age is that, for the first time in history, various subspecies are being reintroduced and forced to live cheek-to-jowl, which prompts all sorts of primitive reactions that wouldn't occur absent the contact.

For example, a couple of weeks ago the fake news fabricated a controversy regarding Mount Rushmore. Seems that some descendants of Stone Age tribes that once squatted in the area are claiming the land belongs to them, because these descendants squatted there. If this seems tautological, it's because it is. Note how they are culturally appropriating concepts of Christian civilization such as "private property" in order to assert their rights and stake their claim.

But Stone Age peoples obviously had no such concept. They knew, of course, that "what's mine is mine." But they also knew that "what's yours is mine," whether your land, your women, or your wampum. If we meet the Indians on their own cognitive ground, limiting ourselves to their own highly limited horizons, then Mount Rushmore is ours because it is ours, end of story.

The same kind of backassward thinking applies to the left's anachronistic understanding of slavery. Some of them literally believe the United State invented it. Others, such as the New York Times, imagine it is our defining feature instead of an unfortunate aberration that was totally at odds with our founding principles, condemned to be swept aside one way or the other.

But whatever it was, it wasn't a racist institution until it came under direct threat, and Democrats had to invent the concept of structural racism to explain it. They've never let go of the concept, only using it in different ways to sustain their electoral power.

Nor will they stop categorizing people by race until the practice is totally repudiated and discredited. But even then, they'll find something as a Trojan Horse for envy, hatred, cruelty, and other primitive impulses, in order to control minds and groups. It's just too effective.

So anyway, history itself may be understood as exodus WRIT LARGE. It is literally an exodus -- from animal to man, matter to spirit, biology to pneumatology, ignorance to knowledge, appearances to reality, man to God, etc. One thing we cannot say is that it is one or the other, because this collapses the tensional space in which we live and thereby curtails the exodus. Do you see why?

Marx, for example, puts the kibosh on our exodus by presuming to completely understand its material underpinnings. It is only for Special People such as Marx, or Obama, or Pelosi, to force us over to the Right Side of History that has been revealed to them.

Likewise, Darwinism in particular or scientism more generally bring the exodus to a grinding halt. If you think you're nothing more than a contingent ensemble of genes, then that's what you are. As the Master says, Each one sees in the world only what he deserves to see. Say what you want about our trolls, but their simplistic worldview is sufficient to explain themselves, at least to their own satisfaction.

Back to the main thread. Again, there's bound to be tension when diverse groups with their own interior unity and coherence bump up against one another. Now, with the internet, we don't even have to have physical contact. Twitter users, for example, we are squeezed into a tight virtual space where people are right next to people they hate. Yet they do this voluntarily. I myself tweeted for a couple of weeks a few years back, until I could no longer tolerate the smell.

Gosh, we're almost out of time. Let's wrap things up with a few relevant passages from the V man:

The completion of this idea occurs in Christianity, in which this conception of the exodus has become a fundamental category, playing a determining role in the philosophy of history...

St. Augustine formulates the problem in a way that is as valid today as ever, and "very probably will never be surpassed":

in man, in the soul, there are organizing centers [i.e., attractors]. The two principal centers are the love of self and love of God.... Between these two centers there is continual tension: man is always inclined to fall into the love of self and away from the love of God.

On the other hand, he is always conscious that he should orient himself by the love of God, and he tries to do so in many instances. Exodus is... the tendency to abandon one's entanglements with the world, to abandon the love of self, and to turn toward the love of God [AKA metanoia, vertical rebirth]. When the tension is strongest toward the love of God, then we find an exodus from the world.

Never successfully, of course. Rather, abiding in that tension-toward-God is success.

'Nuff said if you're thinking what I'm thinking: history takes place between (•) and (¶), (↑) and (↓). Who could ask for more, let alone insist upon less?


neal said...

Just a darned minute. Some of these "stone age tribes" abandoned a lot of technology because Babel, the Great Flood, and the Great Burning.
Some got lucky around 2000 years ago and met the Man from across the great water.

Some still hold what was and is given and try to pass that on in secret.
He knows His own and that cannot be taken from us.

I hear He has a plan for every nation and tribe of critters.
Modern Man is mostly the last on board but last in first out I guess.

Gagdad Bob said...

One process that occurs in history is discovery and differentiation. Hopefully we are more differentiated than our ancestors, but this doesn't mean we should abuse them or tear down their statues because of it.

For example, vis-a-vis God, there is first the discovery of transcendence that then undergoes various differentiations from pantheism to polytheism to henotheism to monotheism to Trinity, etc. So I don't criticize paleolithic Indians for having been paleolithic Indians (which for them persisted well into the second millennium AD). Rather, I criticize mostly white leftists who pander to them by supporting the notion that it is possible to recover and live in some ancestral reality tunnel within the contemporary west. Just for a few votes. And a lot of virtue signaling.

Anonymous said...

Part of red pill reality is accepting the truth that Movements with staunch Principles can and do change over time. And that this is less because deeper truths have been divined which enhance or progress the knowledge base of said movement, but more because most humans are blithering idiots who think they know everything.

So I looked up my best friend from gradeschool, who I haven’t seen in decades. The acknowledged smartest kid in the class, he’d be considered a moral and fiscal conservative today. Very high integrity. He never swore and never took the Lords name in vain. He was the kind of kid who’d always be sick puking the first day of school, then get straight A’s thereafter. I’d presumed he’d be a famous scientist or at least a chief surgeon by now. Best I can tell, he now lives with his aging parents and is the manager of a church soup kitchen. The sources say he votes Democrat and once owned a tiny house in a low rent part of town.

My other best friend died of AIDS back in the 90’s, abandoned by all in his family except for his mother because he came out as gay.

Meanwhile there was the neighborhood tomboy, a straight C student, but fairly attractive, feisty and extroverted. I think she may have been abused as a kid, since her brothers were antisocial assholes. Today she’s the VP of operations at that city’s largest hospital.

My favorite success story is the unpopular boy who flunked a grade because of dyslexia, but is now a chemistry professor at a major state university.

So I think of their parents. What’s that even like? We don’t have kids, because we were both abused and we correctly assumed that having children is like having a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. Is that part of the fun? The Reagan children of presidential fame seem to be all over the place, politically and spiritually. What did they do wrong? Who do we blame? Satan? California? Did they take the wrong pills?

I'd sure like to believe that there's a science behind all this.

Anonymous said...

But whatever [slavery] was, it wasn't a racist institution until it came under direct threat, and Democrats had to invent the concept of structural racism to explain it.

I wonder how stupid and/or corrupted you have to be to write something like that.

You aren't that stupid, but apparently a steady diet of Fox news and reactionary intellectuals has poisoned your mind so it spots obvious nonsense.

Oh well reading your bullshit motivated me to go look at some of the real history, so I guess I am not completely wasting my time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_slavery_in_Virginia#Indentured_servant_to_slave

Anonymous said...

Racism is just a more obvious tribalism, which draws from a basic human instinct to support and defend ones own perceived survival group. It's also a useful tool/weapon for manipulators in power games.

As for economic racism, the southern plantation owners couldn't have very well raided coastal Spain for slaves now could they?

In later years as other methods of cheap labor were employed new variations of rationalized racism were used. In one of my local museums there's an "iron chink" on display which was a mechanized replacement for cheap Chinese labor which cleaned fish for canning. I really don't think the Democratic Party invented that name.

Today, the street wisdom is that "hispanics are harder working than anglos". This is obvious bullshit because it begs the question: If Hispanics are so industrious (not to mention religious) then why isn't Mexico the economic equivalent to Germany or Japan?

Bob seems unaware that the current Democratic Party establishment abandoned its worker base long ago in favor of corporate donor money and the occasional culture war diversion. The Dems have to get the votes from somewhere, so they curry favor with gays, women, hispanics and blacks.

My curiosity is in how the thinking of otherwise good and decent people can get so corrupted by natural born red pillers.

Cousin Dupree said...

Our anonymous commenter is predictably conflating racial disparities and the positive good defense of black slavery, the latter being an ideological differentiation that explicitly grounds race-based slavery in nature, i.e., structural racism. It is this structure of racial differences that defines the left -- which is why they are so enraged when we insist that all lives matter. A metaphysic of identity politics doesn't eliminate oppression, rather, just wants the imaginary oppressed to be the oppressors.

Cousin Dupree said...

One must also bear in mind that a 17th century European who encounters black Africans and finds them to be inferior is in no way an ideological racist. That is pure anachronism. Rather, he was just judging the matter empirically. He had no way of knowing for certain that this being was even of the same species -- just as the Aztec had no reason to assume Cortés was a man rather than a god. It's foolish to judge people of the past by the latest standards of the woke.

Gagdad Bob said...

Concur: It is truly a testament to the power of mass media that they've managed to convince us that the group of people committing murder at a rate that eclipses most of the world's worst war zones are the "victims" and the people who just kind of try to avoid them are the "oppressors"

Gagdad Bob said...

The truth can't be seen because the left can't see beyond race.

Anonymous said...

The reason why I hated the idea of cops targeting blacks, regardless of quacking duck crime rate percentages, is that the rest of us could be next.

Yet so many conservatives had to continuously tell us that the blacks, regardless of guilt, deserved it because they couldn't control their own.

If all lives matter, then Rule of Law must be defended regardless of race, lest you know, authoritarianism happens.

Gagdad Bob said...

It amazes me that settled principles such as freedom of speech, racial equality, the rule of law, etc., are being relitigated by the left. Didn't see that coming. Likewise controversies over socialism, transgenderism, and sexual differences. Ideology makes the impossible seem possible, which I suppose is a big part of the appeal.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you need to revise your sources of "information", Bob.

Tucker Carlson, who appears to be positioning himself as a ‘supporter of the working class lest the left come for your (elites) asses’, ridiculed the CHAZ/CHOP thing as an actual attempt of “the left” to start their own utopian country.

So I looked for a few videos from the CHAZ/CHOP leadership themselves to see what their side was saying.

In the very first video I found, the lady admitted that it was all just a protest stunt for the sole purpose of getting people to think more about the issue of uncontrolled police violence to innocent citizens who may or may not be guilty of an actual crime. The second video I found involved a black leader trying to usher a white MAGA cap wearing counter protester through the crowd safely. He kept saying that even conservative whites have a voice in our America.

Maybe reality is not what the media says it is. I lost a fair amount of respect for Tucker Carlson that day. He’s no different from Rachel Maddow, infamous good buddy with supposed enemy Roger Ailes.

Gagdad Bob said...

I can't believe I have such readers. I wonder why?

Cousin Dupree said...

Besides, if Bob is just a mouthpiece for Fox News, it makes more sense to ignore him and go straight to the source.

julie said...

True, though I wouldn't recommend it these days...

Gagdad Bob said...

Someone needs to start up a conservative TV station. Maybe Trump Jr.

Gagdad Bob said...

Then again, the left dominates TV because it's such an emotional, image dominated medium.

julie said...

I'd settle for one that is actually trying to be objective. It could be run by autists: all facts, no emotion. Then again, without the drama they'd probably struggle to find viewers...

Gagdad Bob said...

Absolutely. For the transmission of facts and principles, images only get in the way. For one thing, images are particular whereas principles are universal. It's why conservatives dominate talk radio, while the left usually fails at it.

Gagdad Bob said...

Canceled liberal NY Times journalist discovers Voegelin:

"the lessons that ought to have followed the election -- lessons about the importance of understanding other Americans, the necessity of resisting tribalism, and the centrality of the free exchange of ideas to a democratic society -- have not been learned. Instead, a new consensus has emerged in the press, but perhaps especially at this paper: that truth isn’t a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else."

Gagdad Bob said...

"My own forays into Wrongthink have made me the subject of constant bullying by colleagues who disagree with my views. They have called me a Nazi and a racist..."

Join the club. Wait until she discovers this abuse isn't peripheral to the left, rather, intrinsic.

Cousin Dupree said...

Give the left credit for recognizing that God is always their real enemy: Catholic Churches Across The Country Burned, Vandalized Over The Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Now do Islam!

Anonymous said...

You are a racist, there's no question about it.

Take this passage: Seems that some descendants of Stone Age tribes that once squatted in the area are claiming the land belongs to them, because these descendants squatted there.

That is definitionally racist, there's no ambiguity there at all.

Note that it doesn't matter if its true or not. Just look how the passage is constructed in order to deprive a group of its dignity. It's racist in intent, and not very subtle about it either.

I don't suppose you'd be likely to refer to say, the Irish on Chicago's west side as "descendents of stone age tribes squatting in the area", although its just about as true as your original. (Although there was a time when the Irish were the targets of ethnic discrimination, and certainly your kind talked about them in similar dehumanizing terms).

And I'm very sure you wouldn't refer to Israelis that way even though it is even more true of them.

You aren't stupid, so you must know you are a racist. The question is why do you so fervently deny it while displaying it so blatantly? What's the point?

Anonymous said...

What I mean is, I'm a good enough mindreader to know you're a racist, just not good enough to know why.

Cousin Dupree said...

Say what you want about our troll, that's the best linkage of native Americans and Jews since the Book of Mormon.

Gagdad Bob said...

I'm actually part Acadian on my mother's side. Thank God my great-great-great-grandaddy got off that reservation!

Elizabeth said...

Did your maw-maw tell you you had high cheekbones too?

A Real Racist said...

They have to rob, steal, rape, kill and fight in order to survive. So these people who didn’t have what we have, and when I say ‘we,’ I speak of the melinated people, they had to be savages, they had to be barbaric because they’re in these Nordic mountains, they’re in these rough torrential environments, so they’re acting as animals, so they’re the ones closer to animals, they’re the ones that are actually the true savages.

julie said...

Re. the vandalized churches, Queen of Peace in Florida is the Catholic church closest to Disney World. We went to Mass there a couple years ago; it's a big building, and was packed. Lots of tourists, usually. It's probably a good thing this maniac came through right now, under normal circumstances a lot of people might have been hurt.

Gagdad Bob said...

Barbarians at the gates.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call a Native American tribesman a "squatter."

The Army named its Apache attack helicopter after the tribe of that name. This is because the Apache were skilled at warfare.

Most of the tribes fielded capable and committed soldiers in defense of home and hearth.

It is true they might squat down for a parlay, but these bucks were mostly about on foot or horseback.

They were not stone age; they were good with a rifle, and still are.

So if a Native American says today a section of country once belonged to her people, you may believe it certainly did.

But that's neither here nor there. All it shows is the blog author lacks respect.

Gagdad Bob said...

My bad. I forgot about Native Americans inventing rifle factories.

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