Thursday, April 23, 2020

When Your Mind Needs a Sewer

An object of the senses must somehow be rendered immaterial in order to be understood, otherwise it remains entirely preconceptual and unthinkable; nor, for that matter, can one sense be combined with another unless it takes place in an immaterial space that transcends matter. Again, a wholly material world wouldn't even be unintelligible, because an absence of intelligibility implies an intelligibility that is unthinkable in such a world.

So, how does the intelligibility get in here? And the intelligence to know and understand it? And what about the "space" in which these occur? The soul is incorporeal, which means that it takes up no space at all. Or so we have heard from the wise. If that's the case, then why is my head always so crowded?

These are such basic questions -- in fact, among the first questions the human being asks once he has located food, shelter, and beer.

Recall too that ears know nothing of light, as eyes know nothing of sound (at least without a little help from a psychoactive friend). And yet, the senses are effortlessly integrated within the higher space of our minds.

Except when they aren't. I'm thinking in particular of more serious forms of mental illness, a hallmark of which is the dis-integration of the senses and fragmentation of identity.

It's been awhile since we discussed how this intrapsychic process works, but it is no doubt relevant in these unusual times, when so many people are stressed as a result of an "invisible enemy." This is practically an invitation to a mental breakdown for those vulnerable to one. As they say, adversity introduces a man to himself.

More problematically, it may introduce a man to split-off parts of himself, which are projected into the external world. The person then reacts to this menacing and persecutory world with fear and anxiety, but it's preferable to having the feared object inside one's head.

I sometimes check in on CNN or MSNBC in order to take the emotional temperature of the progressive psyche. At the moment it's COVID-19 hysteria 24/7, but it wasn't that long ago when it was Russia hysteria 24/7. Well, I've traced the fear, and it's coming from inside their heads:

What we call "splitting"

is analogous to the chick's unlearned response to the perception of the hawk's wing pattern. The chick's reaction is to flee and not attack the hawk (unless cornered), i.e., to separate itself from the danger. I understand splitting to be a similarly biologically determined mode of managing danger (Ogden).

Sounds like a bit of a stretch, but what's a chick supposed to do when the hawk is inside her head? What would Rachel Maddow do without President Trump? "Primitive psychological defenses" such as splitting and projection are "built upon the biologically determined effort to create safety by distancing the endangered from the endangering":

Projection, for example, can be understood as an effort in phantasy to remove an internal danger by locating the danger outside of oneself, i.e., separating oneself from it as if it were located in another (ibid.).

So, when I check in on the MSM, it's to find out what they're projecting and into whom they're projecting it. Actually, the former changes, while the latter is always the same: the dreaded Orange Man, Eater of Left Wing Projections.

In my lifetime, nothing and no one has been the receptacle of so much left wing projection as has our current president. Interestingly, there is a psychoanalytic term of art for such an object. It will no doubt make you chuckle until you think about it and realize how apt it is. In order for projection to occur,

there must be a conception of a container into which the projection can be sent. In other words, there must be an object which has depth so as to be able to contain the projection.... Klein's conception of the toilet breast corresponds to this entity (Grotstein).

Maybe this sounds crazy -- and it is -- but Klein didn't just make it up. For example, the Aztec had a goddess known as Tlazōlteōtl, the "eater of filth," a transparent psychic projection who functioned to purify people of their guilt: "Sins were symbolized by dirt. Her dirt-eating symbolized the ingestion of the sin, and in doing so purified it."

Orange Man Bad is the means by which our Bluefolk -- journalists, entertainers, the tenured -- imagine they purify themselves of what the rest of us can see is so obviously wrong with them.

What? Of course there are aphorisms:

The sewers of history sometimes overflow, as in our time.

When handling today’s events, the future historian will have to wear gloves (Dávila).

Nietzsche too:

The soul must have its chosen sewers to carry away it ordure.


Gagdad Bob said...

One can also go too far in the opposite direction. Coincidentally, I just read a passage by CS Lewis describing a fellow who thought the "one essential symptom of the regenerate life is a permanent, and permanently horrified perception of one's natural and unalterable corruption. The true Christian's nostril is to be continually attentive to the inner cesspool."

Of another, he writes that "when he looked into his heart, it was 'as if I had in the heat of summer lookt down into the Filth of a Dungeon, where I discerned Millions of crawling things in the midst of that Sink and liquid Corruption.'"

julie said...

And yet, the senses are effortlessly integrated within the higher space of our minds.

Which in itself is something of a true miracle. There is a time lag between what the ears hear and what the eyes see, (not to mention the other senses) rather like when the soundtrack is out of synch with the video. Yet somehow, our brains manage to integrate all that information into a seemingly seamless "now" which, by the time we experience it as a whole moment, has already passed.

In my lifetime, nothing and no one has been the receptacle of so much left wing projection as has our current president.

Perhaps the most darkly entertaining aspect of all of this is how, no matter how hard they strike at him, the hits usually land on their own heads. It's as though one were to fling a hammer at a mirror, only to have the mirror unharmed while the hammer hits you in the face.

Anonymous said...

Your post is quite unique; another hit. Another topic I would never have thought of. Thank you.

The filth eater, of course, why not? Your explanation about projection illumines what is going on in the minds of the leftists. Of course the right-wingers have their own projections, causing for one thing the incessant worry someone will take their guns. Somewhere inside, they probably know they shouldn't be trusted with the weapons and a parental figure should lock them up. Just a guess, I don't really know what propels this morbid fear they have. The lefties don't want to take anyone's guns, they themselves buy up prodigious quantities of assault rifles and Glock pistols. Lefty wants RPG's even. They just are that way, you always see Lefty with his AK and his RPG.

I worry about Trump. He is not a spring chicken, and the presidency is a hard thing. But I also exult as I see Trump changing and morphing as did all Presidents before him; the office inhabits the man as much as the other way around. Trump is becoming progressively more virtuous; I doubt he would ever grab another pussy even if he could get away with it. He has just moved beyond into a higher moral bracket. He will leave the office a better man. They all have.

Well that's all I will divulge for know. I shall now go and admire my beautiful breasts in the mirror. There's no one else around to admire them. A shame.

Anonymous said...

I sometimes check in on CNN or MSNBC in order to take the emotional temperature of the progressive psyche.

I got a kick out of that one. Good stuff. How many times can you tell somebody that these channels for out of touch corporate effete elites, like the “let them eat chocolate” Pelosi, before they get it?

An infinite number of times apparently.

Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon are more progressive than practically anybody they let into those channels. Hell, AOC turns up on Fox News more than she ever does MSNBC. Even that crazy Bernie. You’ll never see actual progressives on corporate TV. The moderate quasi-populist will-listen-to-anybody Joe Rogan’s a flippin commie by comparison.

You’ve gotta go to YouTube to find actual progressives like Krystal Ball, Jimmy Dore, Robert Reich, or Cenk Uygur. Do I always agree with them? Nope. But at least I know what a progressive is.

sewerbrains said...

According to supply side economics, with oil prices so low and the rich paying low taxes and corporations getting an endless supply of printed money, the economy is booming right now.

Theoretically, a free people who’ve lost their jobs to whatever will go out and create other prosperous incomes to adapt. And no, there is no difference between a stay-at-home mandate or an offshored job. In both cases the job has been lost. A free people shall always adapt.

I say economy is booming. We just don’t know it yet.

Petey said...

There's no such thing as supply side economics. Rather, economics.

Anonymous said...

I am an effete pajama boy snowflake; can't help it, just am. So what's on my mind these days?

I'm hoping the shelter at home thing lasts awhile because my usual behavior of staying indoors and avoiding work is proven to be good and virtuous. I could just go on like this forever. I don't even have to get a haircut.

I can also avoid girls and not seem weird. I eventually might want to be with a girl but we will find some way when that time comes.

I'm going to binge watch TV like no one has ever binged before.

As far as effluvium I want to deposit in the sewer? Probably I would like to get rid of my shame for being such a loser.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, have you considered making money by doing videos about being-not-being with girls?

I once had an idea for a do-it-yourself monkery YouTube channel, with lifestyle tips, recipes, and fashion ideas, but had to deal with far too many trolls in the comments section. And then I found this Davila guy had already beaten me to the punch, somewhat. And then nobody wanted to advertise with me since I advocated for simple things like burlap bag clothing, bread and water meals, and do-it-yourself bowl haircuts.

I think the trick in taking ideas that others have already come up with and turning them into cold hard cash, is to always keep that almighty corporate dollar in mind.

Indeed Petey.

What do you think about do-it-yourself monks riding Harleys and sporting the latest in metrosexual hipster gear? To me it seems that the hard part about being a corporate mammon inspired/brainwashed Christian monk, is that people may get confused about what your core philosophies even are.

Anonymous said...

Hello Anonymous 11:02

I'm going to take your suggestion and make a video about me not being with a girl. I'm not sure how I will market this.

Do-it-yourself-monkery; I like the concept. Cut ties with the lies you've been told before.

Like, do-it-yourself bowl haircuts are bad. This is a lie. The bowl is a great looking hair style, symmetric and smooth.

Burlap clothing is very durable and warm, and bread and water meals are satisfying if you don't think about other foods.

I keep the almighty corporate dollar in mind at all times. Doesn't everyone? I mean, why wouldn't you?

-On the Couch 24/7

Anonymous said...

I knew a guy who lived in a tiny studio apartment, maybe 100 square feet.

To his name, he had a dresser with clothes and a very large screen TV. Plus a Craftmatic adjustable bed. I didn't see any bibles around and he seemed quite happy to be living that way. He apparently wasn't doing monkery. Then he told me he'd been kicked out of his house by his wife for having too many ladyfriends on the side. Suddenly the reason he was so proud of his bed became clear. He'd gotten it for all the kinky positions it can do. I was standing in a love den.

I quickly fled.

Anonymous said...

Hello Anonymous 9:37 PM:

The guy had a perfect lifestyle worked out. Hey, a Craftmatic adjustable bed- say no more.

So what is on everyone's mind today? What about the N. Korean leader purportedly being dead?

What are you guys having for dinner? Something unusual or tasty to report?

I'm a skanky commie b*tch ho, pierced everywhere, tattooed over 90% of the bod, you would not like me. I smell like skunk weed and patchouli oil. Me and children? Oil and water. I'm not wife material.

I'm too lazy to vote but if I did vote it would be the Green Party.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see gruel make a comeback.

I had my first look at gruel as a 9 year old. As the new kid in a new town having never been to a parochial school before, I was excited to attend my very first parochial School Lunch Friday, to be cooked up by that weeks featured church lady.

But a bit of background first. In my former town which had no parochial schools, my father took me to see The Cross and The Switchblade at our church movie night. Sadly I came away with a badly misunderstood message. In the days following the viewing, instead of going around trying to convert bad kids to Jesus, I was running around flashing my pocket knife like some 8 year old gangster badass. My horrified father blamed the public school system.

So when we moved to our new town he promptly put me into a Christian school.

So here I am at my new Christian school heading towards the lunchroom. Something called "Mrs. Owens Surprise" was going to be served. When I opened up the door I was met with a blast of horrible vomit stench. Uh oh, I said, somebody's having a bad day.

And then I saw the lineup at the trash can. Many kids were just dumping their bowls of whatever into the almost full garbage. When I got to the serving window I saw Mrs. Owens crying and being consoled by the other church ladies.

And that's also when I saw it: "Mrs. Owens Surprise".

It was some kind of vomit-smelling foulness, worse than workhouse gruel. It was even mostly gray in color. As an added touch, it had these colorfully festive little chunks in it. From the corn, carrot and bean bits, I assume. The gray stuff I have no idea. It was thick and lumpy like workhouse gruel, but reeked like vomit.

I guess my point here, making it up as I go, is that church house surprises must not look or smell worse than workhouse gruel. If we're all gonna be poor, then our gruel should be as appealing and fancy as we can possibly make it. Your kids will thank you. And you won't ever be an inconsolable wreck like poor Mrs. Owens.

Anonymous said...

No comment.

Anonymous said...

Indeed. I've studied the Bronze Age collapse. I believe that while the legendary "Sea People" were actually a Mediterranean pirate version of the Vikings, that it wasn't them alone who caused the collapse although they may have had a hand in it.

In similar fashion, it was wasn't Mrs. Owens Surprise which caused the eventual collapse of that particular parochial school, (who I call the Hittites of the Christian school world with little beyond legend and a few broken pots to survive into our present day) but she may have had an unintentional hand in it.

That event attained an almost legendary status amongst the local schoolchildren. There are lessons to be learned. Are there any parochial schoolteachers or administrators in the house?

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous 12:11

That was a magnificent comment, a very fun read. Good imagery.

I know something about gruel myself after having been press-ganged into a labor camp.

In my experience what I called gruel was poorly made pottage consisting of any kind of grain which happened to be around, usually cracked barley or millet. This was boiled in water into a watery, gritty excuse for food. Insects or spoiled fruit were thrown in there as well. The gruel was ladled with a muttered curse into your cracked or dented bowl by a surly orderly. It was thrown in the bowl in such a way as portions would slop out the sides. You were so hungry you eagerly licked the side of the bowl before it could run off onto the ground. You got one bowl of this every other day. Nothing ever tasted so good.

I recall a woman from the camp, I don't recall her real name, but we called her "Pantagruel." She would sell herself for gruel and I recall thinking at the time she was getting a damn good deal.

Years later, with anything from the store I could desire, and my larder full, I will make some cream of wheat with too much water to make a thin gruel when I am homesick for the camp. Funny how a horrible thing like the camp can be the best time of your life...

I'll never understand it. But I got the better of those bastards. I was a star witness at several trials and I enjoyed every minute of it.

-Derzan Molnar

Anonymous said...

I would like to order a bowl of Mrs. Owens Surprise please. Can you send for me? I won't tell anyone.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that I would ever want to know the recipe of Mrs. Owens Surprise. And I cant imagine where it could possibly be useful, even as a prank. I suspect that Anonymous @4/26/2020 08:26:00 PM is at the least a foul prankster, and at worst, well... possibly an Islamic terrorist.

So I"m sorry, no bowls. As a kid I pretty got the hell outta there since I was close to losing it myself. The most evil thing I'd smelled up to that point. And definitely the most evil thing which apparently had been cooked up with love up until 9-11. I went hungry the rest of the day. Doesn't anybody want to discuss any lessons learned?

Anna said...

When the impeachment scam-dal blew over without a blemish, the Covid-19 rage stormed in, pitching a fit, having an angry tantrum, threatening to tear the house down. Hopefully this is over soon... we're seemingly sheltering in place from leftist fit-throwing.

Anna said...

...a toddler tantrum, that is.

This was posted on Facebook. (Hopefully I'm embedding this link correctly!)


Anonymous said...

Anna, my brother-in-law is a white evangelical Fox News and Trump loyal virtue signaling Democratic Party hating tribalistic "staunch conservative". He's also a physician at a big city clinic.

When I asked him about coronavirus, he said it's pretty serious, far worse than the flu.

When I spewed my own highly anti-establishment cynical hater of the current state of both political parties viewpoint of "why the hell don't they just mandate masks, testing, training and enforcement so people can get back to work until the vaccine comes on line, he said "I dunno."

julie said...

Anna! Great to see your name here, I hope you and your family are well!

I had a rather unsettling thought last night. One of the reasons there hasn't been violent revolution by conservatives in recent decades is that by and large, we have jobs, responsibilities, and little to no time to actually protest on a serious scale, no matter how serious the issue. At best there's a big, peaceful gathering for a day, then everyone cleans up after themselves and goes home, and the laws they opposed are shoved through anyway, more often than not. There's no conservative Soros offering cash to cause trouble, and even if there were the number of takers would probably be relatively anemic. We don't push back, because there's still too much to lose.

Enter the pandemic. Suddenly, all those conservatives who had jobs to do are being told to stay home. For weeks. Maybe even months more. or maybe (supposedly) those jobs are never coming back. The threat of getting sick starts to look pretty small compared to the threat of losing everything and being pushed by petty tyrants into an upcoming massive famine (or so we are being told by the media this week). Reliable sources of honest information which could be used to make wise decisions are few and far between. And all those conservatives, getting more and more pissed off, have too much time on their hands. And lots and lots of guns.

God help us all.

Anonymous said...

"There's no conservative Soros offering cash to cause trouble"

You don't get out much, do you?

Anna said...

Hi Julie! Yes, I pop in here (usually quietly) and intermittently when I can. I enjoy your comments and all the other long-standing and new 'coons.

We have three girls now, ages 6, 4.5, and 20 months and do home school (even before the quarantine), so it's pretty busy around here!

My husband and I watched a video a couple of nights ago (...rather rare for us these days, so we called it a date!) that is circulating of two calm-spoken doctors in California presenting a reasoned case for businesses and schools to open back up now that there has been time to observe the behavior of the virus and to slow things down a bit at first. It keeps getting removed from YouTube. Who knows why. It is perfectly respectful with nothing that should be against any "Community Guidelines". Maybe you've seen it... If not, you can paste "Dr Erickson COVID 19 FULL Briefing AUDIO FIXED VERSION" in Google and online versions will most likely come up, that is, before they get taken down. It keeps getting re-uploaded, even on Vimeo, etc.

I hope your family is doing well, too! Your boy and girl must be so big now. I remember the ultrasound picture of the first and marveling and wondering... maybe me, too, one day? And now my hands are full! Grateful! Right now Verily, the youngest, is advocating for a diaper change, so must go.

God bless all the 'coons! Also... just recently discovered Eric Metaxas. Recommend!

julie said...

We are doing well, mostly :) Both the kids are growing way too fast, and our 7-year-old broke her arm a couple of weeks ago (tripped in the living room), but aside from occasionally scaring their parents half to death they are a delight. Your family sounds lovely, too - I am so glad for you!

I have seen that video making the rounds, but haven't actually watched it yet. Heard the gist of it though, and the fact that speaking reason and sense is forbidden these days is maddening. That, and going to Sam's club today to find the meat section starting to resemble a Venezuelan grocery store.

I pray this nation - and the world in general - returns to some semblance of sanity, and that right soon. But sadly, I'm not counting on it. Even so, God is good, life is good, and we are very grateful to be where we are. God bless you and yours, too!

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