Wednesday, April 29, 2020

O <--> (k) Boomer

I'd like to wrap up our discussion of Thomistic Psychology so we can move on to the next subject, whatever it is. Much of this material isn't new per se. In fact, it's straight out of the Raccoon playbook, except I arrived at it in a circuitous and nonlinear manner, just scratching my intuitchin' and following my whimful thinking wherever it loiters. Given our very different approaches, it's rather striking that we somehow ended up in the same place, more or less.

The intellect of man has nothing to start with, yet it is potentially a whole creation. It reaches out and conquers the world by the process of becoming the world (Brennan).

Turns out that knowing and being are very much linked; in fact, if they're not, then there's nothing to talk about but our own neuropsychology. One could express the relation of knowledge to being with a very simple formula: O <--> (k).

The philosophistry of materialism makes no sense, because it cannot make sense; it is literally the denial of intelligibility, of intelligence, and of any real relation between them:

the singular does not resist understanding because it is singular, but because it is material, since nothing is understood except immaterially (emphasis mine).

A single tree, for example, isn't understood as a tree, because doing so requires the abstract concept of treeness. "The essences of corporeal things are opaque rather than translucent, so far as our ability to understand them is concerned."

In fact, it is impossible for us to imagine such a world of absolute singularities, because we would be reduced -- literally -- to psychosis. The psychotic person lives in a world of terrifying novelty, with every object in each moment de-linked, so to speak, from the others; one exits meaningful history and enters a catastrophic collidescope from which there's no escape from the constant collisions.

Ogden describes it well: "symbol and symbolized are emotionally indistinguishable since there is no interpreting self to mediate between" them. "Thoughts and feelings" become "palpable objects and forces that appear, disappear, contaminate, transform, destroy, rescue, etc." Such a person

may shake his head to get rid of tormenting feelings, may literally put his thoughts into a letter and send the letter to the person who should hold these thoughts, or may request x-rays in order to be able to see the things inside of him that are driving him crazy.

Or, he may put his disturbing thoughts and feelings into President Trump, which solves one problem only to create another: the unenending torment of Orange Man Bad! Not only is this story as old as politics, but the raison d'etre of vulgar politics. The founders saw and recognized this, and hoped to create a system that would neutralize it.

But right away political philosophy devolved into faction, and here we are. Beneath the conviction that politics can solve one's problems is the fantasy that politics is responsible for one's problems. So, hating President Trump is every bit as sensible as putting one's sins into an animal and killing it. It even works. For awhile, at which point a new sacrifice is necessary. This is why the News Cycle was invented by the Aztec. See Bailie for details.

Note that the process is "psychotic," even though we don't label it as such. But clearly, a different sort of logic is at play when we enact such an unconscious political phantasy. Come to think of it, The Symmetry of God explains the basis of the process in both health and illness.

For there is a healthy basis for such confusion of symbol and symbolized, for example, in the experience of art. In appreciating drama, one must "lose one's mind" and give oneself over to the imaginary world. This constitutes the healthy use of a power that becomes unhinged and autonomous in various states of pathology.

For example, what is a conspiracy theory but an imaginary drama into which one projects oneself? I've been binge-watching The Man in the High Castle, but its alternative world is no more bizarre than Rachel Maddow's long-running soap opera, The Russian Operative in the White House, which I occasionally cringe-watch.

Back to Brennan (Robert, not John). Like the materialist, we begin with material objects. However, we don't end there (in truth, neither does the materialist, except he has no principle to explain how he gets from first base -- sensation -- to second -- abstraction). An angelic intelligence requires no object, but can proceed straight to the essence. But we aren't angels, although some people come close. Not for nothing is Aquinas called the "angelic doctor." Schuon too seems to fly in that gossamer plane, right at the threshold between the local and nonlocal.

But for the restavus earthbound dirtclods, our knowledge "is not central but radial knowledge. It proceeds inward from without, and reaches the center only by starting from the periphery. It apprehends the essences of sensible things, not in themselves, but in the symbols which these essences manifest to the senses."

In fact, I think this might constitute a fork in the road between Thomas and Frithjof, because, if I am not mistaken, Schuon believes the True Metaphysician has access to the principial world of a priori truth. There are permanent truths we can know directly and infallibly, and indeed, we have a right to these truths (along with an obligation to know and live from them). Let me see if I can dig up a suitable passage.

It is indispensable to know at the outset that there are truths inherent in the human spirit that are as if buried in the "depths of the heart," which means that they are contained as potentialities or virtualities in the pure Intellect: these are the principial and archetypal truths, those which prefigure and determine all the others (Survey of Metaphysics and Esoterism).

I suppose I'm partial to the Schuonian view, while also maintaining a healthy respect for the Gnostic temptation: the Tower of Babel, the Promethean usurpation of divinity, the idea that we can build our own stairway to heaven. That always ends badly, although it can be lucrative while it lasts. Humility is the thing. If it doesn't vary directly with knowledge, then you're doing it wrong. Certain truths have moral and characterological prerequisites, which is why we don't toss our pearls before trolls or give what is holy to the Dems.

For Schuon, not all knowledge is from the periphery to the center. I will speak only for myself, and say that it must be a two way street, or better, an inspirling circularity between God's descent and our ascent, bearing in mind that the latter is strictly impossible in the absence of the former. It is in this context that I would understand the following passage:

if there were no pure Intellect -- the intuitive and infallible faculty of the immanent Spirit -- neither would there be reason, for the miracle of reasoning can be explained and justified only by the miracle of intellection. Animals can have no reason because they are incapable of conceiving the Absolute; in other words, if man possesses reason, together with language, it is because he has access in principle to the suprarational vision of the Real and consequently to metaphysical certitude.

So, the intelligence of man is potentially total, "and this totality is explained only by a transcendent reality to which the intelligence is proportioned."


O <--> (k) boomer.


julie said... must be a two way street, or better, an inspirling circularity between God's descent and our ascent, bearing in mind that the latter is strictly impossible in the absence of the former.

Notably, the hand up is always there, sometimes even accompanied by a boot in the ass if you don't grab it. Even so, the choice to be lifted is up to each individual, and what one is lifted into may be not at all what one expects. Christ's followers, up until the last, thought he was going to be a glorious earthly leader; they could not imagine that his purpose was to die horribly, nor could they see how such an end could possibly bear good fruit.

Anonymous said...

Great Post, Dr. Godwin.

I ask you, what do you think you are doing with your life? What is your purpose in life? What do you hope to accomplish?

I ask you, do you have a mission, and if so, what is the mission?

Gagdad Bob said...

I'm not doing anything, but I enjoy doing it. And there's no real mission except unplugging from the matrix and stalking God.

Anonymous said...

Orange Trump? The only Donald I know rocks! So nobody has ever asked me about my mission, as perhaps they shouldn't. But what is my mission?

My mission is that we will Make America Metal Again!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @4/29/2020 04:07:00 PM,

Modern conservatism is about creating ones own reality...

...regardless of whatever that reality actually is. It wasn't always thus, even in my own lifetime. But I'm running into more and more people who view reality however they want to view it.

For example, I'm currently being stalked by that guy to whom I gave all the sweet business deals. He seems incapable of getting the message, that I'm now prioritizing my regular price people, especially the safe and sane ones, and that cut price people who treat me poorly are now at the bottom of my list. He doesn't understand that his reality is going to require him to be a normal client if he wants my good services. My full prices are already a lot more than fair. Sadly, he lies, to me, to his wife, and most of all, to himself.

He speaks frequently of God, conservatism, and Fox News. In his world, God isn't about the vast unseen, about all the spiritual blessings, about the hope of a better existence to come after all the difficulties and uncertainties of life. For him God is about giving his believers healthy and prosperous lives in this world. And if you don't have these things, then you've obviously pissed off God somehow.

Sometimes such people need God to help them. Maybe with the 12 Steps. Other times... I don't think there's anything wrong with imbibing in moderate amounts of Norman Vincent Peale. I've done that myself. But this guy, despite his high education, doesn't seem able to keep his mind from running rampant to rationalize anything and everything, always in his own emotionally selfish favor. I have a great many examples but am being boring enough with just this. But there is a point which affects all of us good Americans.

My former client seems to believe that God put me on this world to serve him in this world. No talk of the way capitalism works, or fairness, or that in a free society I can choose whoever it is that I want to work with, or that anybody else out there is going to be twice or thrice the price with questionable quality highly likely, or my inflamed biceps tendonitis which needs rest... seems able to penetrate his highly defense mechanized brain.

Yet he is far from the only one. My worst business dealings have been with Christians, some from my own family. Fortunately, I've known a few good ones as well and they keep me from fully discarding modern Christians. But if went full retard/prejudice, I'd favor secular humanists as clients, and put evangelicals into the same category as I do non-Christian east Indians techies, highly materialistic and too cheap to consider.

I don't think this is the Christians fault. I think they're being brainwashed by very clever and skilled materialists, who share no Christian values.

Anonymous said...

Hello GDB:

I applaud your informal life direction of unplugging from the matrix and stalking God. I think such guidance will serve your well.

I can't see how there is much else to accomplish after all of basic householder tasks in life are safely under the belt.

The next question to consider occurs after you have tracked God to His lair and are closing in.

The question is "who am I, really?" You could answer this question early, no harm in that.

Anonymous 10:26 AM, your comment oozes cynicism. Are you cynical? What do you think you are doing with your life? What is your purpose in life? What do you hope to accomplish?

I ask you, do you have a mission, and if so, what is the mission?

I want to thank you all for existing, it is a pleasure to exist with you.

-Lourdes in Lingerie

Anonymous said...


My current short-term mission in life is to drive to an "essential services" place, put on my black mask, then go in and try to strike up conversations by starting with much heavy breathing, and then finally "Luke..." I'm finding it works best when done in a deep James Earl Jones type voice. With a higher pitched voice one risks being kicked in the balls.

My current long-term mission in life is to persuade Christians to join me in wearing the black mask, because most bad guys are now wearing the white mask.

Anonymous said...

Well, I have a problem.

I read the post all the way to the final sentence: So, the intelligence of man is potentially total, "and this totality is explained only by a transcendent reality to which the intelligence is proportioned." Boom. O <--> (k) boomer.

I don't get it.

What is the post trying to say? The intelligence of man is potentially total? So what is total intelligence? To know everything? And how is this totality explained by a transcendent reality?

I'm not making the connection. Help, anyone?

-Clueless in Connecticut

Anonymous said...

Are you the only one here who doesn't own a bong?

My minister at the Church of Cannabis says that bongs provide far more firepower than just a buncha smokey fat bliffs.

Anyhoo, by "potentially total", Bob is indeed describing his experience with knowing it all. Pray enough, and in the proper righteously conservative way, and thou shalt also dwell in the house of the Lord where all can be known in its transcendent reality.

IOW, Jesus gives you flippin superpowers.

This is where I part company with the Marvel Comics folks. I don't believe that Superman was ever drawn kneeling down to pray as Clark Kent, and then FLASH! BANG! POW!!! he gets up as Superman. Did you ever see Batman slide down to the Batcave with a Bible in his hand?

So many things are just wrong.

Cousin Dupree said...

I'm partial to a customized didgeridoo.

Anonymous said...

Didgereedooman. Bad guys beware when the doo noise starts.

One quibble. How can you cartoon the doo noise in comic books?

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