Saturday, April 18, 2020

May the Best Delusion Win

You don't say:

The conflict between passion and reason makes up a major portion of the drama of [man's] existence on earth; and when the struggle is over, passion very often emerges the victor. This is the sad epic of humanity from the beginning (Brennan).

Frankly, I think this understates the power of reason to mess things up just as badly as passion. For as Chesterton said, "A madman is not someone who has lost his reason but someone who has lost everything but his reason." One can go off the shallow end just as easily as the deep end.

The problem is that reason, in order to get off the ground, must begin with an appeal to self-evidence. However, most people hide the evidence and proceed with the reason anyway.

An example of this occurred the other day. As you know, we homeschool our son -- not just because of the Chinese virus but because of the far more dangerous and deadly progressive virus that has devastated California. Because of this pandemic of idiocy, it isn't safe to have contact with any state-mediated institution.

Anyway, he was watching some kind of science video that happened to be narrated by planetarium director Neil Dyson. I forget why, but I reassured my son that whatever Dyson says about science is probably sound, even though he is probably in error when he strays from his lane and opines on anything unrelated to whatever it is he actually knows about. He is as superficial and conventional as one would expect of someone whom the MSM has anointed a Pundit.

But I don't actually know that much about him, only that he is a figure of fun amongst people I respect. So I consulted with Prof. Wiki, who confirms that Dyson regards philosophy as "useless" and is "unconvinced by any claims anyone has ever made about the existence or the power of a divine force operating in the universe."

Now, why would anyone care what a science popularizer believes about anything unrelated to his role of ratifying the Conventional Wisdom? No doubt because he is an effective apostle of the left's naive religiosity and simplistic philosophy, plus he's a Scientist of Color, so there are bonus points for virtue signaling (which is of course not his fault).

Like a Bill Nye or Carl Sagan, his opinions pose no threat to the progressive agenda and worldview. He can be trusted not to go near the science of IQ, or the absence of science of transgenderism, nor point out the wild inaccuracy of the global warming models. He's safe. He won't poke his head out of the Matrix.

Timeout for timelessness:

--Each one sees in the world only what he deserves to see.

--The simplistic ideas in which the unbeliever ends up believing are his punishment.

--He who speaks of the farthest regions of the soul soon needs a theological vocabulary (Dávila).

The following paragraph describes what the philosophistry of the flatlander excludes, nor it does this expanded view limit science one iota -- rather, it places it in the context of a far grander vision, one worthy of the human station:

[W]ith the advent of the thinking process, a completely new world is opened up to us: a universe of ideas and volitions, an immaterial expanse of creativeness, a region liberated from the palpabilities of sense....

Because it can overreach the restrictions of matter and rid itself of all time-space dimensions, it is truly infinite in its potentialities of understanding, a microcosmos which, by its ability to know and become the universe, is actually the universe (Brennan).

IS the universe -- not in the manner of perception-is-reality, but rather, because to exist is to be intelligible. And

The highest type of living activity consists in the intellectual grasping of reality. This penetrative power of mind presupposes that what is real is by that very fact intelligible, otherwise it has no title to reality (Brennan).

This paragraph adverts to one of our first principles, but it is hardly arbitrary or indefensible, rather self-evident. For either the mind can penetrate beneath the ever shifting surface of things to the intelligible reality beneath, or it can't. And if it can't, then scientific knowledge isn't possible, let alone anything that transcends or grounds science.

Without knowledge of essences and universals, we would be like animals, confined to sensory data about our surface contact with matter. "Knowledge," such as it is, would be reduced to prescientific rumors, gossip, anecdotes, and single instances. Generalization and induction would not exist because they could not exist. Nor could deduction exist, because there would be no principles or axioms from which to do so. It would be a subhuman world, precisely, with no possibility of escape or inscape.

It is quite obvious that the senses do not capture the inner meaning of things. They are in surface contact, so to speak, with their objects; and the best they can do is to register the accidental or phenomenal qualities of matter.

Nor could they ever know these qualities as accidental or phenomenal, because these latter can only be understood in contrast to the necessary and noumenal. As freedom is knowledge of necessity, reality is understanding of appearances (because they can only be understood as appearances from the perspective of a higher or deeper view). The intellect

plunges beneath the surface and grasps the very thing which holds all phenomenal qualities together. The senses exist in a sort of perpetual twilight.... Intellect, by contrast, moves in the clear atmosphere of immaterial knowledge.

A man who is only a man isn't even that, for

Man alone, of all earthly creatures, exhibits a complete emergence from the conditions of subjectivism that make the animal's knowledge concrete and particular and restricted to the tangible realities of sense.

Bottom line: man is the animal that may know reality. If not, then what are we debating? Whose delusion is more powerful?


julie said...

Speaking of the disconnects between reality, reason and passion, here's a fine set of insultaining posts for a lazy Saturday:

First, the romance of primitivism (be sure to bring your own meat!)

Then, thanks to a commenter there, Not One More Winter in the Tipi, Honey (which starts off sounding sane, then devolves into blaming the patriarchy when men and women do what comes naturally without all the modern conveniences)

Then to top it off, ruthlessly keeping her shrubbery from being grabbed by Orange Man Bad

Gagdad Bob said...

I'll see your melting snowflake and raise you a weepy Tater.

julie said...

That is so, so sad. I love the comment that when a potato starts weeping, it's time to throw it out.

Ooh, here's a great idea: how about if we gather up all the MSM journalists and send them off to live with Stands In Buckskin (from the first link) for a few weeks so they can reconnect with their authentic selves and give lengthy reports about foraging and building yurts or whatever, then just conveniently declare the area a permanent quarantine zone, nobody goes in or out. For their own safety, and so they can continue to enjoy their new Edenic lifestyle. For as the Good Book Says, let your journalists run wild and free!

Anonymous said...

I love the smell of binary thinking in the morning. It smells like... victory!

Unless of course you’re on the other side, the one which is always wrong, in which case it would smell like defeat if those fools weren’t so self-delusionally darklord-sucking dunning flipping krugerish.

I’m thinking that in our binary world common ground might be found by hating on the same sports team. I do believe that the New England Patriots would be an excellent choice. We must spew our bile in that direction, separately yet together! Kraft is daft and boy doesn't that ruthlessly dour Billicheck resemble the Evil Emperor on rainy game days? I remember flipping channels to spot the Evil Emperor and thought it was a Star Wars weekend, only to have my excitement turn to sad disappointment when I figured out it was just a Patriots game. As an added insult I probably sat through a whole bag of Cheetoes (since I was stoned), waiting for Luke Skywalker to do his hero thing. Luke Skywalker turned out to be Tom Brady. Blech!!

I say we all hate on the Patriots today. Group chest bump everybody!

Anonymous said...

This was a thoughtful, nuanced post which made enjoyable reading.

There is a hierarchy of cosmic powers. The non-material powers are basal, reductive, and therefore primary (most powerful and significant). The essential warp and weft of cosmos is composed of consciousness, which in the most pure form is God, then soul.

From there increasing density creates the mental plane and the intellect, then further down into emotional energy, then finally devolving into matter/space/time at the base. There may even be levels of density under matter that we don't sense at this point.

Of course people get lost in all of this complexity (arguably they must lose themselves in order to find themselves). Therefore it is easy to understand the origin of the leftist erratic/erroneous world-view.

Physicists have noticed intrinsic mathematical equations which look like computer program error correction code. Some physicists have taken this as evidence cosmos is a computer simulation which needs this code to fix glitches. They then go on to postulate or guess who is running the simulation, and run smack into metaphysics through the back door. They try to get around it, hypothesizing it is people from the future running the simulation or some such.

It is all so fun to think about. Thank you for the post, it was a treat.

Jack Sprat Can Eat no Fat; His Wife can Eat no Lean

Anonymous said...

Hello all, Carla T. from BFLD,
Let's all go cashless, money carries germs.
Use your card, phone, or implanted chip for transactions
That's the way to be.

Cool kids don't fear the chipper,
Or the grown-ups who should be in the know
We can be like they are-c'mon baby
Don't fear the chipper
C'mon take my hand
We can be like they are, don't fear the chipper

Seriously now folks just a pinch between thumb and pointer finger and game on. Takes 30 seconds. Make sure yours is FDA approved and a licensed provider puts it in.

This has been a public service message from the NWO. We are here for you in these difficult times. Be safe.

Anonymous said...

In this neck of the woods they've finally got around to shooting the fish in the barrel with the COMPULSORY testing of residents of old folks homes for coronavirus. So many wouldn't have succumbed had they been adequately protected from the start. It's a pity the Irish health advisers are too stubborn to admit that you don't have to be a health worker or government official for face masks to be beneficial, but unfortunately as they see it the population can't be seen to be behaving like those in them backward Asian countries.

Anonymous said...

Well, I just had yet another white evangelical treat me like crap, again.

I’m in business for myself and may have to declare this a corollary. Greed has so infected American Christianity that henceforth, I’ll be taking contract offers from such with a grain of salt.

This appears to be a recent phenomena, becoming increasingly commonplace in the last decade.

Of course, Democrats and liberals aren’t far behind. Consider that most blacks have become so oblivious to Martin Luther Kings teachings that the older blacks went strongly for the corporate-corrupt Biden. And I’m not even talking about greedy coastal elites or undocumenteds here solely for the money.

America is turning Honorius.

My recommendation for the small business owner (currently doing essential services of course) looking for fair business deals, is to seek out business with humanist types, wherever they can find them.

Anonymous said...

Hello Anonymous 7:30 PM: I like your comment about "binary thinking." A few posts back the value of having someone/thing to hate was discussed. There are three kinds of people:

The first type of person is called "one up, one down." In every relationship, this person will strive to be "one up" (dominant). If they cannot be up, then they will feel "one down." There is no equality between persons. Ever. Through this filter they navigate the world.

The second type of person is the "mutual cooperation" type. In every relationship they will feel equal to others, and the main thrust of any relationships is working things out and compromising. This type of person does poorly with conflict.

The third type uses a mixed bag approach, and will try to be dominant at times but does not feel compelled to be.

Anonymous, I think you might be a Type 2. Possibly conflicts have really bothered you and continue to do so.

I feel that Dr. Godwin may be a Type 1, one up/down individual; he cannot have a situation of equality and this is reflected in his topic material. This type of attitude comes about by being leaned on (taunted/teased/bullied) in childhood. A parent is usually the culprit.

Hello Irish 6:44 AM. How are things in your neck of the woods? Are you on lockdown? I like the idea of compulsory testing of the resident's in old folks homes.

Anonymous said...

Ah, but what if Type 1 takes over an entire organization from which they receive power but for which they care nothing, usually giving back nothing?

And what about this mysterious Type Z (for zombie) which we hear so much about these days? You know, the kind who like to stumble-bumble along in herd-groups all cult-like and brain-dead?

Since there's not a damned thing a Type 2 can do after they try to cooperate, compromise, and avoid conflict, should they employ a Type 3 to do the conflict for them? Obviously employing a Type 1 only leads to a Stalin, Khomeini, or Nancy Pelosi situation where the hopeful savior turns out to be yet another miserable leader trying to dominate everything because of their own need to be one up over everybody else.

Is it possible for clever and wise Type 2's to employ an army of properly programmed Type Z cultists to roll out and man the guillotines against Type 1s gone bad? I once asked a MAGA cap guy this very question and his eyes grew big, he pointed at me, and then made a loud screaming/hissing noise. I obviously have some learning curve ahead of me regarding these zombies.

Anonymous said...

Hello Anon 10:50 PM

Type 1 people can be useful in certain contexts. We employ some as litigators, for instance.

It should be noted Type 1 people have relationship problems. If you ask them "how's your attitude working for you?" the subject will change, and fast.

Type 3 are versatile but sly. These can be dangerous people, very capable of adaptation to get their nasty way.

The Type Z you mention are a different category altogether. This is not a relationship category. The mindless follower type is most prevalent among youth. They can be deadly in packs.

Van Harvey said...

"Bottom line: man is the animal that may know reality. If not, then what are we debating? Whose delusion is more powerful?"

Yes to the statement, and in answer to the questions, see Julie's gardener and Gagdad's Tater. Geez.

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