Friday, February 21, 2020

Reality ↔ Word ↔ Dialogue

Yesterday I was bedazzled by an essay in Pieper's The Weight of Belief, called The Abuse of Language and the Abuse of Power. (It looks like a pre- or reworking of his little book by the same title.)

This subject is so important and so full of implications that I don't know where to begin. WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE KNOW THIS? But not only does no one (or few people, anyway) know about it, they wouldn't care if they did, let alone be dazzled by it.

Let's begin with this observation; read it slowly and literally, that way I won't have to use a bunch of italics to emphasize every other word. When a fellow

ceases to govern his words with a view to stating the reality of things, he automatically ceases to communicate anything. For language becomes communication the moment it expresses a link to reality, and by the same token it ceases to be communication the moment this link is destroyed.

This link is everything; or, without it there is nothing, literally.

And yet, we have whole schools of philosophy which are founded precisely on the denial of this link (of word to thing, of language to reality). The result isn't just intellectual depravity, but -- because the True and Good are maimed if detached from one another -- moral retardation. If you want to know why academia is so bad and so stupid, this may be the biggest reason. And the poison trickles down into politics, entertainment, and journalism (but I threepeat myself).

An image comes into view: if journalism is the second hand, culture is the hour hand and politics and entertainment the minute hand of this giant crock. What time is it? It's always narrative time. The only difference between the news and Drag Queen Story Hour for children is...

Oh, wait. There is no difference.

In his Fools, Frauds and Firebrands, Roger Scruton describes "the capture of language by the left," founded in the "conviction that you [can] change reality by changing words." This occurs

whenever the primary purpose of language -- which is to describe reality -- is replaced by the rival purpose of asserting power over it.... Newspeak sentences sound like assertions, but their underlying logic is that of the spell. They conjure the triumph of words over things, the futility of rational argument, and also the danger of resistance.

Satan's spell? Maybe. If so, it is undoubtedly his second greatest trick: not only does he disappear, he takes language with him.

We all know that leftists are irrational children, but few people understand that the irrationality isn't just at the level of knowledge, but much deeper than this, at the level of ontology: they aren't just wrong, but cannot help being wrong; they are wrongness as such.

Now, logocide is the gateway to homicide and even genocide. This is literally true when we examine the unhinged rhetoric of, say, communists or National Socialists; the abuse of people is always rooted in, and justified by, a prior abuse of language. For the left, the detachment of word from thing isn't a bug but a feature. After all, a human being is one of those real things from which language becomes detached when it detaches itself from real things. Indeed,

Human individuals are the most important of those real things, the obstacles that all revolutionary systems must overcome, and which all ideologies must destroy.

There's much more in Scruton, but I want to get back to Pieper, since he's more concise, not to mention a level or two deeper (since Scruton was, correct me if I'm wrong, an agnostic). Pieper agrees that

usage of words divorced from their roots in reality, actually has another purpose altogether: that namely this kind of language inevitably becomes an instrument of power, and at bottom is so from the very outset.

Outset of what? One wants to say Genesis 3 All Over Again, and maybe we will. But first we must lay a foundation. Not so much build a bridge to the past, as one which spans the vertical present: up and down.

It all begins with the corruption of the word, whereby our most precious gift is transformed into an almost infinitely destructive curse. What is the proper use of this gift? It has two powers, first "to make known something real in the act of calling it by name," and second, "to make it known to someone else."

Thus, two related purposes: to name and to communicate reality. In short, the word is a link between mind and reality; and between minds. Deny the first and you render impossible the second, for if we aren't speaking about reality, then of what are we speaking? Yes, unreality, AKA nothing. Or maybe you missed the Dem debate last Wednesday.

The communication of reality is the reality of communication, for if we weren't already in communion, then no amount of language could bridge that divide.

Two purposes, two potential logopathologies: these are "the corruption of the link between word and reality" and "and the corruption of the word as communication." We call the second lying, or at the very least conveying untruth. But the first isn't even lying, since it renders any communication of truth a priori impossible. Again, once you deny the link between words and reality, then exactly what are you talking about, anyway?

Speech which emancipates itself from the norm of (real) things, at the same time necessarily becomes speech without a partner.

Liberation! Yes, but is liberation from reality a good thing? Or should young people skip college?

You will have noticed that the people who are detached from reality don't stop speaking. If only! But again, of what are they speaking, and to whom? Of nothing and to no one: it is a kind of total cosmic narcissism sealed in tenure: crystalized nonsense. It is the flowing substance of nothing, as when Obama opens his mouth and the banalities fall out.

Let us not pretend that Republican politicians don't do the same thing. President Trump is not one of them, which is why they secretly detest him if they don't openly embrace him. Consider his joyous and freewheeling rallies. Pieper writes that

When one person ceases to speak to another in the artless and spontaneous manner which characterizes genuine conversation, and begins to consciously manipulate his words, expressly ceasing to concern himself with the truth -- when, in other words, his concern is something other than the truth -- he has, in reality, from that point on ceased to regard the other person a partner in a conversation. He has ceased to respect him as a human person. Thus, strictly speaking, from that point on all conversation, all dialogue, all mutual exchange of words, comes to an end!

Note that his enemies interpret Trump's respect as disrespect; and conversely, (say) Obama's profound disrespect -- his condescension and contempt -- as respect. Everything an Obama or Clinton or Warren says is calculated and manipulative. Who doesn't feel disrespected by their pandering?

I have no doubt that a large part of Sanders' appeal is that he has the appearance of Trump's genuineness and respect for his listeners, but let us not forget that he, more than any other candidate, is an unapologetic adherent of the very political philosophy that attacks language, denies reality, nullifies communication, and destroys the person.

Sanders can't actually respect his listeners, rather, only flatter and therefore manipulate them. They are fools and tools. When he speaks to them, "the word is deprived of its nature" and becomes instead a "drug which is administered to the other person" (ibid.).

Back in my day, college students at least used real drugs, which were far less dangerous than the verbal kind. The latter is a deadly threat to society itself, because "the decay of communication" leads to "the danger that reality and truth may become unrecognizable to us all." People may, for example, see Pete Buttigieg kiss his "husband" after the debate, and sense nothing weird or abnormal about it.

Of course, this has zero to do with "homophobia"; charges of homophobia are precisely what we mean by language becoming an intimidating and abusive instrument of force. After all, if gender and everything else are mere cultural constructs, and no culture is better or wore than any other, then on what basis can my cultural constructs be criticized?

Correct: on the basis of power, so don't pretend your outrage has any basis in morality, much less truth.


Gagdad Bob said...

It's not about truth or reality, just hatred and power :

"Indeed, hatred of straight white males is the glue that binds together the rainbow coalition of groups that not only have nothing in common with one another, but are themselves artificial constructs."

Gagdad Bob said...

It occurs to me that Reality ↔ Word ↔ Dialogue is a kind of terrestrial reflection of Father ↔ Son ↔ Holy Spirit.

julie said...

usage of words divorced from their roots in reality, actually has another purpose altogether: that namely this kind of language inevitably becomes an instrument of power, and at bottom is so from the very outset.

Lends a whole new level of meaning to "Thou Shalt Not Take the Lord's Name in Vain."

julie said...

Note that his enemies interpret Trump's respect as disrespect; and conversely, (say) Obama's profound disrespect -- his condescension and contempt -- as respect.

I was reading someone's Twitter post yesterday re. the elderly veteran who was carried to his seat at Tuesday's Trump rally. responses were almost evenly divided between those who saw it as an expression of love and respect representing the values of trump supporters, and those who saw it as a cynical manipulation of an elderly man who they were convinced had no idea what was happening, and who would lose all his VA benefits because Orange Man Bad.

Gagdad Bob said...

Trump treats the media like adults, and they can't stand it.

Anonymous said...

Genesis 3:16 ~ To the woman He said: 'I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you. Eve has done it again with her 'Feminist Movement' and again in Adam she has a willing accomplice duped by her vision of a virtual reality that once more puts us out of sync with our nature.

Petey said...

Happens every time. When they say "patriarchy," I hear "parricide."

Ann K. said...

Bob, if you ever need fodder for a post, I would love to get your take on this post about quantum physics and religion over at The Orthosphere:

Gagdad Bob said...

Haven't yet read the article, but Father Spitzer has some good takes on the subject, e.g., Evidence for God from Physics & Philosophy and Proof from Godel's Theorem Shows God Exists through Super Axiom.

Roy Lofquist said...

“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”

― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass

Gagdad Bob said...


I just read the article and found it well-intentioned but rather choppy and poorly written. Not sure what else to say except that there can be no possible conflict between science and Christianity, for to think that science fully describes reality is to not know what science or reality are.

Anonymous said...

Hello One Cosmos community.

This is an outstanding post, featuring the topic of the abuse of communication. The post presents verbiage from Pieper:

"When a fellow ceases to govern his words with a view to stating the reality of things, he automatically ceases to communicate anything. For language becomes communication the moment it expresses a link to reality, and by the same token it ceases to be communication the moment this link is destroyed."

I would broadly agree but it must be pointed out, the link of words to reality difficult to break even whilst trying to do so. For instance, a perpetrator sits down with the detective and states "I didn't do it." The detective has hidden video and knows better so this statement does communicate that the perpetrator is concealing guilt (reality). In point of fact, much can be communicated by lies in this manner.

The disorganized word salad of a sufferer of schizophrenia enduring a decompensation is truly divorced from reality yet aids in assessing the severity of the malady (reality).

Many such examples can be dredged up. The lies told by the socialists have greatly assisted Robert in mapping and describing the socialist's inner state.

So this leaves Pieper partially confuted on that point.

Another section of the post indicated:

"Roger Scruton describes "the capture of language by the left," founded in the "conviction that you [can] change reality by changing words." This occurs whenever the primary purpose of language -- which is to describe reality -- is replaced by the rival purpose of asserting power over it...."

A person can find asserting power repulsive, but on the other hand a reading of history chronicles an intense interest in power. Kings, Empires, and wars are expounded upon in great detail; one might assert they are the main topic of history, broadly. Obtaining and keeping power has been an overweening and obsessive concern of humanity since wheat was first sown in Mesopotamia.

Militant feminism is an example of a bid for power. Certainly the proponents of same have weaponized words and don't let reality stand in the way of their mission. A time honored practice. Think of Greeks bearing gifts.

Robert and Pieper characterize the skewing of communication for the purposes of influence, control and power as "abuse" of communication, but an opinion could be forwarded that the practice is merely a standard practice that has been around since antiquity. Is Robert signaling it is time for a sea change globally? How about a move towards moral purity and respect for truth and a disinfecting of communication of ulterior motives other than straight factual information exchange? It hasn't been tried before, but we could collectively move in that direction.

But in the meantime I will spin like a top, because I am:

-Super Sugar Tits the Troll

Anonymous said...

I've been saying it and I've been saying it. Projecting what works for oneself onto the world may be as naturally human reality as it gets, may feel right as rain, but it doesn't mean you're in touch with reality.

Equating Trump with "love and respect"?? Rationalize reality at your own peril.

We can either, coax our establishment elites (R and D both) to more Christian views which worked in the past and which our future kids can have hope in, or we'll get to have a secular revolution.

I'd advise setting aside all personal prejudices to try objectivity. Judging another's reality as inferior to ones own, is increasingly, a fools game.

Petey said...

If discernment is a fool's game, only fools will discern.

Anonymous said...


You can note the current folly at MSNBC. Or Fox, if that's your pleasure.

The dynamic which produces conservatives as they age has been disrupted for many millenials. Diehard conservatives will tell you that conservatism comes the wisdom gained from advancing years. Actually, it comes from the unempathetic callousness from having grown a full life in fertile ground, more fertile than most previous generations. Sadly, most millenials don't perceive that the ground is fertile for them anymore. And if Steve Bannon has oft said, they’ll likely be the first American generation in over a century to own nothing.

Petey said...

Imputing a dark motive to a logical, empirical, historical, economic, spiritual, psychological, anthropological, and metaphysical argument is the lazy man's way to omnipotent stupidity. So congratulations.

Cousin Dupree said...

You left out aesthetic. And hygienic.

Anonymous said...

All in all I think this post is not truthful. I don't believe the blog author or his quoted sources are malign, but merely mistaken. Assumptions have been made about the basic nature of communication which don't hold water.

The assertion that communication must deliver something about reality is factual, however it as also the case that any communication is always about reality, no matter what the content.

The assertion that deception or manipulation reduces a communication to useless unreality is clearly not the case. I defy anyone to present an example.

Cousin Dupree said...

You just did.

Van Harvey said...

"Thus, two related purposes: to name and to communicate reality. In short, the word is a link between mind and reality; and between minds. Deny the first and you render impossible the second, for if we aren't speaking about reality, then of what are we speaking? Yes, unreality, AKA nothing. Or maybe you missed the Dem debate last Wednesday."

Just wanted to see that again.

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