Friday, January 31, 2020

Crime, Organized Crime, and Progressive Kingpins

When last we met, we were discussing the left's great lie and its pervasive threat to our culture. We believe that a Lie of this magnitude isn't just a random accident. Rather, it is analogous to organized crime, in contrast to a mere street criminal who snatches a purse or sells plastic straws in California.

Extending the analogy, what do the authorities do when they apprehend, say, a local gang member with known connections to the Mexican Mafia? They will try to induce him to turn state's evidence on criminals higher up the chain.

Too bad we can't do that with street-level progressives. It's not that they won't cooperate. It's just that they don't even know there's a hierarchy, and that they're being manipulated by a kingpin such as George Soros. These local pushers peddle his drugs without even knowing they're drugs or where they came from.

The even bigger question is, who is Soros' provider? Likewise academia: where are you getting your stuff?! Who's the supplier?!

But in the psycho-pneumatic world, this is like asking "what is your principle?" That is, what is the nonlocal principle from which you derive your criminal ideology? What makes you, Senator Warren, think you can use the power of the state to prosecute people with whom you disagree? From what principle do you draw the conclusion that we ought to defer to a mentally ill child in selecting a Secretary of Education?

We are entirely forthright about our ultimate principle; our penultimate principle is personhood, which is in turn grounded in the Trinity. Everything else is anchored in, or flows from, this principle. Certainly nothing may contradict it. To the extent something does (e.g., materialism, positivism, Marxism, logical atomism, et al), then we deem it untrue. To the extent that this untruth digs in its heels and persists, it takes on the contours of the Lie. It begins to look suspiciously diabolical.

Now, since our ultimate principle is personal -- an I AM -- we believe the ultimate anti-principle must also be a Who. Recall what John says of this personal anti-principle: he is a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Note how all the emboldened words are either personal pronouns or nouns that can only apply to persons (only persons can lie or murder).

Could this be true, Bob, or are you just being poetic?

No, we're being quite literal here. There is a -- the -- meta-cosmic person. Of this we are certain. Now, if you insist there isn't, this has no effect on his existence. It will, however, affect the mode of his existence in you. In this mode, denial of God becomes the affirmation of an anti-God. Importantly, this is not to set up a duality, since the anti-principle isn't any kind of equivalent power. Rather, it is wholly reactionary, always parasitic on the truth it denies (and implicitly knows).

Perhaps you watched some of the impeachment farce this week. If you did, you will have noticed how *skilled* is Adam Schiff in anchoring his attacks on the Constitution in fidelity to it. More generally, how can the left spend the last century attacking, undermining, and eroding the Constitution, only to spend the last week pretending to revere and defend it? The hypocrisy is breathtaking, in the sense that convulsive vomiting can leave one slightly breathless.

Sure, I'd like to arrest Schiff on charges of treason. But I have no interest per se in this bug-eyed lunatic, nor in his lowlife accomplices such as Nadler, Pelosi, or Schumer. I want, Mr. Big, the one who's really calling the shots.

However, as much as Dupree would like to conduct enhanced interrogation on these knaves, I don't think it would work, again, because they passionately believe the Lie, and have no idea as to its provenance. Solway:

The left will deploy an armamentarium of outright lies, dodgy statistics, and obscurantist dogma.... Of course, when any leftist spokesman is caught in a flagrant lie, the default position is to claim that the lie tells a greater truth. How often have we heard this canard? For the left, the lie has become a vestibule to the truth -- its truth.

Note that if they say something that happens to be true, they don't say it because it is true; conversely, if and when they lie, they do so because it reveals a Greater Truth. Likewise, if they defend the Constitution, they don't do so because they actually believe in it, or they would be the first to denounce people who wish to deny our natural rights protected by the first and second amendments, or who want to give special privileges to certain races, or who wish to abuse it to redefine natural institutions such as marriage.

And when they attack the Constitution, it is for a Deeper Truth. This attack began (at least explicitly) with Woodrow Wilson, who

"derided what he referred to as the 'Newtonian' underpinning of the Constitution.... Disputing the applicability of fixed laws (other than his own) to History, Wilson wound up opposing the concepts of limited government, separation of powers, and checks and balances."

To quote myself, Wilson argued that

it was absurd to suggest that the Founders were dealing with universal truths and natural rights. Rather, they were just creatures of their times. We -- meaning state officials armed with Ivy League degrees and good intentions -- needed to toss aside the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, if we really wanted to get things done.

For Wilson, the separation of powers prevented the state from doing what it needed to do for your benefit, you ungrateful peasant. As he said, "if you want to understand the real Declaration of Independence, do not repeat the preface" -- you know, all that abstract stuff about life, liberty, and natural rights conferred by the Creator instead of the almighty state.

Speaking of the personal nature of things, Bob writes of

Madison's gag about how government -- or, let's say "political science" -- is "the greatest of all reflections on human nature." The reason this is so is that if we don't get human nature right, then our political system will be either stillborn or monstrous; and if we don't get our political system right, then it will produce stillborn or monstrous humans.

A bug-eyed monster tried to take out my president, and all I got is this lousy t-shirt.


julie said...

We -- meaning state officials armed with Ivy League degrees and good intentions -- needed to toss aside the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, if we really wanted to get things done.

Reminds of the days when people wrote longingly that if only Obama could be a dictator for a little while, they could really get things done, just like they do in China. Then news comes out this week that Chinese party members are being conscripted to replace exhausted doctors on the coronavirus front lines. Getting things done, I guess...

Anonymous said...

Included in the post:

"The reason this is so is that if we don't get human nature right, then our political system will be either stillborn or monstrous; and if we don't get our political system right, then it will produce stillborn or monstrous humans."

This statement comes laden with underlying suppositions which are questionable.

-We have to get human nature right? What, is there a multiple choice exam to pass? And teacher has all the answers? Absurd.

-A political system produces stillborn or monstrous humans? Since when does any political system manufacture people? There has not been a huge amount of drift in how people are since we came out of Mesopotamia. In digs in Egypt, the most common artifact found is a shard of stone with pornography on it. I rest my case.

No, people are not beholden to their crackpot rulers in the matter of how they will be. How you got that notion is a mystery.

Now, in the matter of the Father of Lies. Big Lefty. Comrade #1. This is arguable. There have been reports of a covert Leftist organization of immense size and complexity, headed by a single powerful individual who issues edicts to all Leftists world-wide. This has been partially confirmed by viewing James Bond movies.

We should all be concerned.

All criticism aside, I enjoy your work immensely and 90% of your ideas are sound and I learn things from reading. I don't know why I have to be such a b*tch. Certain days of the month make this tendency worse.

Anonymous said...

The salary of constitutional lawyers ranges from a mere pittance to not half bad. But it’s nowhere near what a corporate lawyer can make. Maybe that’s because everybody’s a constitutional lawyer these days, and around here, I seem to be the only corporate lawyer.

Speaking of human nature, it varies, immensely. There's sure a lotta swell folks out there, but I also know bullies, wallflowers, and downright crazies. I'd hope the big system doesn't so much care for everybody like babies as much as allow everybody access to the most fertile ground available. At least as well as modern
communist/capitalist China seems to.

Crabapple said...

You are welcome to China. I'll take a hard pass.

America has some serious flaws, but there's still nowhere else in the world I'd rather be.

Anonymous said...

Even if the Chinese buy up the place?

Why not fix the serious flaws?

Crabapple said...

China buy the place? I wouldn't count on it. China has far more serious flaws of its own.

The flaws here generally come down to individual people. Quite often, people who claim to be "fixing" something else. In New York, the just "fixed a flaw" so that no bail is required for most types of crime, giving a whole new meaning to the phrase "catch and release." Criminals are openly laughing while they rob and attack people, because they've already been arrested umpteen times in the past few days, only to be let go with little to no repercussions. But hey, that flawed bail system is fixed.

What can I personally do about it? Jack and shit. But the nice thing about America, at least for now, is that I don't have to live in New York, and most of the country isn't that stupid yet. Can't say that about much of the rest of the West at this point.

Anonymous said...

Crabapple, I'd say that serious flaw was not fixed. There's a big difference between fixing, and not fixing. In my liberal city "catch and release" was proposed as a cost savings measure and then promptly laughed out of town. Apparently where I live austerity needs more practical solutions, but maybe in New York not so much.

An NFL player who presents more flaws than fixes gets to be a "free agent" (IOW, teamless). But we don't hold our national players, who we've entrusted to do so much more than just entertain us, to such ruthless standards now do we? They can promise uniter hopey changey MAGA and deliver dubious results with zero repercussions.

Gee I wonder why that is?

Trump of ten thousand lies did what no neoliberal or economic conservative has wanted to in decades, kept an actual campaign promise, and commenced a trade war with China. Some Americans have had their economic prospects lessened. But some have not. Chinese investment in the US has plummeted and we hope, the Chinese will be less demanding of free technology transfers of tech which we invented. But the next guy may stop all that and it'll be business as usual, with a whole lot of "But look over there!" slight of hand going on. Solutions aren't always so simple to come by now, are they?

Doesn't mean people should give up on honest debate though.

Anonymous said...


Re "Sure, I'd like to arrest Schiff on charges of treason". Treason? Per Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, treason is specifically limited to levying war against the US, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Please explain how Adam Shiff did that?

The constitution has a process defined for impeachment which seems to have been followed. There certainly a reasonable amount of evidence we have a president that tried to get a foreign power to assist him politically and illegally held up aid that was earmarked by congress and an independent government agency also came to that conclusion. An re obstruction of congress, it seems to be a reasonable argument that a president who is accused of an impeachable offense shouldn't be allowed to withhold all evidence and all witnesses. In our system of government, the accused doesn't decide that he is innocent As to whether these are impeachable, it was voted as such by the democratic congress and will be voted as not being enough to remove him from office by the republican Senate. Both partisan decisions. Is either treason?

There are some articles that claim Shiff mischaracterized some evidence which may be true and is probably likely. Is that treason? The Republican defense made outright false claims ( Is that treason? There is unsubstantiated talk that Shiff talked to the whistle-blower earlier in the process. Is that treason? If that was the case and it broke rules, then that should be investigated. However, how is that relevant to what Trump did or didn't do. I can see one taking one side or the other re the impeachment. However, I don't see how a claim of treason can be made. I also didn’t recognize how Adam Shiff attacked the constriction.

I look forward to further elaboration of your thoughts on this.


Gagdad Bob said...

I just find Schiff repulsive. That should be a crime, but it's not, so I'd get him on charges of treason for conspiring with Putin to get pictures of naked Trump.

Anonymous said...

As far as progressive kingpins go, I think I might be one. Is there any specific question you would like to ask? I'd be happy to help.

I know who comes up with the latest. You may soon hear of a push to get legal writ of habeas corpus for orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos, based on their ability to grasp language. This would give them basic human rights. Gibbons were not included for some reason.

I know how memes are distributed to media so they get out there. The machinery of the it all is pretty interesting, and I see no reason why anyone can't know.

Thanks, Tricia

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the clarifications. I don’t feel that Shiff telling some shock jocks that pranked him, "Well obviously we would welcome a chance to get copies of those recordings," meets the criteria of treason which can carry the death penalty nor whether it is illegal. However, I do understand the level of despise and vitriol factor as I find myself with similar feelings, although not pointed to the direction that you do (I have a vitriolic reaction Trump, Hannity, and some of his colleagues).

What do you think is the cause of such vitriol on both sides? Do you think Trump is the symptom or one of the causes? Do you think that what you call the left are being more egregious than in the past? I personally don’t like any of the Democrats and could see myself voting for a moderate Republican like Kasich over any of them. I just feel that Trump is dangerous to our Democracy and is largely (not 100%) responsible for the divide in our country and would support anyone over him. IMO what the country needs is to heal and doesn’t need a radical wingnut on either side at this point in time.

Re the Congress and Senate, I personally feel that they all sell their votes to the highest special interest bidder and show only secondary -if that much - concern for their actual constituents. I’ve always felt that the best form of government would be one which protects people from human nature. Unfortunately, altruism is a rare - if not non-existent commodity. IMO, the people that have a propensity for wanting to get into government usually have personalities and goals which are more self-centered than most to begin with.

The following are honest questions and not a troll: I’m curious that given your psychology doctorate, what you feel about Trump from that perspective. Is his juvenile behavior, insecurity, and making everything about himself, constant lying, etc… a sign of a psychological disorder as armchair psychologists have indicated? I could see hating what the other party stands for and supporting your own party, but do you have any concerns about his stability, level of worldly knowledge, etc… Is it just that you feel that other side is so much worse than Trump that you consider him a lesser of evils, or do you feel that he is a good president?

My primary concerns are not specifically about what Trump will do as he is probably too inept to do anything too nefarious, even if that was his intent. My concern is about what he is doing regarding setting the new norms and what a future president who is more competent and with evil intent could do to our system of government.


Gagdad Bob said...

I reject the premise of your questions. Rather, it is the left that habitually and by definition manifests juvenile behavior, insecurity, making everything about themselves, constant lying, which I have spent the last 15 years and 3,500 posts describing and analyzing. And I believe Trump is among our greatest presidents, especially considering the opposition he has faced from a thoroughly corrupt media/academic/entertainment/deep state complex. By virtually every important metric the country is far better off than four years ago, and he is easily the most accomplished president in our lifetime.

The so-called divide which you attribute to President Trump is actually a consequence of diametrically and irrevocably opposed visions of reality. There is only one reality, and the left is outside it. There is no compromise position between reality and unreality, which is why the division is so intense.

Gagdad Bob said...

As for the President's character, Dennis Prager speaks for me.

Likewise the divide between reality and unreality which undergirds the political divide.

Gagdad Bob said...

By the way, I used to be a liberal who inhabited unreality, so I know the space well.

Anonymous said...

The liberal version of your prior self and your current self would likely have some spirited conversations if you could meet each other and I suspect that neither of you would be able convince each other to come over to the other side.

Gagdad Bob said...

Well, unlike youngBob -- who understood nether himself nor human nature -- I know all youngBob's weaknesses, vanities, and presumptions quite intimately. True, he was a bit of a knucklehead, and yet, there was something in him capable of turning toward the light, so I'd myself it a 50/50 shot. To be honest, it is more likely that the fault would lay with oldBob, since he might not have the patience to deal with such a knucklehead.

Gagdad Bob said...

For example, I have read all the books and thinkers that influenced youngBob -- obviously -- but also all of the books and thinkers that refute them. In short, I know exactly the arguments that ultimately influenced youngBob for the better.

Anonymous said...

These were some of the best comments I've seen here in a long time.

Trump is a "wingnut" as described. He is a pussy grabbing dolt. Bob feels he is a great president, but that says more about Bob than Trump.

Bob has lost himself somewhere along the line, he is pure reactivity at this point. Or he has always been that way. There had to have been some damage in childhood. As a psychologist, he is extremely weak at self-analysis which is typical.

He would like this blog be a self-affirming echo chamber, but hey, you put your dirty laundry out there, and someone's going to say hey, that sh*t is nasty.

Nevertheless, he puts out a great blog, that no one can deny.

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