Sunday, August 25, 2019

What's the Point?

What is the point of existing, or worse yet, knowing one exists?

First, we can all agree that existence either has or doesn't have a Point. However, this doesn't necessarily imply that we could ever know -- or not know -- it. Absent an outside perspective, both theism and atheism would be equally pointless.

In other words, existence might have a Point we can never know. Conversely, we could mistakenly believe it hasn't a Point when it actually has one. Or at least has a plausible alibi.

Most people have the intuition that existence has a Point, but can this intuition be trusted, much less verified?

Mere reason is powerless to determine whether or not there is a Point, first, because reason can only draw conclusions from premises provided from elsewhere (often from intuition), and second, because it cannot adopt a stance from outside the total cosmic system, and render judgment on the totality of which it is only a part. The moment you posit a "theory of everything," you've transcended the theory.

In short, if Gödel didn't exist, we'd have to invent him.

More generally, people will deploy reason to prove the truth of this or that intuition, the latter of which can emanate from spheres above or below the realm of reason per se.

The latter is called "rationalization" (i.e., reasoning from below), and is only a caricature of the real thing. The former is called various things, including intellection, infused contemplation, mystical contact, and floating upon the currents of the slackstream.

This just highlights the fact that we have various sources of information -- interior and exterior, subjective and objective, vertical and horizontal, empirical and suprasensible -- that we draw upon and toss into the cognitive hopper in order to come up with the Answer and thereby see the Point.

Here at One Cosmos we never restrict ourselves to just one or two or three sources, but give an honest hearing to all of them.

Revelation is one such source we may draw upon. In fact, it is the only source -- and only possible source -- that is presupposed to emanate from outside the total cosmic system, and therefore the only information that can truly bear upon our opening question about the Point of existence.

You could put it conversely, and affirm that if we can know the Point, then it can only be via revelation in some form or fashion. I would widen this out and say that, to the extent that we can know anything, it is because God knows. If God doesn't know, then neither do we. And if there is no God, then there is no real knowledge and therefore no point.

Or again, to put it conversely, knowledge is always of reality. If we can distinguish appearances from reality -- and we can -- it is only because we transcend appearances. I am reminded of an Aphorism:

The universe is important if it is appearance, and insignificant if it is reality (NGD).

Or, the universe has a point if it is appearance, but has no point if it is the reality. Which is why the very first sentence of Genesis makes the point that the universe is not the ultimate reality, but rather, has a source that utterly transcends it.

Now, the Point, if it be the real thing, won't just appear at the "end" of the cosmic process. By way of analogy, the point of a novel doesn't just abruptly appear on the last page, disconnected from everything that has preceded it.

Rather, in hindsight it will be seen that the end was there all along, shaping the narrative and infusing it with drive, coherence, meaning, and purpose. Again, there are hints along the way, but only at the end do we acquire the area rug that pulls the whole room together.

Think, for example, of the first generation of Christians who were shocked to discover the abundance of meaning in the Previous Testament which had eluded them before. In this way, the novel events of those three days in particular had the effect of utterly transforming the past, so to speak. Who says you can't change the past? It's what the future does. And the future always begins now.

Now, since the present is always changing, this changes the meaning of the events leading up to it. One can only understand the meaning of something by allowing its effects to play out.

Ratzinger notes that for Christianity, the convergence of person and cosmos -- of anthropology and cosmology -- is the end of "the world." The revelation of the unity of the two reveals that this unity has been the goal all along, precisely:

Cosmos and man, which already belong to each other even though they so often stand opposed to one another, become one through their "complexification" in the larger entity of the love that... goes beyond and encompasses bios....

Thus it becomes evident here once again how very much end-eschatology and the breakthrough represented by Jesus' Resurrection are in reality one and the same thing; it becomes clear once again that the New Testament rightly depicts the Resurrection as the eschatological happening.

In other words: the Resurrection is the unsurpassable end and meaning of existence. It certainly meets the criteria mentioned above, in that it isn't something we could ever know, much less accomplish, on our own, and is indeed an ingression from outside the total cosmic system, one that has the effect of transforming existence and revealing the point of what went before.

Or put it this way: there really is no point if we can't know -- and more to the point -- participate in and even become it.

Christ was in history like a point on a line. But his redemptive act is to history as the center is to the circumference (NGD).


Van Harvey said...

"In short, if Gödel didn't exist, we'd have to invent him."


Anonymous said...

Hello All. Pleased to be first on the comment scene. I'll try to make it a good one.

Bob, your post gets right to the Point. Your highlights the efficacy and primacy of revelation as a source of information in discerning what the point is, along with all of the lesser inputs the mind and soul recieve from all sources.

You also posit the overall Main Point might elude discernment. Agreed.

The fall-back is to discern what your individual Point is. To put it in a military analogy, you are a soldier, God is your General, now what are your orders?

The big strategic plan, the whole campaign and theater situation, disposition of forces, logistics, objectives, these you are not privy to. You don't need to know these in order to be effective. Do your part.

There should be orders drafted specifically for you available somewhere in your works. This is the revelation you most need. The first and priority tasks for all of God's people are to locate the order packet, open it, read the contents, and then obey to the best of your ability. And, you should do this daily as new orders can come at any time. God will drip-feed your operating instructions as needed.

What, can't find your orders? Don't feel alone, there is some communication issues in the force, we don't know why, just do your best. Most people get them after some trial and error.

Does the Cosmos have a purpose? It sure does, and you are involved in it up to your eyebrows.

At ease, carry on.

julie said...

Think, for example, of the first generation of Christians who were shocked to discover the abundance of meaning in the Previous Testament which had eluded them before.

Today's readings are a good example of that. Even so, for those close to the very center, it is doubtful they understood just what the Man was getting at. Then again, if they could, the center wouldn't be the point...

Christina M said...

Quote: "Christ was in history like a point on a line. But his redemptive act is to history as the center is to the circumference (NGD).

Amen, and thank you, God! Ripple out, in every direction, and save us all.

I love Dr. Bob, in the same way I love Jordan Peterson; my one of three patron saints, St. Sir Thomas More; and my husband; because they are all honest men.

I love honest men! Stand up straight with your shoulders back!

Anonymous said...

"Religions are, for the most part, bad—but religion is not."

“I like Islam: it is a consistent idea of religion and open-minded.”

Maybe for the sake of the continuance of monotheism, which relies entirely on replacing those departed, there must be a certain amount of humility which can hold both those thoughts in one head at the same time? Just asking is all.

(Disclaimer: this comment was brought to you by somebody who is no fan of Sharia Law, and who also believes in keeping it simple, since most people are really, pretty simple.)

Petey said...

My friend Gödel is obviously brilliant but quite insane, so his extra-logical pronouncements are of no more intrinsic interest than those of your plumber or mailman, and probably a good deal wackier.

Petey said...

Plus, ironically, he has no sense of irony, despite having proved the cosmos itself to be ironic.

Van Harvey said...

aninnymouse said "... Pleased to be first on the comment scene..."

Wrong right out of the gate. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Hello All, Pip pip, Cheerio and all that.

Van, I started on a virgin comment section, and as I was typing my comment, you apparently entered yours. To my surprise, when I completed and posted the comment I was no longer the first commenter. I admit this stung a little bit. Ouch. I knew you would call me on it, and I wasn't disappointed.

Glad to see you back here, Van. I don't have any controversy to wrangle with at this time. Unless you have an issue. Do you have an issue?

Sock Puppet #1

Anonymous said...

What is the point of existing, or worse yet, knowing one exists?

One exists to sample fine scotch, to procreate, to make the other poor dumb bastard pay for it as much as they can, and to print out archived Onecosmos posts for the day our sun CME’s our electric system back to the stone age. And perhaps to prepper so they can defend these things in case rampant mobs want them for themselves after the CME event. I recommend buying one of Jim Bakkers buckets.

Van Harvey said...

Dear aninnymouse seeking issues: I hadn't left, was just behind for awhile. I left a comment or two for one of you sockpuppet legionheirs in the previous six or so posts, soOo... if you're desperately seeking issues, there ya go. You're welcome.

Dougman said...

The point?
Imo, is for the Good, the Truth and the Beautiful,to come back together on the earthly plane after the Big Bang

Anonymous said...

We must make America great again for all Americans and not just a few ammomouses!

Christina M said...

Van Harvey! I like Van Harvey too.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Panel

Doug, I second your opinion on "the point." The cosmos is set to find its way back to the Lord in its entirety, after a separative event, currently thought to be the Big Bang. After you decide on this as "the point," which I have, the next step is to figure out what to do.

"What is the best use of my time, right now?" That is what is on the table. How to proceed?
I think the directions on how to proceed are present in each person, but there is a bit of an Easter Egg hunt until these are located. The sooner the better. After locating the directions, the rest is simple and joyous. Just proceed. Bliss.

In the meantime I'm trying to foment a flame war. Why? I don't even know why.

So....Van. Van, Van, Van. Christina likes you. I want Christina to like me too. I'm feeling some tensions.

Your previous comments are lacking much to go on in the way points to controvert. So here's where's its at:

1. AI: Your giant abacus theory is wrong. Machines do live. I have proof.
2. Democrats are good people. I can prove this too.
3. Climate change. Real. You guessed it, I have proof.
4. Van Harvey: Not just a mindless Bob-lle haed. Has his own blog, he's a going concern. A worthy debate adversary.

So, what's say? Bring it.

Sock Puppet #1

Van Harvey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Van Harvey said...

aninnymous said "So, what's say? Bring it."

Why? Because you said something... sorry... four things... wrong? If you've got reasons for your statements, explain them. Otherwise... it's just your aninnyword against reality.

Van Harvey said...

:-) Thanks Christina!

Dougman said...

First, love Truth.
Second, network....
Teach truth....
Tend to the nets...
Seek the One with a new nameand...

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