Thursday, August 15, 2019

Political Warfare and Spiritual Warfare

As I recall, MOTT has some helpful things to say about the waging of pneumo-political warfare against the dominions of the left. For the left must ultimately be an instantiation of powers, principalities, and spiritual wickedness transcending -- or rather, subtending -- it. According to no less an authority than yesterday's post, there is apparently a ruler of the darkness, a Cosmocrat of the Dark Aion, a Big Kahuna of the Friggin' Loonies.

If this is so, how can we discern his movements and activities? How do we know when it's him and not just the usual ignorance, stupidity, bad luck, mental illness, genes, higher education, human nature, etc?

This is indeed a complex plane of phenomena, with no purely monocausal explanations. Being that this is a hierarchical cosmos, there is no pure determinism, whether via God or matter.

Indeed, you may have noticed that one mark of the devil is the crude simplification of this plane to a single cause or two. "Climate change" comes to mind, with the reduction of inconceivable complexity to the presence of carbon dioxide. Or Marxism, which reduces history to "class warfare." Any such abstract generalization is false, and leads straight to intellectual perdition if not the real thing. Hell on earth, while you wait!

In reality,

The natural and the supernatural are not overlapping planes, but intertwined threads (NGD).

At the very least, one must hold in mind two opposing theses. There's a reason why we have two eyes: their slightly different vector results in the emergence of a third dimension. Just so, complementarity is a vital principle to bear in mind in thinking about the world.

As always, Señor Dávila says it best. Here are seven aphorisms that I've taken the liberty to arrange stepwise in order to help you float upward on the wings of imagination:

In philosophy nothing is easier than to be consistent.

In reality, Every truth is a tension between contradictory evidences that claim our simultaneous allegiance.

As such, The simplistic ideas in which the unbeliever ends up believing are his punishment.

But Reason is no substitute for faith, just as color is no substitute for sound.

Which is why Philosophy ultimately fails because one has to speak of the whole in the terms of its parts.

And let's face it, The doctrines that explain the higher by means of the lower are appendices of a magician’s rule book.

Pay attention here, for The life of the intelligence is a dialogue between the personalism of spirit and the impersonalism of reason.

I could even toss in some Gödel here, because the reason his theorems are true is because the person always transcends and escapes any attempt to confine him to logic or computation. Or, if our synaptic activity is computational, the computation is in the soul, not vice versa.

Back to MOTT. There may be other chapters that touch on our subject, but I mainly remember Letter XI, The Force. Even the title gives it away, for what is the left but the will displacing freedom and truth?

The wife just now emailed me a typical example from here in the People's Republic of California, where public schools force children to drink leftist koolaid without a straw. In my own school district they force kindergarteners to learn about "gender fluidity" under the banner of preventing bullying of children who don't even know if they're a boy or a girl.

In other words, children are bullied by the state to be as confused about gender as are the parents who bully their children into being as confused about gender as they themselves (the parents) are. The whole point of the diabolical exercise is to confuse the natural law and therefore our natural rights, and to thereby sow chaos into the very ground of being.

Here's a paragraph from MOTT that echoes what was said above about the intertwined threads of vertical complementarity:

The saying "Nature is fundamentally supernatural" is therefore profoundly true. For natural and supernatural life always originate from the same source. The source of all life is religion, conscious or unconscious...

The following goes to the spontaneous order and unity of spirit vs. the chaotic scattering of the diabolos; the latter is what he is and does:

In the world there are therefore two different kinds of arriving at a conviction: one can be illuminated by the serene clarity of contemplation, or one can be swept away by an electrifying flood of passionate arguments aiming at a desired end.

Now pay attention, for this makes sense of the obvious, or explains why things are the way they are:

The faith of the illuminated is full of tolerance, patience and calm steadfastness -- "like crystal"; the faith of those who are swept away is, in contrast, fanatical, agitated and aggressive -- in order to live it needs conquests without end, because it is conquest alone which keeps it alive.

Ah, you might call this "conquest without end" the Satanic Eucharist. It is indeed why the left must reach deeper and deeper into our personal lives and even our souls, in order to conquer and claim them for its disordered appetites (for you can never get enough of what you don't really need, so the hunger is never satisfied). It's why in California it is against the law for me -- a clinical psychologist, AKA "healer of souls" -- to help someone who is fundamentally confused about his sexual identity or the object of his disordered sexual urges.

This is liberal fascism, AKA repressive tolerance, or what Petey calls totolerantarianism. For what is the left but violent intolerance masquerading as a magnanimous (i.e., large souled) and peaceful coexistence?

More on these irreconcilable pneumo-poltical attitudes:

In the world there are therefore two kinds of faith, two kinds of instinctivity, two different ways of seeing the world, two different ways of looking at it. There is the open and innocent look which desires only to reflect the light -- i.e. which wants only to see -- and there is the scrutinizing look, which seeks to find and lay hold of its desired prey.

Which is precisely why they insanely accuse us of racism, white supremacism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, etc. The leftist is intimately familiar with the reality of these subterranean impulses, and they have to be located somewhere. They can't be in the left, because the left is "tolerant." Therefore, they are absurdly projected into us.

Now, how exactly does one do battle against a hallucination?

First of all, you don't, not directly anyway. Speaking as a psychologist, fighting against it actually transfers a kind of power to it. It reminds me of Great Danes. We have two of them, and if you try to push them, they instinctively push back. Lean into them and the lean right back.

Which leads back to the supposed subject of this post, spiritual warfare. But now I'm out of time, so, to be continued....


Anonymous said...

It’d sure help if God just showed his ass the hell up. Seems like so many more tools of the devil are enabled with Gods current mysty-feely-only phase. Keeping the faith can get tough when sinners never get blasted by bolts of lightening, and then you see them get rich and sin even more, sometimes in the name of God. So then “the left” happens. People get tired of waiting. It was easier when “the left” was mostly drug addled hippies, black panthers, and Dear Leader worshippers. Today anybody who isn’t an apologist for corporate sin is now “the left”.

I dare you. I dare anybody to hop on any conservative website and talk fiscal conservatism, rule of law (real not metaphysical), Jim Hofts gayness... and not be proclaimed “the left”.

Christina M said...

The only thing we're tired of, is waiting for you to leave, multi-sockpuppet Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Christina M, why are you here?

Anonymous said...

Hello Anon of 08/15/19 and Christina M.

I get you anon. God can seem nebulous, until you snap to and realize "it's all God." Like the old Palmolive commercial, "Madge, your soaking in it." Wake up. Pick up a rock. You've found God. Throw Him. Very satisfying. Go eat lunch. You've just eaten God. He tasted good. And so You want to talk to Jesus? Just talk to Jesus. He's there 24/7. What, can't hear what Jesus says? Recite the Lord's prayer. It's all there. Then go about your business. That's your job, to be you. This was not helpful to you, I know.

And Christina, what's with the attitude? Can't empathize? Ministry is not for you? Wake up.

And as for Bob's post, the boy is off on such a bad tangent I can't believe it. He's becoming Cotton Mather. It's out of my hands.

The other sock-puppet Anon, not there's anything wrong with that.

Anonymous said...

other sock-puppet Anon,

I was at a toddlers birthday party where the mood was cheerful and light. Suddenly and without any warning one of the fathers went off and vented about "Trump haters", "global warming", "Mexicans" and "deplorables" in a single angry tirade.

There was a brief pause. Everybody was staring, even the toddlers. Then his wife put her hand on his shoulder and he calmed down, though he didn't apologize. We went back to our toddler games but the mood was definitely broken.

I'm thinking that in an alternate universe the very same tirade, but inverse-lefty, was being spewed by a liberal. I'm not sure if they cancelled each other out.

Now if you can convince me that this too is God, then I promise I'll try harder.

Dougman said...

Truth is God, and G_D is truth.
I'll take council from a Truth loving atheist over the Popes advice.

Nicolas said...

Religion under the influence of the progressive clergy, instead of being the opiate of the people, is their poison.

Anonymous said...

I need to get this particular perception right. Leftism means the hope that government will provide answers, which risks the replacement of God? Conservatism leaves all hope to the individual who if that doesn't work out, will hopefully be led to God?

But history confuses this. God himself guided governments through most of Jewish and Christian history. Moses, Joshua, Constantinople, Charlemagne, Ferdinand... all were pretty much Christian dictators. No freedom in their lands, and definitely not of speech. Yet they grew Judaism and Christianity.

Anonymous said...

Hello Anon 4:29, Doug, Nicolas:

Anon, yes, everything is God down to a hangnail and spoiled tartar sauce, and things people say. Everything. Move forward from there. You don't need any heavy effort to be involved with God. You are involved. Your mission is to be you. You are unique, irreplaceable, and were placed here purposefully. Carry on. You have a right to experience and express your feelings.You have a right to ask for information. You have a right to say no and not feel guilty.

Doug, I hear you my good man.

Nicolas, step away from the Kool Aid. Save yourself. The others, what doesn't kill them makes them stronger.

And finally, from the Vedas, if so desired let the Kshatriya caste busy themselves with politics and religious doctrinal spats. The Brahman need not be heavily invested in the power struggles within the social order. The Kshatriyas are well-equipped to find their way in that regard.

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