Thursday, August 01, 2019

I Took the Pill Less Swallowed, and That Has Made All the Difference

So, back when these posts were written, they were intended to be permanent, i.e., etched in eternity, since they go to unchanging principles that guide man and govern the cosmos. While this may sound grandiose, it is actually what thought is: conformity of the mind to reality. If we have no access to reality (a la Kant), then the mind only conforms to itself, and we are reduced to the cognitive onanism of the media-tenure complex.

Nor does this mean I'm not grandiose. Rather, I'm just honest about it. In all humility.

As we've said many times in many ways, knowledge -- whether of truth, beauty, or virtue -- is an adequation. If it isn't, then we are irreversibly plunged into absolute relativism, which is to say, ineradicable stupidity. That knowledge is an adequation is probably the most important Fact of the Cosmos, or at least I can't think of a higher or deeper one, since without it no real knowledge (knowledge of reality) is possible.

Is knowledge of reality possible? Yes or no. Take your choice: red pill blue pill. Depending upon your choice, you will inhabit mutually exclusive worlds. Which isn't quite accurate, since no one can consistently say No to reality. I believe the following post touches on this question, but you will have noticed that no modern -ism or -ology can be intellectually or spiritually consistent.

Rather, these folks are always cafeteria cretins who want to have their crock and eat it too. The left is always appealing to God-given rights while denying they exist.

I think we can all agree that existence is a problem. But only for man. Even -- or especially -- Stalin knew that "no man, no problem." Thus, we shift the blame by focusing on existence. In reality, the problem is man. Yes, to borrow one of the left's favorite adjectives, man is problematic.

Back to the Yes/No, Red Pill/Blue Pill dichtotomy. Our metaphysic accounts for both, in that, on the one hand we are created in the image and likeness of God, while on the other are fallen beings. Thus, our minds have the potential to conform to reality; or not. Which is another way of saying that we are vertically free to act against our own interests. If we aren't free to choose badly, then we aren't free at all.

The previous post left off with the assertion that the lofty goals of lefty gnostics "need not be understood very precisely."

In fact, this mystagoguery isn't optional for the political gnostic, since both the goal and the means will be seen as dangerous or cuckoo if spelled out in detail. It's not a bug but a feature. Look at the hostility directed at the two or three "moderates" in Tuesday's debate. No intoxicated gnostic who is drunk on power wants these buzzkillers around. You can't simultaneously pretend to save the world and be sober at the same time.

Expressed another way, the political gnostic needs to arouse and enlist emotion without engaging the critical intellect. Or, if intellect is involved, it must be in conformity with deeper emotional prejudices.

This is why political differences have much more to do with culture than with fact and logic. We talk about a "culture war" as part of a wider political conflict, but it's really the other way around: the political war is a subset of the culture war.

I just recently read a book called Four Cultures of the West that adds some useful insights, one of which is that the cultural container is just as important as the content.

For example, during the "religious wars" of the 16th and 17th centuries, religion was just a pretext to unleash violence and barbarism that had more to do with cultural differences than with religious doctrine. As O'Malley explains, different cultures were "doing battle with one another under the cover of religious polemics."

That line struck me, because it applies equally to the present, in which divergent sub-cultures are battling one another under the cover of political polemics. This is much easier for a conservative to appreciate than it is for a liberal, since liberals are always blinded by the conceit that their ideas and policies are entirely rational, "reality-based," and universal.

It is difficult for barbarous liberals to recognize they're actually part of a tribe, despite the fact that they openly embrace the neo-tribalism of identity politics. They are under the influence of deeper springs of kinship and xenophobia, even while projecting these into conservatives.

Consider this typical example dissected by Taranto (second story down), a "lurid fantasy" penned by some liberal hysteric who imagines that the people who disagree with him constitute a tiny and irrelevant minority fit only to inhabit reservations. In other words, half the country should confine itself to self-enclosed ghettos. What's especially ironic is that we already have self-enclosed ghettos crawling with political eccentrics and gnostic fringe dwellers. But maybe he never went to college.

Indeed, it is an enduring theme on the left that the mere fact of conservatism requires some sort of pseudo-scientific explanation, since the ideas and principles it promulgates needn't be taken seriously. Thus, the two cultures are often operating on different levels. Conservatives argue fact and logic, but liberals ignore this in favor of a hermeneutical/deconstructive approach that "interprets" what conservatives are "really saying."

For example, when we say we cherish the liberal principle of racial color-blindness, they interpret this as a cover for racial bigotry. Or, when we suggest it is a dangerously radical thing to redefine the essential unit of civilization, they interpret this as "homophobia." When we say that we don't believe women are an oppressed minority, they interpret this as misogyny. Defending our natural rights under the first amendment is just a pretext to engage in "hate speech" (which is really violence).

More generally, what we call "reality" they dismiss as a "talking point." For truly, the principle talking point of the left is that "truth" is just another talking point.

Here again, the left wages a culture war without even knowing it. Nor do they engage on the plane of ideas, but only pretend to do so. For them, there is no need to actually do the math to determine if an unconstitutional "wealth tax" will do anything to mitigate our fiscal calamity. Rather, this is just another prog-whistle that only the envious can hear.

The four cultures described by O'Malley are the prophetic, the academic/professional, the humanistic, and the artistic. Ironically, there is a huge culture war between these first two that goes mostly unacknowledged, at least on the left.

For example, there is no way to reconcile the intellectually suicidal relativism and deconstruction of the humanities with the cheap omniscience of scientistic know-it-alls who can't explain how we can even know a single thing.

This leads to all sorts of interesting conflicts, for example, that sexual orientation is genetically fixed and yet gender is just a cultural construct imposed upon us.

One could also the cite the Darwinian principle that homosexuality is the one thing that should never occur in a natural system revolving around reproductive success vs. the romantic idea that there can never be anything unnatural about any form of sexuality.

Of the prophetic idiom, O'Malley writes that "fundamentalists both religious and secular are comfortable here," for "it is the culture, above all, of the reformer decrying injustice and corruption in high places."

It is the culture that denounces the existing order while holding out vague but grandiose "promises of better times to come," i.e., weaponized hopenchange. It is "the culture of great expectations, expectations that surpass anything that seems humanly possible." And it is always gnostic, since it is "revealed to the few, hidden from the many."

Here is where extremes truly meet, e.g., the gnostic flower girl Marianne Williamson and the floridly gnostic Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren.


Gagdad Bob said...

A A concurrence:

"The most sensible participants were treated as unwelcome interlopers by the invitation-only audience and their fellow candidates, while the most incoherent contenders were greeted as staunch defenders of the faith. Thus, former Maryland Rep. John Delaney and Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan got the raspberry, while Senator Bernie Sanders and New Age author Marianne Williamson had a big night..."

Gagdad Bob said...

And another:

"out of the mephitic cauldron of bubbling nonsense, an occasional bubble of sanity rose to the surface and expired in a satisfying eructation. But such little pops were emitted by the debaters of whom no one had heard of before and surely no one will hear of again....

"Inslee insisted that ‘it is time to give people adequate mental health care,’ a statement that won a round of applause. Judging from what was said from the platform tonight, I think he may be right."

julie said...

Ha - yes, he's definitely on to something.

I will not be at all surprised if Williamson wins the primary.

Anonymous said...

Homosexuality? So is Jim Hoft a good man or just confused? My best childhood church buddy died of AIDS back in the androgynous coming-out homo 80's. I'm not sure if he would've been Gagdadish blue or Hoftian red. Me, I've tried em both (pills not holes), and personally, I think both taste completely different but they do the same thing. They both seem to cost alot.

Petey said...

There is such a thing as normality. I know. Shocking.

Anonymous said...

These days, normality is whatever ones own mob says it is. That's why it's important to observe the direction the mob is headed in, then jumping in front. Be sure to not forget the part where you shout out "Follow me!", lest ye get trampled. Worked for Dubya, worked for the Iranian mullahs, worked for Obama, worked for Jim Hoft.

The shouting out doesn't work well if you're within the mob, nor does suddenly changing direction.

Now if Davila has stuff about that, I may need to become more interested.

Anonymous said...

Hello Dr. Godwin and blog readers:

I liked the post; you bring up valid points while at the same you inflate concerns about Democrat politicians into hyperbolic nonsense. You language is akin to that of an aggrieved spouse in a contentious divorce.

If you would divulge what is bugging you personally (not on any stage writ large) about Democrats and their impact on your daily life, it would help readers get a perspective on what your beef is. What are these awful offences you allude to? What is the bone you are picking?

It is a given that politicians will eternally tussle over where and how to apply socialist policies. It is beyond debate such policies are needed. Capitalism, that wonderful system of innovation and common weal, has amply shown a tendency to devolve into a predatory, cruel, and heartless milieu without socialist brakes and guidance. Anti-trust and labor laws are two of these cornerstones.

And sexual inversion, which occurs in all cultures and was shown to exist in historic look-backs, runs at about 4-10% in both human beings and numerous other species even down to insects and protozoa. It is a deeply ingrained trait in all life. There are even gay plants. Given all that, to promote basically a document change to allow the 4-10% to receive certain social benefits seems absolutely a no-brainer. Eternal verities? There's your eternal verities.

You want to de-fang Democrats? What, you crazy? Or crazy rich?

Dougman said...

It seems to me that nature is about "spin offs", or evolving complexity, since the big bang.
So, to me, the DNA makes more complex humans as time goes by.
I would study this more if I wasn't already preoccupied.

Anonymous said...

One has only truly taken “the red pill” after they’ve personally experienced the worst evil which homo sapiens has to offer. The worst involves somebody trying to kill them when they've done nothing deserving of such, with all bystanders and authority doing nothing or even enabling the attempted murder. But it can be other traumas.

I don't believe one can simply declare themselves a "red piller".

That’s why I always ask red pillers what was the most traumatic thing they’ve ever had done to them by another human being. I know how my own thinking was before and after my own incident. My old take on reality was completely destroyed, even though I had already been well acquainted with human evil from studies of history and eyewitness accounts. Nothing comes close to actual personal experience.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anon at 12:40

Could you please describe your incident? I'm curious as to what happened and why bystanders and authorities did not help you. This is alarming.

I do have differ on the red/blue pill dichotomy. Most people are pretty much maroon, as when red and blue are mixed. The shade you get will vary on the admixture.

All attempts to dichotomize American citizens are doomed to failure. People are very conflicted and divided within themselves. Furthermore, observations of a person's behavior, extensive interviews, family history review, and all manner of other inquiries would have to be undertaken to understand just one citizen and make a determination.

You can't go by what people say. I've known professed God-lovers to behave in a manner that belied that, and I've known people to make atheist statements who are in an extreme state of grace, conformity, and communion with God.

So, that being said I think we can retire the red/blue pill thing and move on to the next talking point.

Cousin Dupree said...

"Talking point" is the left's new talking point.

Anonymous said...

As a teen I achieved top spatial, mechanical, and abstract reasoning aptitude test scores. I was a rare male INFJ. As an adult I was attractive, well built and liked most people, and most people liked me. I was raised a conservative Christian and surrounded by such, and believed that a man always reaps what he sows. I worked and lived as ethically as possible, and was somewhat ambitious.

I do believe that this is what Gagdadians would call, an inevitable natural law success. But reality doesn’t work that way. It has other plans for the naïve.

What happened, was the global corporate giant of my business suddenly decided to offshore thousands of core tech jobs. Most of their subs followed suit. I learned that when humans are under that kind of survival pressure they don’t neatly file to the lifeboats. They get mean and nasty. Even conservative Christians, quite common in that business.

At the time I was working as a top rising star recruit for a boss who employed Jack Welch’s rank and yank philosophy. Under that boss, the value of every employee was well known because project results were publicly posted on the company network. I was at the top.

A cunning rival (athiest) captured the ear of the boss (Christian) and successfully persuaded him that I was a potential whistleblower, and a threat to that company which was struggling to compete against spinoff rivals. That boss, who I’d helped get promoted while working as his right hand man years before, turned his back on me and allowed a full scale workplace mobbing. (Dupree, Google “workplace mobbing”) For those who don’t know, after such an incident the target’s reputation is laid waste. Suicide and drug issues are common. I avoided those things, but I was barely employable in that business afterwards.

I wasn’t the only one. Five other ‘best and brightest’ in that company got it after me, one at a time, each in their own way. Apparently that “Christian” boss got used to eliminating potential rivals. For their part, the mediocre mob has a not-so secret weapon to knock top performers out. Strength in numbers.

After I lost that job and couldn’t get another one, my wife left me. Friends and family abandoned me. Folks at church weren’t so friendly anymore. I was now “a loser” to be avoided. Jesus was punishing me. So after licking my wounds I did a lot of compulsive research into all the hows and whys of such behavior. I took the red pill.

But this is all just some anecdotal story from some anonymous voice from the ether. I’d recommend people read up on the careers of folks like Janice Harper PhD and Ron Woodard (Boeing), to understand just how little talent and ethicality actually means in today’s society. How bizarrely otherwise good people can behave. How susceptible most are to sociopathic manipulation. Major success today is determined by, well basically embracing Satanism and practicing satanic values. But one has to be very secretly crafty about it, and always have the mob do your dirtywork. I believe that all this scales up quite neatly to current American reality. That’s the red pill. The mob rules Rome, but also needs to themselves be ruled.

julie said...

So, you believed that a man always reaps what he sows. Did you never read Job? Or any of the parables, about the sower putting seed in a variety of places where it would never grow? How about the part where Jesus pretty much promised that His followers would suffer in this life for His sake? Read about the lives of any saints?

Lots of people, unfortunately, fall into the trap of believing that bad things don't happen if only you do all the right stuff. Some of those people are even Christians. Well, now you know that's not how it is. I am sorry to hear your family didn't stand by you in the hard times.

For what it's worth, I believe your story. My family has been through similar. It happens. Our path hasn't led us into bitterness, though, because at every step of the way there have been blessings, even in the hardest moments, and by grace we have been able to see them. We try our best to walk with God; He has not failed us, simply shown us a different way to live. And honestly, a much better one than what we had before, even if it is materially less.

Jesus was being quite literal when he said His kingdom is not of this world. On the other hand, the corporate world most certainly is.

Anonymous said...

Julie, I never expected it from Christians and certainly not my family. On the plus, I did get over it the old fashioned way, by starting my own business. One-on-one, regular Christians and others do still respect integrity and I find that hopeful and gratifying. But my customers seem to almost universally feel that bad things are happening, with worse painful evil on the way, originating from our leadership regardless of anybody's tribal affiliation.

Evil has always been around but things are not the same as for the previous generation, which IMHO was far better managed by/managers of the PTB. Outside of soviet communism, I've never seen modern PTB have so much power and be so richly rewarded for the sake of short term profitability and long term power. This won't end well, for either the worldly or for theistic religions.

People need to understand what the real enemy is. This isn't a left vs right thing. That part has been cleverly created to obscure the truth. I saw this machinating at smaller scales in the corporate world. Power/money greed needs to be recognized for the mindless malignant human pathology which it is, little different from substance abuse. As you know, it's affected every possible large organization, but IMHO, has never been recognized for what it actually, specifically, is. Get rid of statism, and the malignants will find another way to persuade the mob to help them ruin society.

This blind corporate worship (or statist hero worship if that's your thing), and this tribal fighting phase amongst the powerless people needs to end.

Christina M said...

Hi Julie, I missed saying that to you on another post. It's good to see you still here.

To the anonymous at 8/4/2019 02:29:00pm at first I wanted to say, "Welcome to the real world," but I do remember how shocking it was to watch supposed Christians go after an annoying Leftist gadfly who I worked for in the very small town in which I live now. I've seen corruption in big cities, most especially my home city, but it was never so personal. Seeing it up close and personal, although directed at another, was a shocker. They excused their mistreatment of the gadfly because he was an unpleasant person and an atheist and showered him with platitudes of "I'm praying for you." It springs from the denomination that believes that once you are saved, you are always saved, no matter what you do from that point on. Well, they're in for a big surprise, aren't they? It doesn't work that way.

Here's the thing, it IS a left and a right thing. How you view the world and how you view and interpret problems, their causes, and solutions is absolutely determined by whether you approach reality from the left or the right.

Anonymous said...

Christina M,
I approach reality from the perspective that when I was a kid, most things truth justice and the American way worked better. Nothing was ever perfect, but as a general whole, things worked better.

Much bad has happened since. Wasn't the end of communism supposed to make everything better? Nope. Things are worse.

What is socialist muslim Obama doing giving six figure speeches to Wall Streeters? What is anti-drug conservative family values man John Boehner doing peddling marijuana? Where's my Mexican wall, or the drained swamp, or Hillary's cell?

Don't you think that sort of disingenuous behavior, from so-called public servants, trickles down? Lying, binary thinking, tribalism, incivility, rationalizing... is becoming normalized. I don't see things getting better as economic prospects for most continues to decline.

I might be interested in comparing any possible "left" or "right" solutions to our corruption problem, for starters, but I really that getting back to the far more civil rationality of my youth is what has a chance of working.

julie said...

The problem of corruption isn't so much left and right; rather, it's that the people who call themselves "right" who get into power are generally lying. Or, they are in earnest at the beginning, but become corrupted in short order. They get elected on one position, then once in power do the opposite. Come election time again, they mouth the right platitudes, maybe enact a couple of policies that do make a superficial difference, then once elected again turn around and it's back to business as usual.

Also, we have a school system that has been completely infiltrated over decades and designed to skew left, and goes more so each year. This change has been a long time coming.

Relevant, the Democratic Socialists of America had a convention this weekend. Quoting from the link:

"From the looks of things, it seems that every delegate, or comrade, or whatever they're called, has his or her, or xir 'woke' trump card that they can whip out and plop down authoritatively on the table at any time in order to get everyone else to shut up and do what they say, and no arguing. Can you imagine a world where everyone had to speak using that 'woke' jibber-jabber?"

I can't picture a similar convention of young conservatives infighting over such piddling, self-centered BS, but what do I know?

Christina, gotta love the Christians who, when they say "I'm praying for you," are obviously mentally following it up with " drop dead and go to hell."

When it becomes an expression of our own willfulness over what God might have in mind, seems to me it edges dangerously into taking the Lord's name in vain, but what do I know?

Anonymous said...

Shouldn’t Ace be more specific about the issues? All he did was chariciturize for his readers. That post said the equivalent of “letting the idiotic police protect and serve always leads to police brutality”. Isn't there a full spectrum of police and police force integrity? Is it just too hard to punish the brutality, and reward the protect and serve?

Christina M said...

Julie, laughing out loud re: " drop dead and go to hell." Exactly.

Anonymous, I don't remember any civil society when I was growing up. I was terrified of hippies when I was very young, as they always seemed to be rioting. My youth was a gauntlet run between lefty classmates and lefty teachers. I was harassed for refusing to donate to the United Way, as it messed up my homeroom's chances of getting the free ice cream. My teen years were filled with race riots, massive amounts of drug running, drug crime, and Merielitos.

It was only civil if you were a lefty. That says a lot about you, and none of it good for me.

Anonymous said...

It's not all binary, Christina M. I actually have a lot of something which barely exists anymore - fiscal conservatism. Been to a tea party lately? Tribal phonies.

"Left" or "right" used to debate and resolve actual problems, at the highest public servant levels. Now they're just teams the kleptocrats (who have no ideology except legalized theft) manipulate into wasting energies squabbling so they can be free to do as they will. So we get endless wars and insulin costing 10x the international average. Whatever happened to capitalism?

Marielitos. What Cuba did to us we then did to El Salvador, something which continues to bite us to this day. But as long as Team Trump can benefit who cares? Carter was a neoliberal (economic conservative, BTW). So was Clinton. Had there been actual thinking progressives counterbalanced by actual thinking fiscal conservatives things might have been different.

The crime rate has gone down because of DNA testing, a surveillance state, and instant digital everything worldwide. Cant wait til all that gets into the wrong hands.

It's all about the problem solving, not the ideology.

Christina M said...

I seem to have missed when the word "binary" became a thing.
There is a point when Devil's Advocates become devils.

Anonymous said...

So maybe my childhood was awesome and full of hope and yours wasn’t. I rather liked my family doctor, my public school teachers, my Apollo moon rocket models, my USA made bike, my honest mechanic down one street and my neighborhood church down the other. I never knew illegal workers or tent cities or rust belt urban prairies or so many stressed, frightened and demoralized people.

That everything always has to be “the left”s or “the right”s fault with no other reasoning allowed lest ye be cast out makes little sense to me.

Van Harvey said...

Anonymous " I'm not sure if he would've been Gagdadish blue or Hoftian red."

Aside from those aligned with the Red Pill being less likely to comment as Anonymous, the Red Pill only has to be swallowed if you've already swallowed the Blue Pill - if what you think is Reality can't be discovered simply by paying attention to what's real and true, then what you think of as 'reality', is not really reality.

Assuming this Anonymous, is the same as the other biz world Anonymous... do I know you?

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