Monday, August 13, 2018

The Center Cannot Hold if the Top Can't Rule

Slouching Toward Gomorrah begins with a passage from Yeats' The Second Coming, which is so often repeated -- by left and right -- that it has become a cliché. You know, Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold, so mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. Welcome to Any Day, Every Year.

I'm pretty sure humans have been thinking this from the beginning. Written in the wake of WWI, it could equally apply to the fall of Rome, or the wars of the Reformation, or the French Revolution, or, for an ahistorical leftist, the election of Trump. Leftists may be ignorant of history, but they feel like the world is ending, and that's what counts.

Another frequently cited line is The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity. You often hear a passionately intense cretin -- say, Bill Maher, or Michael Moore, or MSNBC hosts -- complain about how timid and reasonable their side is. The absence of self-awareness makes me lightheaded.

By the way, because of the Dávila influence, I find that I've begun thinking in terms of spontaneous aphorisms. Often they float into my head fully formed, although sometimes I have to tweak them a little for that extra tang. I'm not saying they're as penetrating as his, but you have to start somewhere, right? For example,

If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no self-righteousness, and if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no self-awareness.

Or, Ideology fills the vacuum created by tenure.

--The news is a commercial for liberalism. The commercials are news about capitalism.

--Anything deep and true is conservative.

--A "male feminist" is either a wolf in sheep's clothing or a sheep in sheep's clothing. Useless either way.

--The cogito of the left: "I envy, therefore RACISM!"

--Universal human nature and self-evident truth are two sides of the same coin; likewise, identity politics and the tyranny of subjectivism.

--Since progressivism is a state religion, public schools should be abolished on 1st amendment grounds.

--The concept of "cultural appropriation" was invented by white Marxists, so blacks & Latinos need to stop appropriating it.

--Capitalism is unfair to people who want power but have no talent.

--Say what you want about the liberal arts, but they've found a cure for common sense.

--All socialists have to do is stop pretending to be God. But then they wouldn't be socialists.

I'd like to move more into the aphorism department, if only because it is a great courtesy to the reader. As I've said before, the world is filled with 400 page books that contain one idea. Conversely, Dávila has thousands of aphorisms that could be expanded into a book, -- or, better yet, are the distillation of that book, so it needn't be written in the first place.

Think too of all those books that contain one idea, but the idea is totally stupid (or monstrous). For example, the most popular history book on college campuses is Howard Zinn's History of the American People. Let me summarize it for you: America (and capitalism, and white males) is evil. There's no clever or witty way to say that, so he had to write the book.

Back to Yeats. When the center can't hold, why not? Is it because there are no centrists? That can't be right, because to be a centrist is to compromise with evil. There is no centrist position between conservative classical liberalism and Antifa fascists. A leftist would no doubt respond that there is no centrist position between them and white supremacism.

Which is a red herring, since the latter doesn't exist in any meaningful way, and certainly wields no political power whatsoever. And this leaves aside the fact that all wholesale racism comes from the left, not from conservatives. Conservatism is founded on ideas, not on blood or identity.

In the margin I have a note to myself: "The center cannot hold because the top cannot rule." That might qualify for an aphorism, except that it actually needs to be fleshed out in order to be understood, at least by most people. Very senior Raccoons might get it right away, and see all the implications, but our culture has been so saturated by egalitarian thinking, that Absolute Authority sounds downright un-American.

But if there is no absolute authority, then there is no center. Note that this vertical authority bisects reality, which is precisely what creates the center: you might say that "truth" is anywhere verticality bisects horizontality.

This verticality is also the source of legitimate order, organization, and hierarchy. Now, hierarchy is the opposite of anarchy; put conversely, the only cure for anarchy is hierarchy. I don't mean this in a polemical way. Rather, it is just the literal truth. For example, the campus anarchy of the 1960s was a result of administrators abandoning hierarchy and placing themselves on the same level as the rioters.

Obviously, anarchy cannot be cured by anarchy, because horizontality cannot transcend horizontality. Which is precisely why leftism always ends in tyranny. It is baked into the cake. As Dávila says, When the exploiters disappear, the exploited split into exploiters and exploited.

Thus, the immediate result of the communist revolution of 1917 was a two-tier society. This was the new order, the new center, the new verticality. And No social class has exploited the others more brazenly than the one that today calls itself “the State.”

Now, man is the center of the world. Indeed, you could say he is the center of creation. This is a literal truth, and it is uncontroversial. It can only be denied from the standpoint of the center which it denies, thus refuting itself.

Besides, leftists are forever making pronouncements that could only emanate from a vertical cosmic center, even if they deny any ground for this center. Here is a typical "activist scholar" who is full of passionate intensity about denying normality and deconstructing reality (check out her CV: madness!).

So, don't ask why the center cannot hold. It can't hold because the top -- AKA truth -- can't rule. Therefore, the bottom dwellers fill the vacuum. Which is why leftism always comes down to rule by sociopaths.


Michael Crichton said...

The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda. Perceiving the truth has always been a challenge to mankind, but in the information age (or as I think of it, the disinformation age) it takes on a special urgency and importance.

neal said...

I always thought Man is the transducer of the above and below worlds. That surely is a center of some whirlwind.
Of course, then whatever Truth is grasped is a gift with a price, not given to anything but Grace.

See worlds within worlds and get temporal credentials if kept in the head. Do it in public and get a reputation for not staying put.

Gagdad Bob said...

Man is the center of creation so long as we remember he is created, and is therefore a deputy center, so to speak. If man pretends to a self-sufficient center without regard for the Creator, then tyranny follows.

Gagdad Bob said...

57% of Democrats now view socialism positively. The prelude to anarchy being loosed upon the country.

Gagdad Bob said...

Blood-dimmed tide to follow.

julie said...

At least now they're being honest about it. If the right has any sense, they'll run a series of "make America Venezuela (/ Cuba/ Nazi Germany/ etc.) again" campaigns. Juxtapose Occasional Cortex's blathering so about universal health care with images of a Venezuelan hospital ward, or universal basic income with the empty grocery stores and food lines.

Though somehow, I suspect such campaign strategies would mysteriously be banned for hate speech, or just flat out "lost" by news stations and somehow not aired.

Gagdad Bob said...

Conservatives understand that "the poor will always be with us." Leftists don't understand that the wealthy will always be with us.

Anonymous said...

Hello Bob, Neal, Julie, Michael Crichton:

The center can not only hold, in this nation the center a massive and immovable structure. By the center, I mean those who hold mixed viewpoints.

Conservatives and Leftists are heavily invested in a world-view of black and white dichotomies, because without a sharp demarcation, both viewpoints tend to lose significance and mojo. Who wants a cause with no mojo?. The center is an annoyance. All those people on the fence....? Who cares about them? The centrists are sheeple.

Wrong you would be. The center drives everything in this nation. For one thing, we have no civil war. We do have lively repartee in the media. Actual factional combat, as in Charlottesville, rare. The Antifa's black garments gather dust in a closet. Nazis polish their iron crosses and genuflect towards Hitler in shuttered homes.

The center: that writhing mass of humanity one sees clogging summer beaches the freeways in their multitudes. It is the many, many many communities urban, rural and somewhere in-between.

At the polls, centrists vote sensibly. Thank you.

We live in a society of mitigated capitalism, and limited socialism. The bell curve. Never forget the bell curve. Compromises abound. It's all so lacking in high drama. But it gets the job done.

Van Harvey said...
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Van Harvey said...

"This verticality is also the source of legitimate order, organization, and hierarchy. Now, hierarchy is the opposite of anarchy; put conversely, the only cure for anarchy is hierarchy. I don't mean this in a pejorative way. Rather, it is just the literal truth. For example, the campus anarchy of the 1960s was a result of administrators abandoning hierarchy and placing themselves on the same level as the rioters."

Which is again playing out today, but jumped up a level from wacademia, to Government, as those rioters are now themselves the political administrators, ala Maxine Waters, etc, and once again, the utility of 'doing good' (aka:pretending those you disagree with are nazis so as to punch them out of your way), is the means of demolishing the hierarchy and instituting the anarchy necessary for the exploited to exit their chrysalis and subdivide into the new exploiters and exploited.

Interesting side issue I've been observing. The pro-regressive ideal of kids indoctrinated and managed into the ADHD mould - that inability to focus, real or projected, is necessary to the thoughtlessness of the totolerantarian state. But. I've noticed the mega popularity of the YouTube videos and podcasts of the Jordan Petersons', Dave Rubins', Ben Shapiros', that often run to 3 or more hours, and are watched in numbers that dwarf those of broadcasts and cable TV.

I not only do not think that the multidimensional ADHD fraud can survive that, I don't think it can or has had any real substance. I suspect that just as we in the Tea Party were painted as violent fascist mobs, without a shred of truth to spin that from, much the same has been done to Millennials. Now, there may be a shred to hang the charge on, that being the ignorance they've been schooled in, but that ignorance isn't sustainable in an environment rife with both thirst, and knowledge.

Sure, the antifa nuts are out there, but... they are the Hillary Clinton's of winning.

Truth will out.

Gagdad Bob said...

To paraphrase Bork, the same people who attacked normality and standards from without, now do so from within.

Gagdad Bob said...

And as for psychology... lately I've been thinking about the extent to which the lunatics have truly taken over the asylum. Psychology is as thoroughly politicized as anything you care to name. As in the USSR, they've hijacked the language of pathology in order to demonize enemies and normalize their pets. ADHD is mostly a way to pathologize boys as defective girls: chemical castration. Note the contradiction: there is no difference between boys and girls, and besides, we need to drug the boys to eliminate the differences.

Van Harvey said...

I've enough familiarity with history and philosophy, and the horrifyingly appalling nature of what passes for Education, to my pessimism for the present and future to be put 2nd to no ones.

However, the previous generation of attackers, and their current fellow travelers, were eager to slouch along to the beat of the siren's song. And they had few alternatives to choose from, and fewer means to seek them out.

That much, the availability of what there is to know, has changed. And many today are waking up to what they've been deprived of, and... if nothing else is true, this generation doesn't take too kindly to being deprived of what they feel entitled to.

Also, the world is no longer safely hidden beyond the Big Three Network's wall, especially in the formerly subjected eastern European countries, PC is becoming ridiculed, such as Hungary banning 'women's studies' classes in college.

Thing's are bad, and all signs point to their getting worse, but at times like this I take some comfort in knowing that I cannot possibly know enough, to really know how things will turn out.

Heh, surprisingly, I suppose I've found some faith.

ted said...

Van: Things are bad, but not so bad yet. My concern is what happens when feces hits fan (e.g. an economic collapse, war, act of God). The lunatics (instead of just being triggered and envious) will now be running amok on the streets. God help us all.

ted said...

The lefty zombie apocalypse won't look pretty.

Van Harvey said...

Ted said "...The lunatics (instead of just being triggered and envious) will now be running amok on the streets."

I dunno, I'm not that worried about lunatics or zombies (well... maybe that zombie :-) ) they're predictable. But the person with no familiarity or inclination towards reasoning and morality; without government or self-governance - they scare the hell out of me!

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