Saturday, July 16, 2011

BP with Water Balloons

Not as fun as troll-bashing, but looks better:


Those middle ones remind me of this iconic image:


Mother Effingby said...

That was a refreshing bit of balloon bashing, there, Dad.

julie said...


Also, wow! He looks older than his years in that first picture. Love the expressions in all of them - what a great way to practice!

Gagdad Bob said...

Reckless Endangerment is really must-reading for anyone who wants to understand the origins of the present economic situation. (See video.) I've read five or six books on the subject, and this one is the best, pulling all of the strands together in a clear and compelling manner, but in a neutral and "reporterly" style. Nice to see a NY Times reporter actually putting her craft ahead of any ideology.

The story is really quite unbelievable, and the forces mostly responsible for it -- the state, state-run media, and academia -- are still complicit, because they are allowing the narrative to persist that it had something to do with the Bush administration or with "corporate greed." It surely involved the latter, but only because corporations were responding to unambiguous incentives put in place by the state. In this instance, greed was not the leading edge, but rather, lagged directly in the wake of deep government corruption, all in the name of helping the "little guy." Such a perfect microcosm of the intrinsic rottenness of the left.

Van Harvey said...

Ah the designated wetter.


Van Harvey said...

Thats three second positive ref I've heard on that book, will add to the list. I'm trading David Mamet's "The secret knowledge"at the moment. So far so good, 52 pages in, its well written, would certainly give our trolls apoplexy, but nothing particularly remarkable yet.

Other than the startling fact that a leftist managed to discover that reality is real and that truth exists and should be valued... Got to be careful about getting too complacent about miracles.

Van Harvey said...

And then I turned the page and got this:

"Chp 8 - The Red Sea
There is another possible interpretation of the parting of the sea by Moses.
Rather than intervening to create a path in a unitary substance, it could be said that he demonstrated that freedom lay in the ability to see distinctions; that is, that life could be seen as divisible into good and evil; moral and immoral; sacred and profane; permitted and forbidden - that the seemingly unitary "sea" of human behavior and ambition could actually be divided.
A slave is not permitted to make these distinctions. All of his behavior is circumscribed by the will of his master. The necessity of making distinctions in the essence of freedom, where one not only can but must choose."

Oh how hateful! ;-) A true B'ob-ism if I ever heard one.

Gagdad Bob said...

Indeed. That whole motif carries through to Jesus. For the spiritual seeker, it is always exodus, and slavery is always at our heels.

Van Harvey said...

Yep. Skipping over some excellent points, he notes,

"The urge of the Left to surrender choice and self-government for illusion, to insist upon Statism and Government rule, rather than a Government of Service, is a rejection of the lesson of the Exodus."

Seems like pg 52 was the starting gun, nearly every line since has been crackling with life... or maybe I'm just too familiar with the build up about the nature of the left, etc, that it went unnoticed, but he's been firing on all cylinders since, even the foot notes.

I'd buy this book for that chapter alone.

Leslie Godwin said...

Saw Harry Potter with the boy yesterday. Very interesting and well acted. Amazing how the boy they casted as Harry turned out to be a great teenaged version of the character. I liked the understated bravery and heroism of the main characters. None of them went to the William Shatner school of thespian tradecraft.

I have a new website, although the same URL. If anyone here has time or interest, I would be grateful for objective feedback.

One thing I wanted to share is a children's story I wrote for children around their birthday. You can go to the pull-down menu of the "Spiritual Parenting" page and choose "story: Why Can't Everyday Be My Birthday?" Feel free to share it with anyone you think might want to read it to their child. I'll try to figure out how to make it downloadable ASAP. Squarespace is overall very good, but I would not call it intuitive.

Please do let me know what you think would make it better, more organized, or if there is anything that I need to change. (If you have a site, I'm glad to reciprocate.)

Thanks to Will for being the first to critique it!

I'd better get going. Tristan used up all his shampoo to make bubbles in the tub, and the whole bathroom looks pretty much how you'd expect LOL!
Mrs. G

Linda Murphy said...

Mrs. G:

I am definitely interested in your book! My little five-year-old C is constantly thinking it's his birthday.

The pictures are wonderful-my favorite is the last one. Wish my boys loved baseball but I have a better appreciation for Legos.

Leslie Godwin said...

Hi Linda,
Thanks! And don't worry about him preferring Legos at 5. Your son is way ahead of where T was re. fine motor skills at five.

Also, if you and your husband are into sports, he may want to give them try.

I found a way to put a pdf and epub version on the can see the link on the pulldown menu below the page where you can read the book on the site. Would love to know what you and your son think about it.

Theme Song

Theme Song