Modernity's quantitative and idealistic conception of liberty implies by definition freedom for evil, hence also freedom to abolish all liberty. --Frithjof Schuon
One major difference between left and right, or illiberal leftists and conservative liberals, is that for the former, liberty is wholly abstract and quantitative because horizontal, whereas for the latter, it is concrete and realistic because vertical.
In fact, now that I am about to cease thinking about the subject and begin contemplating it, this might be the defining difference between the two ontologies, and the type of people they help engender (or ungender, in the case of the leftist castrati). It cannot be overemphasized that the two systems result in two very different kinds of human beings. Or, you could say that one system results in the possibility of human beings, while the other results in something even worse.
I say "ontology" rather than philosophy, because in my opinion the differences go deeper than mere thought, or (k). Rather, the differences are very much rooted in being, hence the passions generated by the "culture war." Really, it's a question of being vs. non-being -- "to be or not to be" -- since, in the absence of vertical liberty, one can only pretend to be. That is, one can only exist in arbitrarily different ways -- "lifestyles" instead of living in proper human style. Leftism is not a race, except to the bottom.
Thus, if you're not following me, and I don't blame you if you are, the primordial "pre-political" divide would be between essence and existence; or being and nothingness; or the trees of Life and Death; or, to put it in the most polyunsaturated way possible, between O and ø, which, in the human microcosm, comes down to (¶) vs. (•). I don't want to dumb it down too much, but you can also think of it as sane vs. tenured.
Perhaps because most people are an unconscious blend -- i.e., they simply fit themselves into whatever the environment -- they don't notice the vast difference, or perhaps they are upset by all the "angry polarization." But in this regard, it must be said that so-called moderates are generally just retarded or limping liberals, since they are simply "adapted to change" as opposed to anything real and stable, i.e., transcendent. Thus, as man falls, these chameleons fall along for the ride inside the time crapsule, and therefore conflate "average" with "normal."
Another way of saying it is that any person or institution that is not explicitly conservative will inevitably dissipate and drift toward liberalism, in keeping with man's corrupted nature + the law of cosmic gravity, or 2 + 2 = forewarned. This is why one searches in vain for any left-wing levity. These O-holes can neither elevate nor laugh at themselves, which is why it is so important for us to laugh at them twice as hard for their spiritual benefit. My laughty relevations are intended to be a guffaw-ha experience, a wake-up call for the benefit of the alarming clucks among us.
As someone at the razzer's edge once said, "My jokes are easy, my words enlight." I don't mean to be some kind of hoppy jester bunny on the one hand, or reptiblican punster from the black lampoon on the other, but I'm only pulling the leg you don't have to stand on, hoping you'll trip and then gag on your own absurdity. Yes, you might need a hipness replacement for your groove disability, but If you could only laugh at the wisecrack in the cosmic egg, your sunny side wouldn't be so scrambled. When I post and riposte about these matters, it's a ridicure for what ails you.
Even some of my supporters accuse me of religious sincretism, but I'm jest praying the field in order to reach the widest potential Odience. We're not all bozos on this bus, and that's the problem. If I can be a comicalzee riding a farcical made of clues, perhaps I can blow open a big enough whole that you can catch a glimpse of your facetiousness before you were born. In mother words, for you feminists out there, I just want to tickle the rib of which you're maid mary, so you too can give birth to a lila wordplay of your own.
Okay, back to the mano-a-manologue, or hand to hand combat without hands or jokeholds.
A liberty that is wholly quantitative is ultimately absurd, since it not only can have no purpose, but it cannot even justify its own existence. In this regard, leftist political philosophy must be tautologous and taught to all of us in a totolerantarian way. Since it bears on nothing outside its own closed circle of jerks and smirking clerks, it is a cirque d' so-lame that it tries to root liberty in the demands of the collective, which is self-refuting in principle and self-defeating in practice.
In turn, this is why there is in fact an inverse relationship between leftism and freedom. Any institution taken over by the left results in the the diminution of freedom on the basis of the demands of the group. The travails of Ezra Levant before the Canagaroodian Court of Subhuman Rights is a vivid example, but one could cite countless other pouches of liberal tyranny. This morning reader Steve sent me this fine example.
But conservatism is always a tough sell, since it it relatively "empty" of content on this plane. In other words, it is very difficult to get elected by promising to do nothing, which is in most spheres the most important job of the government. As Schuon writes, "We often hear it said that criticism is 'sterile' because it does not involve any 'constructive' proposals; this is like saying that because one is not able to show someone the proper path one has no right to tell him he is walking toward a precipice..."
Perhaps this is why conservatism accomplished more in the 1990s as an opposition party than it did in the 2000s as the majority party. When in the opposition, conservatives are more in a position to stop or slow down liberals, whereas when in the majority, they end up imitating liberals. One wishes it weren't so, but if wishes were hearses, we'd all ride around like spiritually dead liberals.
I give up. This post was written under great duress, trying to type and watch a 2 3/4 year-old in the same timelessness. That's my excuse, and I'm sticking it to you. Probably no posts this weekend either, but we'll see, for "the windbag bloweth when he will."
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Yep. I think Conservatives lead best when pulling back on the donkey reins. Not necessarily stopping progress, but taking the time to see where it's headed. Conservatives by their nature, are minding their own business and are rarely roused to action unless it's in reaction to wrong-headed ideas from politicians who think we need change for change's sake.
Meanwhile, simply because it jumps out at me, you've been using the word "primordial" quite a bit. Not complaining...
I notice that there are two copies of One Cosmos available on amazon for the nominal cost of $8.85. I would encourage frugal Raccoons to snap them up, and invest in your cosmic destiny.
You have out-punned yourself today Bob.
I accept that the left is coming from a bad place. I wonder how did we let things get so bad? How did so many really bad ideas get accepted in our culture? We really weren't guarding the gate very well.
One reason is that their are liberal judges legislating from the bench against the will of the people. Contrary to what the MSM tells us, the majority of people have conservative values. Between judges, the ACLU, and the MSM, none of which are elected, most people don't have the time or money to fight against the lies and smears of the left. So, our freedoms and values are slowly eroded until we reach a point of no return, at which time we become Europe.
I think it was DeToqueville who described the process of political systems which go from republics to democracies to socialism to totalitarianism to revolution to anarchism and back to republics. Not sure if that's right. I do know there is a lot of blood shed between socialism back to republic.
Remember your "man-crush" link to the Ezra Levant video yesterday? Well, it seems it's flushed a particularly stupid and vicious moonbat. As Mikal9000 said, I hope this is some clueless Jihadist, because if it's a native-born Leftist, it must really, really suck to be carrying around such a load of ignorance and rage, and not be able to blame it on one's linguistic, cultural and/or religious background.
So historically have all the conservative presidents of the past lived up to your expectations? What about the current nominees? You speak of conservatism, but I'm not sure what you think of so called conservative Republican presidents, and the United State's past presidential history in general. It'd be great to get your thoughts on this!
You first.
Testing 123
You sure a punny guy, Bob! Can you make it stop raining, please?
So, if anyone is interested I have some video from my class this week on my blogger page accessed by clicking on my name. I'm afraid it's not with the greatest of ease, but I'm practicing!
"That is, one can only exist in arbitrarily different ways -- "lifestyles" instead of living in proper human style. Leftism is not a race, except to the bottom."
Indeed! It's all about style and rebellion for the Left.
They think they are so unique, but in reality they are all the same.
Freakin' roebots!
"But in this regard, it must be said that so-called moderates are generally just retarded or limping liberals, since they are simply "adapted to change" as opposed to anything real and stable, i.e., transcendent. Thus, as man falls, these chameleons fall along for the ride inside the time crapsule, and therefore conflate "average" with "normal.""
Yep. Moderates are all about "compromise" forgetting or ignoring the promise and purity of truth.
They would compromise our liberty into tyranny, just to avoid "angry polarization."
"This is why one searches in vain for any left-wing levity. These O-holes can neither elevate nor laugh at themselves, which is why it is so important for us to laugh at them twice as hard for their spiritual benefit. My laughty relevations are intended to be a guffaw-ha experience, a wake-up call for the benefit of the alarming clucks among us."
That was Beautiful, Dude! LOL!
"Yes, you might need a hipness replacement for your groove disability, but If you could only laugh at the wisecrack in the cosmic egg, your sunny side wouldn't be so scrambled. When I post and riposte about these matters, it's a ridicure for what ails you."
Ha ha! Doc Bob has the ridicure.
I'll take a lifetime prescription please. I love the sunnyside-up effects. :^)
"If I can be a comicalzee riding a farcical made of clues, perhaps I can blow open a big enough whole that you can catch a glimpse of your facetiousness before you were born."
I much prefer the wisdom of the comicalzee to the foolish cluelesside bummer of the Left!
"Any institution taken over by the left results in the the diminution of freedom on the basis of the demands of the group."
Ergo mob rule...ergo tyranny.
Just what Obama has promised in his SC victory speech: "We must all share in sacrifice and prosperity."
Chilling. A young Hugo Chavez in the making.
Thanks for saying what I had to say, that saved me a lot of typing.
Forgive me if I ran across this article a couple of years ago from an OC reference, in which case I would just be repeating what a lot of you already know.
But this offers an interesting theory about how these ideas managed to infiltrate the thinking of so many of us: Gramscian Damage.
Thanks for the link, interesting essay.
I've been digesting the comments section there a little at a time throughout the day. Reminds me of some of the "discussions" we have had here in the past.
Bob, you need to do another WIE interview, I miss the old flame wars.
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