Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Mullah Terror & Nasty Old Leftist Complex

We often hear leftists speak of the dangers of the military industrial complex, but a far greater danger is the mullah terror & nasty old leftist complex, which was demonstrated once again this week with Osama's open embrace of the left's bull goose loony, Noam Chomsky. It's a marriage made in hell between the moonbats and moongodbats.

PowerLine notes that the allahiance between Islamists and leftists "has never been so clearly displayed. Bin Laden sounds for all the world like a Marxist. He praises Noam Chomsky as one of the 'most capable' of American war opponents. Over and over, he attributes American foreign policy to 'the owners of the major corporations.' In bin Laden's view, '[t]hose with real power and influence are those with the most capital,' and 'the essence of man-made positive laws is that they serve the interests of those with capital and thus make the rich richer and the poor poorer.'"

Osama-lama-ding-dong might as well be working for the New York Times useful idiotorial board, since he has all their barking points down pat: "Thus, 'all of mankind is in danger because of... global warming.' The Kennedy assassination finds its way into the story: it was ordered by 'the owners of major corporations who were benefiting from [the Vietnam war's] continuation.'" (He knows this meme appeals to the left, given their cognitive dissonance over the fact that JFK was killed by a pro-Castro leftist, just as RFK was killed by a Palestinian savage. And I'm guessing that MLK was killed by a southern Democrat.)

Speaking of JFK, Osama's still a little peeved that Oliver Stone hasn't gotten back to him about the screenplay he submitted, a light summer romp called How to Stuff a Wild Burqini. Don't get the wrong idea. Yes, it has that provocative scene of a Muslim woman waxing her burqini line, but it's only her monobrow.

With regard to Iraq, Osama might as well be Keith Olbillmaher or Cindy Seanpenn: "Iraq is a 'civil war'; America's involvement was fomented by 'neoconservatives like Cheney, Rumsfeld and Richard Perle'; 'American statistics' say that 650,000 Iraqis have been killed; the justifications for the Iraq war are 'based on deception and blatant lies'; the war was 'entirely unnecessary, as testified to by your own reports'; war opponents have denounced the conflict in 'eloquent terms' like 'no to spilling red blood for black oil'; 'thinkers' world-wide have predicted the imminent collapse of the 'American Empire'; Bush's problem in Iraq is that he 'refused to look at the facts on the ground.'"

In a direct appeal to 9-11 "truthers," Osama also said that Bush would have brought down the Twin Towers if he hadn't thought of it first.

A while back, Noam Chomsky published a typical irant entitled A Negotiated Solution to the Iranian Nuclear Crisis is Within Reach. Naturally he blames the United States and Israel for the problem. Unlike us, the "sophisticated Iranians" are “surely not as willing as the west to discard history to the rubbish heap.” That is, “They know that the United States, along with its allies, has been tormenting Iranians and stealing my precious bodily fluids for more than 50 years.” Only unsophisticated Iranians who don't live on planet Chomsky think that the totalitarian regime that rules their lives is a tad oppressive.

Because he is a "leftist thinker," Chomsky doesn’t technically “think” so much as apply a leftist template over reality so that it always comes out looking the same: U.S. bad, enemies of U.S. good. Any questions?

On the adoltolescent playground of elite college campuses, Chomsky's books are always among the biggest sellers. In the course of his career, like the left itself, he has only been wrong about everything (most egregiously, our previous generations-long battle against communist tyranny), but that doesn’t matter, since the purpose of socialism -- like Islamism -- is not to be effective or to describe reality, but to transform the consciousness of the person who believes it. Therefore, it would be a waste of time to analyze the substance of Chomsky’s ideas, which are frankly bizarre. He is much more of a religious cult figure and should be regarded as such. He cannot be discredited.

Religion is the realm of ultimate values. I was intrigued by a passing comment at the top of Chomsky’s editorial that reveals his: “The urgency of halting the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and moving toward their elimination, could hardly be greater. Failure to do so is almost certain to lead to grim consequences, even the end of biology's only experiment with higher intelligence” (emphasis mine).

So here we have a literal inversion of reality on every level: political, historical, ethical, epistemological, theological and ontological -- a cosmos inside out and upside down.

The classical liberalism of American idealism is implicitly religious, even if it doesn’t explicitly favor one particular Judeo-Christian denomination over another. Clearly, there was a coonsensus among our founders that human beings, and only human beings, were endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that are rooted in our very humanness. Liberty is meaningless without both free will and a proper transcendent end for our resultant liberty.

In the absence of a free will that transcends biology, meaningful liberty is obviously impossible. And in the absence of the Good and True, both our behavior and our thinking can have no meaning that isn’t ultimately arbitrary. (In other words, thinking, in order to be worthy of the name, must converge on truth, just as behavior must converge on virtue.)

This is the “American experiment”: it was an experiment in the adventure of consciousness to see if would be possible to facilitate psycho-spiritual evolution by setting up the appropriate framework -- to unleash human potential, in part by starting out with a more accurate anthropology and ontology. For if you get either of these wrong at the outset, then your political philosophy will be hopelessly dysfunctional.

Adam Smith’s ideas are infinitely more effective than Marx’s (or Mohammed's) ideas because they begin with a very accurate and concrete assessment of human psychology, whereas Marx (and every leftist since him) begins with abstract and general ideas that are superimposed on reality. What doesn’t fit into the framework must be attacked, denied, belittled, and eliminated in order to preserve the framework. Thus, the origins of the hauntological house of the perpetually “angry left.” How could they not be angry? It’s inherently painful when reality doesn’t conform to your fantasies.

The mullahs and Islamonazis have their own dysfunctional version of reality, while Chomsky and the left have another. In the end, one is no worse than the other, which is probably why they find such common ground in their opposition to liberal America.

In Chomsky’s religion, matter is God. A nuclear holocaust would be tragic because it would end “biology's only experiment with higher intelligence.” Turning the cosmos upside down, human intelligence is subordinate to biology. The human mind is simply an “experiment” of biology. Could this possibly be true? I don't know. You would have to ask biology. It’s her experiment, not ours.

Stripped of their illusions of divinity, humans are then free to be what they are, with their biology unbound:

Power into will, will into appetite,
And appetite, a universal wolf,
So doubly seconded with will and power,
Must make perforce a universal prey
And last eat himself up.

Osama lauds Chomsky, which is only fitting, since this nasty old leftist has long been one of the West's most visible apologists for the ravenous wolves of Islam -- just as he was unable to perceive the moral gulf that existed between America and the monsters of depravity who enslaved the communist world. He has to see things this way. It's his theology. Or biology. Same thing. Probably no coincidence that he was named after that talking monkey, Nim Chimpsky.


Stephen Macdonald said...

I for one have long recognized the hard Left as more dangerous than the Islamists--far more dangerous. The Islamists are ultimately an external enemy which can be countered via largely conventional military and para-military means. The Left is very different.

One of the necessary conditions of prosperous civil society is the existence of solid property rights. The misery of various modern human societies varies more or less proportially with the degree to which property rights are absent or undermined. Yet the Left persists in trying to undermine this right at every turn. Recently in America this has taken the form of attacking intellectual property rights. The advent of digital technology facilitates theft of IP on a vast scale. Hordes of young people not only use but philosophically support illegal operators like the Pirate Bay. (As an aside, the music business in particular is its own worst enemy in not providing a viable online business model in a timely fashion). Here is a typical sample of what passes for political thought among the young (and not so young) when the topic of intellectual property theft (a.k.a. "sharing") is broached:

When I was a kid, we were always taught that we should share what we have with those who are less fortunate -- and do it anonymously, if possible.
It is cool that there are SO MANY decent human beings all over the planet who understand this principle and adhere to it.l F**k corporations and the greedy, over-paid pigs who run them, who try to breed distrust and greed, for their damn commerce.

THERE..I said it. Commerce itself is AGAINST the human HEART. Nobody likes to be treated like a damn customer. We all prefer to be treated like brothers and sisters...except for those relatively few, greedy wretches who just want to take way more than they need, while trying to screw everyone else!


The recrudescence of the Leftist impulse springs eternal. We will battle this form of evil forever--it apparently cannot be defeated through education. Leftism is doing real damage in places like South America right now. It threatens the security of America, retards wealth creation, and undermines American moral leadership.

The problem is that Leftism is virtually impossible to counter. You can't use JDAM munitions against the ACLU or Bill Maher's house. I like to think of the difference between Islamism and Leftism as similar to that between a snarling pit-bull and melanoma. The former is an obvious, immediate and potentially lethal threat--one which can be eliminated with a baseball bat and sufficient courage, strength and resolve. The latter kills slowly and silently from within, and in many cases cannot be cured.

Anonymous said...

The mullanomas of Islam depend upon the cancerous yellownomas of the left.

walt said...

Smoov said:
"You can't use JDAM munitions against the ACLU or Bill Maher's house."

True, but the thought intrigues.

Stephen Macdonald said...

The left--as always--goes too far. The legtimate aims of the "women's lib" movement have been mutated by the Left into Marxist Gender Studies and other forms of evil. The obviously correct moral principle that we should not persecute homosexuals has morphed into "celebration" of this unfortuante malady. Islamism thrives in places like the UK because the Left eliminated the traditional healthy baseline xenophobia which guarded against invasion by wholly hostile and incompatible cultures. It is one thing to be a "nation of immigrants", quite another to extend the welcome to those who would immediately set forth to erode the foundation.

I note that the Kos-sacks are somewhat perturbed by the Osama-come-lately on the leftist lecture circuit--but only a bit. Soon enough they will embrace Osama bin Laden outright. Just watch.

Anonymous said...

Every September, I recall that is more than half a century (62 years) since I landed at Nagasaki with the 2nd Marine Division in the original occupation of Japan following World War II. This time every year, I have watched and listened to the light-hearted "peaceniks" and their light-headed symbolism-without-substance of ringing bells, flying pigeons, floating candles, and sonorous chanting and I recall again that "Peace is not a cause - it is an effect."

In July, 1945, my fellow 8th RCT Marines [I was a BARman] and I returned to Saipan following the successful conclusion of the Battle of Okinawa. We were issued new equipment and replacements joined each outfit in preparation for our coming amphibious assault on the home islands of Japan.

B-29 bombing had leveled the major cities of Japan, including Kobe, Osaka, Nagoya, Yokohama, Yokosuka, and Tokyo.

We were informed we would land three Marine divisions and six Army divisions, perhaps abreast, with large reserves following us in. It was estimated that it would cost half a million casualties to subdue the Japanese homeland.

In August, the A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima but the Japanese government refused to surrender. Three days later a second A-bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki. The Imperial Japanese government finally surrendered.

Following the 1941 sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, a Japanese admiral said, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant..." Indeed, they had. Not surprisingly, the atomic bomb was produced by a free people functioning in a free environment. Not surprisingly because the creative process is a natural human choice-making process and inventiveness occurs most readily where choice-making opportunities abound. America!

Tamper with a giant, indeed! Tyrants, beware: Free men are nature's pit bulls of Liberty! The Japanese learned the hard way what tyrants of any generation should know: Never start a war with a free people - you never know what they may invent!

As a newly assigned member of a U.S. Marine intelligence section, I had a unique opportunity to visit many major cities of Japan, including Tokyo and Hiroshima, within weeks of their destruction. For a full year I observed the beaches, weapons, and troops we would have assaulted had the A-bombs not been dropped. Yes, it would have been very destructive for all, but especially for the people of Japan.

When we landed in Japan, for what came to be the finest and most humane occupation of a defeated enemy in recorded history, it was with great appreciation, thanksgiving, and praise for the atomic bomb team, including the aircrew of the Enola Gay. A half million American homes had been spared the Gold Star flag, including, I'm sure, my own.

Whenever I hear the apologists expressing guilt and shame for A-bombing and ending the war Japan had started (they ignore the cause-effect relation between Pearl Harbor and Nagasaki), I have noted that neither the effete critics nor the puff-adder politicians are among us in the assault landing-craft or the stinking rice paddies of their suggested alternative, "conventional" warfare. Stammering reluctance is obvious and continuous, but they do love to pontificate about the Rights that others, and the Bomb, have bought and preserved for them.

The vanities of ignorance and camouflaged cowardice abound as license for the assertion of virtuous "rights" purchased by the blood of others - those others who have borne the burden and physical expense of Rights whining apologists so casually and self-righteously claim.

At best, these fakers manifest a profound and cryptic ignorance of causal relations, myopic perception, and dull I.Q. At worst, there is a word and description in The Constitution defining those who love the enemy more than they love their own countrymen and their own posterity. Every Yankee Doodle Dandy knows what that word is.

In 1945, America was the only nation in the world with the Bomb and it behaved responsibly and respectfully. It remained so until two among us betrayed it to the Kremlin. Still, this American weapon system has been the prime deterrent to earth's latest model world- tyranny: Seventy years of Soviet collectivist definition, coercion, and domination of individual human beings.

The message is this: Trust Freedom. Remember, tyrants never learn. The restriction of Freedom is the limitation of human choice, and choice is the fulcrum-point of the creative process in human affairs. As earth's choicemaker, it is our human identity on nature's beautiful blue planet and the natural premise of man's free institutions, environments, and respectful relations with one another. Made in the image of our Creator, free men choose, create, and progress - or die.

Free men should not fear the moon-god-crowd oppressor nor choose any of his ways. Recall with a confident Job and a victorious David, "Know ye not that you are in league with the stones of the field?"

Semper Fidelis
Jim Baxter
WW II and Korean War

Job 5:23 Proverbs 3:31 I Samuel 17:40

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jim.

NoMo said...

Jim Baxter for President...or someone like him.

Thank you, Jim. It is an honor to hear your story.

Anonymous said...

You mean allahgator?

Susannah said...

Bravo, and many thanks to you, Mr. Baxter!

Stephen Macdonald said...

Amazing post, Mr. Baxter. Always lifts the spirits to know that there are men like you out there.

robinstarfish said...

Hear, hear, Mr. Baxter!

julie said...

Thank you, Mr. Baxter, both for your service and for sharing your story.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mr. Baxter!

walt said...

Mr. Baxter! Terrific post!

Anonymous said...

" unleash human potential, in part by starting out with a more accurate anthropology and ontology."

That poor kid who prefers Free Music'n'Stuff From His Anonymous Sister has never lived where property and commerce were suspect, there is no surplus, and the only shop in town is managed for the convenience and patronage of the workers. That's the road to eating your sister's last shoe in the winter. If he survives the ideological purge of "social parasites and slacking nonconformists."

I certainly hope Jim Baxter is correct that Freedom is robust enough to metabolize these specimens....

/s/ dilys, another grateful choicemaker

Anonymous said...

Jim Baxter:
Thank you for thinking enough of the group here that you stopped by and posted that piece. I Hope to see more. I have your site bookmarked.

wv: lsdcudym This thing is like a cryptocyber fortune cookie


USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Thank you, Sgt. Baxter, for your service and for that inspirational comment!!
I'm glad you have a website. One which I'll be looking forward to reading!
God bless you and yours.
Semper Gratus

debass said...

"You can't use JDAM munitions against the ACLU or Bill Maher's house."

Why not?

Anonymous said...

"You can't use JDAM munitions against the ACLU or Bill Maher's house."

Why not?

9/08/2007 03:42:00 PM

The North American Moonbat is a protected specie. You'd get a heck of a fine for bombing one. And think of the carbon footprint! Gaia would weep.


USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

"It's a marriage made in hell between the moonbats and moongodbats."

Moongodbats. That's a good one, Bob!

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

"Because he is a "leftist thinker," Chomsky doesn’t technically “think” so much as apply a leftist template over reality so that it always comes out looking the same: U.S. bad, enemies of U.S. good. Any questions?"

And, if the questions don't fit-in with their leftist template, it doesn't "count."
That is, if questions are indeed allowed to begin with.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Interesting...the article about Nim Chimpsky says there was nothing taught to Nim that could not be taught to a pigeon.

Yep, that explains Noam Chumpsky alright.
Although, unlike a pigeon, he leaves bigger droppings.

Mizz E said...

Sgt. Baxter,
I'm very grateful for your continuing service to Truth and Freedom.
Mizz E

Anonymous said...

Jim Baxter said "The restriction of Freedom is the limitation of human choice, and choice is the fulcrum-point of the creative process in human affairs. As earth's choicemaker..."

I like that, earth's choicemaker.

Thank God Truman made the choice to let fly the Enola Gay.

"In 1945, America was the only nation in the world with the Bomb and it behaved responsibly and respectfully."

Nothing prevented us from choosing to go on and take over the world.

Choices made with no fear of consequences, show the soul best of all. Choosing in one case action, and in another restraint, shows not just Freedom, but morality and wisdom - without which, freedom can be as dangerous and destructive as you choose to be.

"When we landed in Japan, for what came to be the finest and most humane occupation of a defeated enemy in recorded history, it was with great appreciation, thanksgiving, and praise for the atomic bomb team, including the aircrew of the Enola Gay. A half million American homes had been spared the Gold Star flag, including, I'm sure, my own."

Hear, hear... and as Ben said, Semper Gratus.

Anonymous said...

"How to Stuff a Wild Burqini. Don't get the wrong idea. Yes, it has that provocative scene of a Muslim woman waxing her burqini line, but it's only her monobrow. ...
Keith Olbillmaher or Cindy Seanpenn,...
adoltolescent ,...
Kos-sacks ,...
mullanomas ..."

Oh my, a banner day OC wordmart!

Anonymous said...

Buncha crazy neocons on this site.

Have you fundamentalist wackos ever hear of a little website called Huffingtonpost? Check it out. Get a clue.

Anonymous said...

Dumb Zionists.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

HuffingandPissed? Why sure we heard about it!
Those lunatics even give Muslim rage boy a run for his money!

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Speaking of the Huffsters, when is speaking poop to power enough?
Too much fieber in their diet, I reckon.
Definitely not kosher.

Stephen Macdonald said...



Stephen Macdonald said...

Filed under "Cart Before Horse" scientism:

Humans getting smarter

Quite a fascinating article. I have to say since I've started reading OC I have a whole new set of tools -- nascent coon-sense I suppose -- which immediately latches on to the absurdities in the interpretation of these data.

It is strange to realize that raccoons and a few kindred souls such as David Warren (More Heresey) seem to have a grasp of what evolution might actually mean, whereas the hollow men of science and the reactionary men of the fundie mainstream are both wrong.

walt said...

Money quote from the article Smoov linked:

“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."
-- Lucretius

Dlanor said...

"In Chomsky’s religion, matter is God. A nuclear holocaust would be tragic because it would end “biology's only experiment with higher intelligence.” Turning the cosmos upside down, human intelligence is subordinate to biology. The human mind is simply an “experiment” of biology. Could this possibly be true? I don't know. You would have to ask biology. It’s her experiment, not ours."

An important yet untestable concern for Moral Philosophers and other Intuitors:

Without EMPATHY as a fundamentally associated factor in respect of feedback processes, could INDIFFERENT mathematics, in itself, self-start and self-drive such feedback loops as would allow causation or chronology protection to be incompletely determinative?

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