Wednesday, February 28, 2007

All Men are Coons

So, if Phase I is the selection of a human group for the vertical revelation, culminating in the preparation of a human body to bear the divine light; and Phase II is the horizontal propagation of the logos, culminating in the remaking of the external world, in particular, the development of science, economic freedom, and liberal democracy; then Phase III is the widespread interiorization of the descent on a more deeply personal basis.

As the world has been transformed, now so too must the individual, or the world's evolution cannot continue. Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of our day and age is that, for the first time in history, we have everything in place for the widespread colonization of the spiritual dimension. And yet, people still frantically scatter from the center to the periphery, dispersing their very life substance untl "dying of miscellany."

In this regard, it is 1800 BC all over again, with the historical birth of the Jewish people; or perhaps 33 AD; or 1492; or 1776. In hindsight, we can see that each of these dates represented an evolutionary fork in the cosmic road for a purpose that could not possibly have been fully grasped at the time. It is "as if" we are in a time equally as revolutionary. Its signs are everywhere, and yet, few people know how to read them.

I emphasize the "as if," because at this point we are merely looking at things from a certain angle in order to see what it can illuminate. No need to reduce the Arc of Salvation to some sort of mangy dogma or domesticated catechism. But if a process can only be understood with reference to its end and not its origins, we must ask ourselves "what is the end of history?," in order to comprehend its purpose. Why history?

As I have discussed before -- including in the home version -- it is my firm coonviction, or inspired hunch anyway, that time and eternity cannot be understood without reference to each other. Unlike, say, a strict Platonist of Vedantin, I believe that time is both real and a necessary consequence of eternity -- and vice versa.

In order to understand what on earth Bob is talking about, let's use a spatial analogy. An organism is not a mere aggregate or collection of parts, but a true whole. As a result, each part of the whole is infused with the wholeness of the whole -- indeed, this is what makes a part a part and not its own autonomous whole. For example, each cell in your body contains the genetic blueprint of the entire organism, and each part of your body somehow knows how to perform its function for the benefit of the whole. Of course, organisms do occasionally have parts that are not part of the whole, but we call these "tumors" or "viruses" or "bacteria." In fact, it is no coincidence that "health" is etymologically related to "whole," and that there are countless mechanisms and functions within the body, all geared toward maintaining and returning to a state of dynamic wholeness.

Extending the analogy to time, time is to part as eternity is to whole. In a certain sense, this is just another way to reintroduce the idea of teleology, or "final causation" into metaphysics. One cannot actually think coherently in the absence of finality, which is one of the reasons why science -- or scientism, to be perfectly accurate -- is such an incoherent and unworkable metaphysic. Science relies upon teleology all the time, but merely denies the fact. It is the mysteress without whom the scientist cannot live, but is ashamed to be seen in public (to paraphrase someone).

There is an aspect of the divine reality that is both "present" and "future." If this were not true, then everything would be here now. This is simply another way of saying that, in order for there to be a creation separate from the creator, the creation must be deployed in time. But because time is necessarily "within" God, no matter how far it strays, it cannot help but eventually wend its way back to its source outside or "above" time. This "wending" is the area of our personal freedom. From another perspective, you might say that it is God's lila, or play: "the aion is a child playing with colored toys."

I realize that all of this sounds rather abstract, but it is not meant to. Or if so, the purpose of the abstraction is to illuminate the concrete. Animal man, to whom the initial descent was addressed, was absolutely incapable of comprehending abstract metaphysics, any more than a child could do so. This is why much of the Old Testament is so outwardly concrete, often presented in the form of history.

But clearly, thousands of years of rabbinical exegesis demonstrates that an extraordinarily sophisticated metaphysical abstractness was embedded in the outwardly concrete images and stories. In short, this divine descent was addressed to exterior and interior men of all levels, including levels that did not yet exist in the world. You try writing a book capable of that, and perhaps you'll appreciate its miraculous provenance. Frankly, my book would sell a lot more copies -- or even any copies -- if it were accessible to species of men other than the ring-tailed "mighty little beast" with "a spirit strong of mind."

So, just as an organism seeks wholeness, time is the unfolding spiral of cosmic destiny: "history moves to heal the wounds it has made," in the words of Charles Taylor.

Frithjoh Schuon expresses the doctrine quite clearly when he says, "Eschatology is a part of cosmology, and cosmology is a prolongation of metaphysics, which in turn is essentially the same as the sophia perennis," or universal wisdom. Thus, while intellection reveals timeless principles, one of the principles is that existence has a destiny that can only be revealed, or "unveiled" -- which is the literal meaning of apocalypse -- in time.

Here again, this is a universal intuition that is available to all men, even -- or shall we say, especially! -- to men of the left. For just as the material scientist cannot think fruitfully or coherently in the absence of teleology, the leftist cannot think about politics without the immamentization of Sugar Candy Mountain, or forced paradise.

Again, the divine message, or descent, is available to all men, but becomes garbled as a result of various impurities in the human receptacle. For example, the Jewish concept of Tikkun olam, or "repairing the world," is turned inside out and upside down by "anti-rabbis" such as Michael Lerner, just as the Christian descent is lowjacked by leftists and transmogrified into so-called "liberation theology," a cancer in the body of Christ (so to speak) if ever there was one. There are specifically Christian pathologies (the cult of victimology being one of them), Jewish pathologies, Hindu pathologies, and quite obviously Islamic pathologies.

Perhaps you may have also noticed that these pneuma-pathologies unify members across these diverse groups much more than membership in the particular group. This explains the weird alliance between, say, leftist anti-Jews such as Lerner and Chomsky and Islamo-nazis, just as it explains the grotesque alliance between the National Council of Churches and monsters such as Castro, Arafat and other enemies of mankind.

Likewise, it explains the natural alliance that cuts across and unifies proper Christians, Jews, and members of other faiths. It explains the deep reverence a Meister Eckart had for a Moses Maimonides, or Ramakrishna for Jesus, or Valentin Tomberg for Sri Aurobindo, etc. These men meet in the interior vertical, or "Coonland," just as the inferior sort of religious men meet down below in the exterior horizontal.

Now, Schuon says something that would apply to everything I have laid out above: "All our preceding considerations may seem arbitrary and imaginative in the highest degree to one who clings to that immense simplification which is the scientistic perspective." However, my cosmic omusings will become plausible if "one knows how to draw from human subjectivity all the immediate and distant consequences it implies." For it is precisely this "dazzlingly evident mystery" of subjectivity -- the interior microcosm within the macrocosm -- that "offers the key to metaphysical truths as well as mystical experiences, the one like the other requiring all that we are."

In other words, to become what you are is nothing less than for the cosmos to know who it is from the inside out, which is to say, the purpose of creation, as it were. In ether worlds, time takes time, let alone eternity. It is the great privilege of the human state to know this. I do not mean to imply that this knowledge was unknown to men in Phases I and II. Clearly that was not the case. However, never before has it become so potentially accessible and available to all men.

When I think of Al Gore -- which naturally, one tries to avoid -- I think of someone who is clearly sensitive to the Message, but who is just as clearly distorting it in a rather breathtaking manner, for he is literally turning it upside down and inside out, as if the evolutionary crisis of mankind is within the environment and not the soul. Much of the "hysteria of the age" results from exactly this type of distortion, just as a sexual perversion involves distortion of "energy from below," so to speak.

For want of a less loaded term, let us just say that the hail of shakti or "universal k" is coming down the size of grapefruits, pelting everyone below: "the sun shines on both the wicked and righteous," and all that. Some people strap on a suicide bomb while others hallucinate about a "Christo-fascist takeover," but everyone gets hit and tries to figure out why we have hail on earth.

A great many primordial conflicts are rising to the surface and being worked out in the field of time. Mankind's future evolution hinges on their outcome, no less than it hinged on the earlier preparation of a human group and a human body. For now, the only viable human future will have to involve all of mankind, not in some twisted left-hand exterior version enforced by elites from on high, but in a truly interior-vertical sense. One way or another, all men must become Coons, even if they don't yet have a public school diploma or can't come up with the $1.50 initiation fee.

I have a dream that one day the horizontal world will rise up and live out the true meaning of Bob's screed: "One Cosmos Under God." I have a dream that my little kit will one day live in a cosmos where he will not be judged by the color of his coat but the content of his cap.


Van Harvey said...

"...explains the grotesque alliance between the National Council of Churches and monsters such as Castro, Arafat and other enemies of mankind... Likewise, it explains the natural alliance that cuts across and unifies ... Valentin Tomberg for Sri Aurobindo, etc. These men meet in the interior vertical, or "Coonland," just as the inferior sort of religious men meet down below in the exterior horizontal."

This is what amazes me, that these people can be so obviously drawn to the same principles and the view that they are true, and at the same time deny the existence of Principles and Truth!

Anonymous said...

Dear Leader said:
"I have a dream that one day the horizontal world will rise up and live out the true meaning of Bob's screed: "One Cosmos Under God." I have a dream that my little kit will one day live in a cosmos where he will not be judged by the color of his fur but by the content of his cap."

Hallelujah brother Bob!!!

Gandalin said...

Dear Bob,

In accordance with your wishes, I will no longer post questions or comments at your site.

I apologize for the impertinence and temerity of my questions, and I regret that they caused you any distress.

Your site is one of my favorite sources of instruction and delight on the net. I read it daily, as soon as you post, and I think I have read every one of your posts.

I do not love you as much as God loves you, or even as much as your dog loves you, but I love your writing, knowledge, and wisdom very much.

I accept your rebuke in the Rinzai spirit of Shammai and his stick.

Yours sincerely,


Anonymous said...

Dr Bob says:
"But clearly, thousands of years of rabbinical exegesis demonstrates that an extraordinarily sophisticated metaphysical abstractness was embedded in the outwardly concrete images and stories. In short, this divine descent was addressed to exterior and interior men of all levels, including levels that did not yet exist in the world. You try writing a book capable of that, and perhaps you'll appreciate its miraculous provenance."

This paragraph another masterpiece just by itself. The whole post is, but this one paragraph really did it for me today. Thanks again Dr.

Gagdad Bob said...


Apology humbly accepted and banishment lifted.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, to the faux-vertical, nothing will appear to have changed; people still going on about religious stuff, wars and rumors of wars, works great and small, revivals, depressions, recessions, booms, kingdoms rise and fall, civilizations come and go. In this sense, nothing ever changes, or as Solomon put it- Nothing is new under the sun.

But to the vertical man, he who holds the Mystery of the Faith in Pure conscience, there is always something new under the sun. In fact, it is perhaps only that Spirit of God which makes anything truly new under the sun, despite being himself unchanging.

As though Creation itself is the interaction between the Eternal and Temporal--


I noted, considering the meaning of Evolution, that it is the unrolling, as a scroll. This then implies that the scroll was rolled up.

'Evolution' and 'Spontaneous Generation' appears to be an argument then, on 'how fast does creation happen?' The answer to that argument is 'precisely as fast as it ought to.' Would not the appearance of a building, which is constructed part by part, appear 'spontaneous' from a 'fast enough' point of view? Why then can God not create things slowly if he chooses? There's nothing in the scripture that suggests that in fact, God MUST create instantaneously. Since he occupies time, any 'frame of time reference' is more or less equal to another; just as using a lens I can zoom in or out on a subject, rendering its scale in innumerable ways. God of course, needs no 'lens' being that he is infinite. As though God works freely and independently through any number of 'segments' in time.

It then would be easy to assume that time and space is an illusion; but if God occupies it, then it is certainly real.

I also had a thought-- the idea of what void is; void is this idea of nothingness, which in itself is an open idea, for nothingness can either imply infinite destruction or infinite possibility. I think this is why God, who to all justice and power belongs, from whom all things flow, is thought of as 'void' by some. Anyhow, infinite dimensions are as unintelligible to us as zero dimensions are. Clearly, the idea of void definitely works into God somehow; at least in the sense of the meaning of it.

Makes the fifth ring make more sense, anyway. Shout out to mah ronins.

Gagdad Bob said...

Yes, creatio ex nihilo does not mean that the world was made from nothingness but from infinite possibility -- another kind of nothing before it becomes something.

Van Harvey said...

The idea of the part separated from the whole, and the failure of people to heed the line of 'when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging', seems to involve too tightly focusing attention and flattening their frame of reference.

That the part can be thought to exist without the whole, that unity can be thought illusory because we are within it... it seems to always involve focusing to closely on a part, to the exclusion of the whole. The intent may at first be to analyze, to better understand, but somewhere along the line it is forgotten that that portion marked off from the rest to be examined, was indeed marked off from the rest, the encompassing whole, for the purpose of better understanding the whole!

This analyzing, disintegrating, occurs first and primarily within time (in my recall of various goofs in my life, there was always a palpable sense of stand-alone separateness in time from any before or after), the closer one can be focused on the moment, the farther one feels not only as if they are separated from the whole, but that their particular moment IS the whole - the only whole which truly exists.

If you look at life, literature, even movies and TV, in every case when the bad guy is persuading, seducing, someone at the fork between Good and Evil, the method always involves focusing on particulars for a particular purpose that has been elevated above the whole.

That old trick of pretending that one thing is another.

This has popped up a question for me Gagdad, with that sense of many flat particulars, separate events, fragmentation – you’ve mentioned the fragmented personality as being an effect or cause of mental illness… what is it that enables them to be knit together? Trying to pull back from my database view of the mind here… what enables the many water droplets to unify into a puddle or a life or a history? Is it the spirit, individually or of the wholly (!), which enables and allows an individual to see the events of his life, or of history, to take shape as a unified whole across and forward into time? And does it require the choice, the assent/ascent of the individual for those static boundaries to open and merge?

Anonymous said...

Bob, I was reading this post very s-l-o-w-l-y, trying to absorb what I could of it, sentence by sentence. As I read, it seemed to me that you were writing very precisely, and comprehensively.

Your next line was, "I realize that all of this sounds rather abstract, but it is not meant to... the purpose of the abstraction is to illuminate the concrete." Well, in the paragraph just prior to those words, you managed to clearly re-present the relationships of time/eternity to the Divine, relative to "present" and "future", and show how, in that mix, we experience "freedom." All before breakfast?

Once again, you give me the words that help me colonize my own mind. Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

xxmBob; I am wondering if you ever had the good fortune to meet Buckminster Fuller, the man who pioneered geodesics? He taught at the university nearby, and when I was in high school I loved to sit in on his classes. Even after I was better educated, my brain couldn't process information as fast as his brain produced it. I feel the same way when reading your posts, but at least I can back up and re-read. We didn't get a second chance with Bucky, I;m thankful for the fact that you provide one. Thanks, of course, to Al Gore, inventor of the internet.

Anonymous said...

In the Purpose Driven Life, the writer likens the working of Christ in us like the US taking a Pacific Island in WWII. He makes a beachhead, but first he often softens us up. He says our first experience with him usually is, "I stand at the door and BOMB!" (rather than knock...)

It seems like, at the same time, We ourselves (who were once his enemy) are colonizing more of that Island that is us.

Be careful that your internal Japanese patrol is colonizing, but not at war with the Lord.

We claim this lang in the name of the Son Emperor!

Anonymous said...

What type of initiation ceremony goes with the $1.50 initiation fee? ;-)

Anonymous said...

>>For now, the only viable human future will have to involve all of mankind, not in some twisted left-hand exterior version enforced by elites from on high, but in a truly interior-vertical sense. One way or another, all men must become Coons<<

Must become Coons (a.k.a. "Night Birds") or self-immolate in some form of madness. Thus the separation of Coons from goats.

The grapefruit-size shaki scourges as it transforms - all that is redundant gets excised.

How many Coon-souls would it require to spiritually anchor the influx of universal k so that critical mass is reached and the entire earth, nature itself, is transformed? It's hinted somewhere that the number would be 144,000.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Perhaps that's why Terence McKenna thought the omega point would occur in December 2012 (12 x 12). I'll have to ask him....

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Van said...
The idea of the part separated from the whole, and the failure of people to heed the line of 'when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging', seems to involve too tightly focusing attention and flattening their frame of reference.

Precisely, and the Left does this consistently in all facets of life.
In fact, they often have no frame of reference at all, or if they do it is a reverse absolute, as Bob often points out, although they claim not to believe in absolutes while proclaiming it.

This is why the Left must constantly 'move the goal posts', invent new words or word arrangements, or redefine words to meet the criteria necessarry to use those words in deceptive ways.

Take 'global warming', please.
Now they are calling it 'global climate change', which is what the global climate has always done.

Or this idiotic argument: Global warming aka global climate change causes warming AND cooling and man causes it all (or the lions share).

This is how they conflated the overall cooling of the 40's-70's with the overall warming of the 70's-now.
It's really all the same to them.

The Left is quick to tell us how many tons of polution we produce, but how much does that pale next to a volcanic eruption?

How many tons is the atmosphere anyway?
Why are other 'causes' of global warming/cooling/whatever ignored?
What happens if we do drastically reduce all our emissions and ruin our economy? Will it make climate worse? For who? Better? For who? Have no effect? Probably.

They won't answer such questions, let alone condone or accept any research pertaining to anything but man being the cause.

It doesn't take a rocket Coon to see a nefarious pattern here, in science, religion, politics, economics, culture, education, virtues or art. It really doesn't matter what it is.

In essence the Left hates liberty,
as does the Jihadists, Communists, Socialists, etc..

They attempt to replace the whole of liberty/life with the hole of slavery/death.

Anonymous said...

"history moves to heal the wounds it has made," in the words of Charles Taylor.

I think this is what I was feeling yesterday in thinking through Part III. Even the created things that have "gone wrong" so to speak, will still be caught up in the final outcome as agents of healing; if for no other pedestrian reason than serving as a bad example that makes Truth even more beautiful.

Only Truth can recognize the non-truth, so the healing of Part III is available to anyone seeking Truth--an open invitation, btw.

Of course, a stubborn person bent on defining his own truth is at the mercy of everyone else's "personal truth". We used to call that Junior High, now we call it Congress. Nevertheless, it will leave that person pitching and yawing in the sea of their own history, at best merely able to record it, but never able to plot any sensible course from the mapping.

Anonymous said...

All men are coons, some cats are cool...

One cat took umbrage to all the animal talk this week and posted this video: Cool Cat.

He's got Cage down pretty well; maybe he can work up to Glass. I suspect he'd go hairball with soul music however. :-)

Now a coon, with the advantageous finger spread, hmmm - some potential there.

wv: meovaecp (meow, vere's the catnip?) - under the keys?

NoMo said...

I am compelled to simplify - its how my limited intelligence works -at the very real risk of once again stating the obvious (it helps me process). See if this makes sense.

God is unchanging. He created everything, and everything changes.
Without change there is no time, for time is simply the measure of change. Time therefore had a beginning, “before” which there was no change. Since we created beings can / will never become God, but do have the potential for / promise of eternal life, it is given that neither change nor time will ever cease. Whatever the afterlife holds for us, it will, by necessity include change and time – but the highest purpose of creation will never change – that is, to glorify God. Coming to accept that and to know how to do so is what we must be about in the herebelownow - for it is what we will forever be about. Since God cannot fail, He would not have created everything unless it would fulfill His purpose. Granting free will to those made in His image, can only mean He knew that at least some would fulfill His purpose. In fact, His plan of redemption guaranteed it. It is at this point my brain drifts even further, so…

“We were born before the wind,
Also younger than the sun,
Ere the bonnie boat was won as we sailed into the mystic.

Hark, now hear the sailors cry,
Smell the sea and feel the sky,
Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic”. (Van Morrison)

Anonymous said...

Mayan question:
Would be connecting to Port 0 be forbidden?

Anonymous said...

I tried it, but they won't let me in.

I'll ping it...

Anonymous said...

Xerox owns it. ;)

robinstarfish said...

noah floats a boat
eli rends the temple veil
zip up fireproof vest

Anonymous said...

>> . . . Al Gore -- which naturally, one tries to avoid -- I think of someone who is clearly sensitive to the Message, but who is just as clearly distorting it in a rather breathtaking manner, for he is literally turning it upside down and inside out, as if the evolutionary crisis of mankind is within the environment and not the soul<<

It could be that the current evolutionary crisis of mankind does impact the environment, but not in the materialistic, horizontal manner that the Goracle and his ilk envision. In any event, his is a "phone-in" spirituality. "Ooh, I've recycled, my soul is saved."

The universal k, the shaki influx, increases the psychic resonating power of the human spirit, for better or worse. If there's anything a shakti-influx does, it's to unveil the god-like, mind-over-matter powers of the human spirit.

If the collective consciousness is largely infected with instinctual passions, the lower emotions, and so forth, then perhaps such passions could have a negative effect - an "inflaming" effect" - on nature itself. The universal k now demands that "as it is within, so it is without". Thus quakes, volcanos, Katrinas, tsunamis, and weird weather patterns.

The Goracle & co. wish to apply a material panacea to what is, at root, a spiritual crisis. Doesn't matter if the entire earth is greened-over. If the collective consciousness largely remains mired in the lower passions, then "Gaia" - which exists, I think, but only as a reflecting, plastic half-consciousness - is itself going to become more and more turbulent and unstable.

Anonymous said...

Will said:
""phone-in" spirituality. "Ooh, I've recycled, my soul is saved."

Secretary to Bill Maher:
Sorry sir. I've got God on the phone.

Bill Maher: Take a message.

NoMo said...

Unrelated news item:

February 27, 2007
TALLAHASSEE -- A state legislator whose district is home to thousands of Caribbean immigrants wants to ban the term "illegal alien" from the state's official documents.

"I personally find the word 'alien' offensive when applied to individuals, said Sen. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami. "An alien to me is someone from out of space."

She has introduced a bill providing that: "A state agency or official may not use the term 'illegal alien' in an official document of the state."
In Miami-Dade County, Wilson said, "we don't say 'alien,' we say 'immigrant.'"

I think this is a real win-win. I know some individual aliens from "out of space" and this should please them as well!

Gagdad Bob said...


Very good point. I was just reading the other day something to the effect that the earthquake that coincided with the rending of the temple veil was not actually on earth but in heaven. We felt it on earth -- still feel it, in fact -- but it's just the sonic boom rattling the bones of the earth, so to speak.

Anonymous said...

Bill Maher to secretary: Wait. Ask him if he's the guy that sent all these grapefruits.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

I'm trying to picture how the Algoriacs would respond to a spiritual reaving of the planet, caused by them.

Jaws drop. Silence. Dawning of the angaia possession. Global Whining! Outrage! Heresy!

O! Irony lost! The agony of de feet!

Anonymous said...

Hosting the Sidhe
One Hundred Sixty Horses
Steel Knight, ride the dusk

[my contribution to the Haikoon body of poety.]

Anonymous said...

Will -

One ladylike burp from Gaia would erase years of green progress overnight. But if she 'breaks wind', well, I won't say anything if you won't.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Move along folks, nothing to see here. No aliens. No illegal aliens.
Just plain ol' immigrants trying to eke out a living and get credit at Bank of America.
Hey look! Juan Valdez!

When life hands you grapefruits...make grapefruitade...or something.
Wait! Are they ruby red or the yucky kind?

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

cosanostradamus said...
Will -

One ladylike burp from Gaia would erase years of green progress overnight. But if she 'breaks wind', well, I won't say anything if you won't.

Gaia: "Hey kidz! Pull my mountain!"

The one cheek sneak. Silent but deadly.

Anonymous said...

Dunno. Algore already took 'em.
Put 'em in his lock box and mumbled something about saving the planet..
That was the last I saw of the 'fruits.

Anonymous said...

Ben, in the shadows of Mt. St. Helens (and Mt. Rainier & Mt. Hood...) I guess you'd know better than the rest of us what one quick burb would do...

Anonymous said...

Hmm, if McKenna (and others such as David Wilcock) are correct about "the heliacal rising of the galactic center" and the subsequent transforming effect on the earth and humanity, then maybe we can understand the mission of Christ a little more clearly:

Let's say this time of universal k-influx was foreseen - and it was foreseen that humanity would be tragically unprepared for such a transition. That is, if history had continued sans the divine intervention 2000 years ago, then all of humanity would go mad and self-destruct. Which would be the same as universal evil becoming all-mighty, being raised to god-like consciousness. This would obviously be cosmically unacceptable.

Thus one pure soul was prepared to take on, to contain the universal k and its universal vibe-raising so the rest of us wouldn't befoul it and cause the destruction of the earth. The pure soul then "ascended" with its all-mighty properties. Meanwhile, humanity was given 2000 years or so to get its spiritual act together. Since the pure soul had left behind a spiritual pattern to follow, and since it cleared away the obscuring astral darkness, making the Light accessible, at least *some* of humanity will make the grade when the Change comes down.

Maybe when a certain portion of humanity (144 k) gets a sympathetic vibration going, then the pure soul will return, bringing with it the all-mighty, life-raising vibes of the universal k - at which point, "all shall be changed" in a definitive manner.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Aye! It stinks! Plus you gotta change your air filter all the time.
Oh, and it does kill within...can't remember. 10-15 miles, or something like that.

Incidently they're still sellin' the 'ash' from Mt. St. Helens.

Some people will buy anything.

Anonymous said...

One quick burp - The Omega Point - December 21, 2012 - The demise of Al-Goriacism and Dar al-Islam?

Oh, Happy Day!

NoMo said...

Ben - Re: Mt St Helens ash. I can personally testify that it gave the soil in the Columbia River Valley an incredible boost with regards to the production of grapes for some very fine red wines.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Off-topic, but I have a question for all you Computer Coons out there.

If took off the word veri on my blog would something really bad happen?
I don't get alot of traffic, even during rush hour.

Just wondering.

Anonymous said...


USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

That's true. Washington and Oregon wines sell pretty well now.

When St. Helens blew, I was just reporting onboard the USS Henderson.
I heard all the stories from an Uncle and Aunt and Cousins who live in Castle Rock (lots of cool but scary looking pictures).

Now I live about 45 miles from St. Helens and Rainier.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

GLASR said...


Van Harvey said...

USS Ben USN (Ret) said... "...I'm trying to picture how the Algoriacs would respond to a spiritual reaving of the planet, caused by them."

Lucky for us, if nothing else, Lefties leave long trails of rotten bread crumbs behind them, like this one where they decided to "Save the Reefs!" with car tires.

"The really good idea was to provide habitat for marine critters so we could double or triple marine life in the area. It just didn't work that way," said Ray McAllister, a professor of ocean engineering at Florida Atlantic University who was instrumental in organizing the project. "I look back now and see it was a bad idea."

Others describe the "bad idea" as "They're a constantly killing coral-destruction machine," .

Can't wait to see their more Global "good idea"

Anonymous said...

Bob -

>>. . . the earthquake that coincided with the rending of the temple veil was not actually on earth but in heaven<<

I think even something like yesterday's stock market dip is first manifested in heaven, then reflected down below. I think we're all riding a real as-it-is-above-so-it-is-below live wire now.

Anyway, I'm also reminded of the darkening of the sun after "It is accomplished". Why would nature "mourn" after the Victory? Seems a bit counterintuitive. Unless - the infusion of "real Light" into the earth's environs resulted in the dimming of the material, corrupted light of the material sun.

Anonymous said...

Ben -

Mt St Helens - the biggest ash-hole in the country.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ben- probably nothing, but you would need to watch your comments for spam.

Anonymous said...

ben said..."If took off the word veri on my blog would something really bad happen?
I don't get alot of traffic, even during rush hour."

Apart from hordes of pesky mischievous raccoons tipping over all the food canisters, you should be just fine.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...


Thanks for the input. Hopefully Mcaffe will handle the spam. I haven't had spam at all since my tecchie installed Mcaffe so I guess it works, so far.

Wasn't there a time when you didn't have word veri?
Maybe it's Shrinkwrapped I'm thinking of.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Will said:
Mt St Helens - the biggest ash-hole in the country.

Ha! Ha! That's a keeper!

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Bob said:
"There is an aspect of the divine reality that is both "present" and "future." If this were not true, then everything would be here now. This is simply another way of saying that, in order for there to be a creation separate from the creator, the creation must be deployed in time. But because time is necessarily "within" God, no matter how far it strays, it cannot help but eventually wend its way back to its source outside or "above" time. This "wending" is the area of our personal freedom. From another perspective, you might say that it is God's lila, or play: "the aion is a child playing with colored toys."

I think of the Steve Miller song as I read this:

Time keeps on tickin', tickin, tickin...into the future...

I wanna fly like an eagle,
To the sea,
Fly like an Eagle let my spirit carry me, etc..

It seems to touch on this.
Future, now, time, Eternal, fly, Liberty.

robinstarfish said...

time is god's way of
preventing everything from
happening at once

That's old and not original but it has 17 syllables.

wv: mizzwoop!

robinstarfish said...

Well, 18. Like I said, mizzwoop.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

It may be old but it's timeless.
Good call!

Stephen Macdonald said...


Have you read Julian Barbour's
The End Of Time

If so, any thoughts?

zujtvkim - Great Ukranian goaltender

Gagdad Bob said...

Barbour is a physicist trying to be a metaphysician, so take it for what it's worth -- basically an intellectual mind game. On the mental level you can prove most anything. As someone said, the mind is a lawyer who argues on behalf of whatever client is paying it.

Anonymous said...


"Mt. St. Helens"

In 1815 a massive eruption of the Tambora volcano in Indonesia is credited for
the infamous 1816 "year with no summer" .

Also, no one can see the Gakkel Ridge, because
it's submerged, but it is essentially a 1500 kilometer long volcano that runs from
Greenland to Siberia -- right under all
that ice that's allegedly melting.

-Another Bob

Bob said...


I love what you're doing with the Arc of Salvation. I think we have a huge problem with the Arc remaining fossilized in geography though. As a technologist myself, I don't see how we survive what the non-coons are about to do to us with our own coonkind's technology -- I do believe we all need to become coons.

But how will it happen fast enough? Not to put any pressure on you but the answer to this question is almost certainly the real key to the survival of coonkind.

It's a race between technology and sanity -- and you know which one is winning...

boxermk said...

Hi, I really like some of your writings, but i have a quesiton that has nothing to do with this specific post. I was wondering what you thought about the fact the Schuon was a man who really seemed to embrace Islam, and practiced Sufism himself. I personally seen nothing to embrace about Islam, but Schuon obviously was a genius, so I was just wondering what you thought about that.

Gagdad Bob said...

There is no short answer to that question.

Anonymous said...

From what I know of Islam, due to the flawed nature of the Hadith and Sura, Sufism might be (as it is a non-literalist interpretation at heart) the only workable way to interpret what was written. In that sense, though, Sufism seems to be the idea of wringing universals out of the Hadith and Sura instead of following them as holy writ.

I could be wrong, but that seems to be the case.

Anyway, this question was partly directed your way, Bob, As what I have read so far I can find a bible verse that either says the same thing (differently) or implies what he is saying explicitly.

It suggests to me that Schoun really was bridging the universals in metaphysics and not just trying to convert people to Sufism.

My roommate immediately wanted to read the book, though I had read only two or three of the little aphorisms to him.

...unusual. But, wv seems to be saying:


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