discernment between the Real and the illusory, or between the Permanent and the impermanent, and the essential function of the will is attachment to the Permanent or to the Real. This discernment and this attachment are the quintessence of all spirituality.
This goes back to the boat and the shore, the purpose of the former being to reach the latter. It can be a magnificent yacht or a humble dinghy, so long as it gets you to the other side. The perennial religion "is fundamentally this," that
the Real entered into the illusory so that the illusory might be able to return into the Real. It is this mystery, together with the metaphysical discernment and contemplative concentration that are its complement, which alone is important in an absolute sense from the point of view of gnosis.
So, to the extent that a religion "works," this is why it works. Put another way, this is its meaning and purpose, to disclose reality:
First, religion is essentially discernment. It is discernment between God and the world, between the Real and the unreal, or between the Everlasting and the ephemeral. Secondly: religion is union. It is union with God, the Great Spirit. Everything in religion has its foundation in one of these two elements: in discernment or in union.
With these preluminary murmurandoms out of the way, let's get back to Berdyaev, because I like the way he struggles with the meaning of Christianity. For example,
The eternal man, oriented toward eternity and infinity, is at once the eternally new man and an eternal and limitless purpose. The eternal man is not something given once for all: he is not to be comprehended statically. The truly new man is a realization of the eternal man, bearing in himself the image and likeness of God.
So, it's a process. In Orthodoxy they say that the image is given, while attaining the likeness is on us: the meaning of life is for the potential of the image to be actualized in the likeness. Thus,
The new man must be creative, and hence he must look toward the future, toward that which has never been. This is the answer to the call of God.
God being none other than the Great Attractor that draws the image toward the likeness. Even so,
Man is a riddle in this world, perhaps the supreme riddle.
I would go further, and say: no man, no riddle -- that man and riddle co-arise in the primordial WTF?! It's just that the philosopher, the Raccoon, the true man of gnosis, never stop asking WTF?!
Which must mean that man simultaneously embodies both riddle and solution, question and answer. But he can in no way be the answer to the riddle that he is. Rather, any answer must result from a dynamic engagement with the Transcendent Real, so to speak, which is again the very function of religion. For Berdyaev,
Man may know himself from above or from below, from his own light, from the divine element in him, and he may know himself from his darkness..., from the demonic element within himself.
And he may do this because he is a dual and a contradictory being, a being polarized to the highest degree, god-like and beast-like, high and low, free and slave, capable of rising to the heights or of falling, capable of great love and sacrifice or of great cruelty and limitless egotism.
We rate this passage 100% nihil bobstat, or free of bullshit.
But how did we get into this existential pickle? And what does it all mean?
Let's say there is a no man's land between meaning and meaninglessness. Except to say that this is every man's land -- not to mention a knowing man's land -- in that this is the dynamic space in which all men live and know.
Man is the point where two worlds intersect, he belongs to two orders. Here lies the infinite complexity and difficulty of human life. There is the spiritual man and the natural man, and one man is both.
One person and two natures? That reminds me of someone... But in any event, "the existence of personality presupposes the existence of God," and "If God does not exist, as the source of super-personality values, then personality is valueless."
In short, No meaning for you! Even so, the meaning is not given per se -- for again, meaning isn't transferable, i.e., my neighbor's meaning isn't my meaning. Rather, meaning must be what the Almighty and me works out betwixt us, or something.
Which raises a host of potential problems, me being just one of them. To be continued...
God does not ask for the submission of the intelligence, but rather an intelligent submission.
Everything is trivial if the universe is not engaged in a metaphysical adventure.
Nevertheless, some people not only insist that life has no intrinsic meaning, but derive meaning from being that kind of person -- the kind of person who can courageously stare into the abyss staring back at them, a mutual reflection of nobody to nothing.
ReplyDeleteQuite often, these are the hollow vessels which make the most sound.
ReplyDeleteNew publication: ‘ Uprooting the Vineyard: The Fate of the Catholic Church After Vatican II’ by Mark Perry:
“For two millennia the Catholic Church stood as an invincible fortress protecting the faithful from the shoals of perdition. Then, in the early 1960s, parallel to the modern upheaval of social norms, it assembled a great council—Vatican II—to reconcile Christianity with the world. This unthinkable alignment between religion and secularism occurred despite the heroic struggle of half a dozen preconciliar popes to halt such a deviation. This incisive book by Mark Perry explains how the Catholic Church’s desertion of its heavenly mandate has hastened the moral collapse of Western civilization as well as its abandonment of the universal purpose of religion itself. Also included is an appendix of selections by the metaphysician and sage, Frithjof Schuon, on the nature of this historic betrayal and the remedy for its cure.
Perry is a tad medieval for my taste, but I'll definitely be reading it. We wrote a number of posts about his last book in 2008.
ReplyDeleteI didn’t expect to like it much but this work (clearly a labor of love over many years) is outstanding – a real ‘tour de force’.
ReplyDeleteI understand that toward the end, Schuon began steering Christian followers toward Orthodoxy as a result of Vatican 2. But if it is possible for the Church to effectively "lose" the Holy Spirit, this opens up a host of theological problems, even of the orthodoxy of Orthodoxy -- not to mention the canonicity of the canon -- since who's to say when the church lost its authority? In any event, I look forward to reading the book.
ReplyDeleteAlso, my problem with the Church isn't with the Church per se, but with me. I'm such an American individualist -- a cultural WASP -- that to behave otherwise feels like pretending. It reminds me of a friend whose roots are Irish, and who became Jewish. In fact, my wife's side of the family is ethnically Jewish, and there's no way I could ever really be one of them.
That is an interesting problem. From my lowly end, it seems like the only way for the church to "lose" the holy spirit would be if the laity as a whole were to lose their faith. Here on the ground, though, that has never been what I've seen happening. At the end of the day, the priesthood can do whatever it likes, but it's the ordinary faithful who make it a church, and they will continue to participate even if that means just staying home and saying Mass in their living rooms.
ReplyDeleteRe. being Jewish, we have in-laws who are ethnically Jewish as well, and agree 100%. Good people, but definitely not WASPs. Interestingly, my husband's boss is a black man who converted to Judaism - not for marriage, but purely because he believes it. To say he's a character is an understatement.
The point about the guidance of the Church by the Holy Spirit is that it couldn't lose it even if it wanted to -- cf. all those awful popes down through history. Once authority is eliminated, then we become the authority. Which doesn't sit well with me. I suppose Schuon would say there's an "intrinsic authority" built into the nature of things, but I don't know if I trust myself with it. Reminds me of the Lord of the Rings, and who can be trusted with the ring?
ReplyDeleteHa - nobody, really, which means we always end up having to work with what we've got, for better or worse.