
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Fairy Tales of the Media and Opium for the Tenured

Here's a thought: "There are, and always will be, aspects of our existence that require for their expression and exploration the analogical language of myth. Philosophy, mythology, and religion, from this point of view, are linked in essential continuity" (Webb).

Frankly, I don't think this statement is controversial at all. In fact, we could turn it on its head and affirm that man qua man always lives within a mythological space or structure, even -- or especially -- when he convinces himself he doesn't.

I say "especially" because no one is more faithful (or better, credulous) than the man who believes he isn't. A stark raving atheist, for example, who has no faith in God, will always be found to have blind faith in something else -- in scientism or some other modern primitive superstition.

To grab at the most conspicuously low hanging fruitcakes that come to hand, is there anyone more mythbound than a Marxist? I am hardly the first to point out that Marx and all his retarded progeny live in a perverted space of inverted Christianity, featuring paradise, original sin, revelation, apocalypse, redemption, salvation, and countless demons. I well know about the demons, because I am several of them (i.e., white, Christian, male, cisgender, armed, etc.).

Bear in mind that our implicit mythological structure is indeed a structure and a mythological one at that.

Or, put it this way: the explanatory stories we tell ourselves are both structured and logical, although the structure isn't necessarily linear nor the logic Aristotelian. Rather, the former is vertical and the latter symmetrical and bi-logical.

That last book is NOT recommended. I just linked to it to show that I'm not alone. However, I glanced at one of the reviews, and this is helpful:

What Matte Blanco proposes is that there are two co-existing modes of being, one homogeneous indivisible mode and another heterogeneous dividing one. So we human beings live in two realities at once, merged in one being, which in turn produces the actual behaviors going from normal, neurotic, schizophrenic, psychotic and so on.

Now, human beings habitually collapse these two modes and dimensions, which is how one can end up living inside an unexamined, reified mythology that seems self-evident to the one living in it.

If you've ever wondered why leftists are so smug and superior, this is why: because you are so stupid that you can't even see what is self-evident, e.g., that President Trump is a Russian agent, that he conspired with Ukraine to defeat Joe Biden, that blacks who support Trump aren't actually black, et al.

You and I could spend all day recalling similarly malignant myths -- that the US and USSR are morally equivalent... or just say Feminism, Patriarchy, Homophobia, Islamophobia, Xenophobia, etc., each one the title of a simplistic mythology that organizes an otherwise chaotic world.

Alternatively, just survey your own past and consider all the idiocies you once believed with all your heart and mind, but have since discarded. What was that all about? How is it that so many things you believed to be self-evidently true turned out to be self-evidently false? What would have become of you had you not discarded these psychospiritual malignancies and still lived in one those reality tunnels?

Like anyone, I am sometimes a bit nostalgic for the past. But I always project my current self there, and forget about the cramped reality tunnel I inhabited at the time (different ones in different developmental times). Actually re-entering those mythic spaces is nearly impossible -- analogous to trying to "remember" what it felt like to be a pre-linguistic primate. Supposing you are successful, "you" are no longer there to experience it.

Back to the reviewer:

Matte Blanco says it is extremely improbable that psychical phenomena can be described in terms of only three dimensions. The main hypothesis is that the mind can be better understood and explained by using a multidimensional model which relies on a bi-logical or symmetrical-asymmetrical relationship, between conscious and unconscious.

Yes. One must always look at the phenomena from no fewer than two angles. Think, for example, of a great novel or film, in which the plot takes place on one plane, while the theme not only occurs on another level but is the sufficient cause of the plot, even if the theme is never worked out consciously. In fact, the plot may be the conscious elaboration of an unconscious theme or structure. Which is actually a good definition of myth.

Lately I've been trying to dig down to the ontological foundation of all this. This foundation isn't in the distant past -- or not only there -- but also in the here and now. In other words, we again partake of this vertical structure at all times, because reality is this vertical structure.

Nor should we collapse this structure and pretend to have arrived at an unambiguous, once-and-for-all answer. The result won't even be a myth. Rather, some mediated fairy tale or tenured opiate.

Speaking of getting to the bottom of our cosmos, we'll leave off with this passage from The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man, not forgetting that in the grand scheme of things we are those same men on that same adventure, i.e., still dwelling in the dark as (Plato's) cavemen:

The imagery of myth "is nothing less than a carefully chosen cloak for abstract thought." And try as he might, the modern barbarian "does not quite succeed in becoming a scientific object to himself. His need of transcending chaotic experience and conflicting facts leads him to seek a metaphysical hypothesis that may clarify his urgent problems."

The Narrative is just a reality tunnel propagated by the mythstream media and enforced by political correctness and other institutions.


  1. Related:

    "Much like radical climate change fanaticism, the most extreme prognosticators of social distancing seem to have adopted the practice as a religion, complete with the system of rewards and guilts that accompany most religious systems."

  2. More on the malignant mythology of the left:

    "The notion that the liberal arts and the pursuit of truth through inquiry were phallocentric, racist endeavors entered the mainstream in the late 1980s and has since become a truism in elite media and academic circles. Scattershot accusations of racism -- 'the last best issue for those who believe in nothing' worthwhile about their country or culture -- render truth beside the point. What matters is charging others with heresy. 'Perpetual racial outrage' became the means by which American elites imposed their will."

  3. I liked the post as a well-written tract but found the contents inflammatory.

    I am a lot of things you are not; female, non-Christian, non-white, unarmed, trans-gendered, tenured, tattooed; probably I am a demon of sorts for your kind.

    If you belonged to my world I could accuse you of heresy. But, you inhabit a different world so I will cut you some slack.

    You just don't know any better, can't know any better. You'll always embody the Establishment and Patriarchy. I will forever embody the Anti-establishment Matriarchy.

    I have good food at my place. I hope you are eating well. Food we have in common. Do you like curry?

    The divide between our two kinds is too wide to close. And yet presumably we were created by the same God. I wonder what He makes of all this?

  4. Think, for example, of a great novel or film, in which the plot takes place on one plane, while the theme not only occurs on another level but is the sufficient cause of the plot, even if the theme is never worked out consciously.

    Then think of all the dreck that passes for storytelling these days, wherein the plot is perfunctory to the theme, which overshadows everything and generally consists of the same few tropes repeated ad nauseum, papered over with different props.

  5. Also, as in Star Wars, when Lucas used Campbell's Hero With a Thousand Faces as a template to consciously superimpose a weak and cliched drama.

  6. Why is it in this world that there's only "right" and "left", while at the very same time, you can accept that God's Holy Truth can be viewed through a multitude of denominations? Only two political religions, but eleventy billion religious religions. And counting.

    So are the Mormons "right" or "left"? The Anabaptists? What about those dangblasted Catholics, now under the limp fisted rule of a fire breathing lefist pope-ulist? Is there no sanity in our little world? Did God tire of creating perfect universes, to become an artist, to then tire of that to become some kind of cosmic prankster God?

    Speaking of the main stream media...

    The media’s only job is to get us all pissed off about what they want you to see in their one hand, while they unconsciously brainwash you into buying the crap they have in their other, slight of ad hand.

    This is deviousness, plain and simple. As the great Ozzy Osborn once said (right or left I dunno, as well as his specific denomination): "Stalin laughing spreads his wings".

  7. I am tenured and I want some opium. Where is the opium for the tenured?

  8. In the library.

  9. Behind the library. Inside has become a madhouse of burping.

  10. So mortal man is part of an eternal and infinite cosmos and projects the uncomfortable eternal and infinite on to the domain of God wherever that may be, just thank God it's not here. Scientists who cannot be seen to opt out in this way and yet have the God neurons in their brains invent theories of infinite universes and eternal inflation. A quirky take on the big bang theory is that by Stephen Hawking and Thomas Hertog who take time out of the equation so that it happened, but it never began.

  11. Narratives are important. Everyone has a story. What is your story?

    Possibly the very function of time is to allow for storytelling. In Hollywood, everyone is working on a script.

    Are you working on a script? Perhaps we could have a synopsis?

    Looking for a little stimulation this Memorial Day. I think about the soldiers, sailors, and airmen that got killed all the time.

    Guadalcanal comes to mind. On the canal quite a few guys got shot. War stories are everywhere and they should be. War is raw, unfiltered, nasty. People get killed. Ideals are put to the test.

    Happy Memorial Day, let us pray for the souls of the dead.

  12. I would tell my story, but most people hurl the equivalent of rotten fruit at me almost as soon as I start the telling of my story. Whatever happened to just walking out in a huff?

    Anyhoo, I think this is the golden age of con-artistry. Most $uccessful people I'm running into are behind the scenes, lying crapweasels. Their schtick is to get to know as many honest, ethical, hardworking wee folks as they can, tell them whatever it is they want to hear, and then exploit the crap out of them for their own personal wealth creation.

    Whatever happened to a mutual give and take? To barn raising comraderie? To patriotic heroism? To those Mexican felt paintings of dogs playing cards as well as those more complex dual scene felt paintings showing the evils of Pottersville on the one side and the Christian fellowship of Bedford Falls on the other?

    Today everybody just looks up on their phones newer and better ways to exploit their kindler gentler human fellows. I even see babies doing it!

    Is anybody even looking up on their phone how they can pay homage to all the soldiers, sailors, and airmen who got killed while defending the liberties of the exploiting class?

  13. Hello Anonymous 11:32

    I appreciate you telling your story on these comment threads, which you have done in a tangential fashion over the past one year or so commenting here.

    I recall quite a bit of what you've written and have built up a minor understanding of your story.

    Well, I'm not going to hurl any rotten fruit. I have been entertained. You go in peace; I know you are conflicted and feel alarmed and victimized by commercial maneuvering. Honestly we all feel exasperated and put out by the numerous cons coming at us each and every day.

    Not many of us make it a central meme, but we all have our things.

    Robert Godwin is so alarmed and put-out by scientism, Progressives, Founding Father detractors and Obama lovers that he spends considerable time and energy in denouncing them on his blog. "Come for the philosophy, stay for the insultatinment" is the shill and it works.

    My own story? I can't handle my story. Let alone divulge it. Maybe someday.

    -Crayfish Blue

  14. Robert Godwin is so alarmed and put-out by scientism, Progressives, Founding Father detractors and Obama lovers that he spends considerable time and energy in denouncing them on his blog. "Come for the philosophy, stay for the insultatinment" is the shill and it works.

    Scientism: Something has caused the scientists and their academic kinfolk to discard Pascals Wager. Sure, God never really ever shows up in some scientifically obvious way, but you’d think that the personal psychological benefits of spiritually benevolent monotheistic religion would be so scientifically obvious that scientists would just let such beliefs be. Yet we hear pop scientists like Neal Degrass Tyson ridiculing the religion which helps so many. But marginalizing science, in obviously religious groupthink ways, without understanding what’s going on culturally, seems like a complete misfire to me.

    Progressives. It’s obvious that progressivism unchecked leads to bullying large powerless populations. Yet without progressives, we have dour austerity with bullying large powerless populations being the cultural norm. It seems we can’t win. Yet I believe we can, because in times past we have. This was done by forcing progressives to confront fiscal and moral conservatives to hammer out national goals. But we don’t have anything even remotely like that today. The USA hasn’t launched anybody into space in a decade, our national debt is insane, and we lead the world in coronavirus by a long shot. Every other nation knows how dysfunctional we now are, now only able to coast on the accomplishments of our far wiser ancestors. We’re a worldwide laughing stock now.

    Founding Fathers. They were all about forcing powers to compete as a means to limit concentrations of power and get real things done for We The People. Today we cherry pick quotes and rationalize away the rest, all in the name of mindless tribalism. We The People are so completely on our own that government is now worthlessly redundant. Remember the Thomas Jefferson quote? No modern conservative does.

    Obama lovers. I hate that asshole. To their credit, that family did put on the most “presidential” behavior show since the Kennedys. No screwy uncles, senility, or blowjobs under the Desk. Obama typifies everything that’s wrong with our current politics, which is wholly owned by a few corporate elites addicted to their quarterly bonuses. Enriching China with our national technological treasures just so we can get poorly made products on the cheap, does not a great American nation make. And China is no more Christian or capitalist than they ever were. Check out Xi’s speeches.

    Bob focuses on the insultainment, the way my sister’s family does the competitors of my city’s perennially losing baseball franchise. Despite faithfully buying season tickets for over two decades and steadfastly booing the opposition with great vociferousness, their team has been among the worst in MLB history.

  15. I think sometimes what is called instinct, memory, and hidden is just a rephrase of a certain trinitarian dynamic.
    Everyone in that thing itself even just bits and pieces.
    I wonder sometimes that the War in Heaven is just exactly clocks with agency.


I cannot talk about anything without talking about everything. --Chesterton

Fundamentally there are only three miracles: existence, life, intelligence; with intelligence, the curve springing from God closes on itself like a ring that in reality has never been parted from the Infinite. --Schuon

The quest, thus, has no external 'object,' but is reality itself becoming luminous for its movement from the ineffable, through the Cosmos, to the ineffable. --Voegelin

A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes. --Wittgenstein