
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Looking for a Few Good Übermen

For you SubGenius readers out there (and there's obviously an überlap between Raccoons and SubGenii), I think this would be a good time to reflect upon and renew your Citizenship Pledge:

--I declare my allegiance to the SubGenius Race and to my household kingdom, while severing all ties with enemies of the SubGenii (including myself if need be) except where it is fiscally required.

--As a member of this mutant empire, my first concern is Slack for myself, my family and friends.


I will promote divisions and wars among non-SubGenii.

I will work to cast out the False Prophets.

I will work to erase the Conforming Instinct.

I will work for Time Control in my own life.

I will work to preserve this planet from destruction except for the proper reasons.

I will work to unmask the Conspiracy and install a strict anarchy or formal chaos.

I will work to prevent humanity from ever acting with a common will.

I will work to grip the reins of evolution.

And finally:

I pledge that I will not actually "work" at any of the above; moreover that I will never voluntarily allow any shortness of Slack into my home, temple, fane, cathedral, chapel, shrine, priory, abbey, friary, convent, monastery, or place of business.


  1. I like the idea of slack with benefits.

  2. "I pledge that I will not actually "work" at any of the above; moreover that I will never voluntarily allow any shortness of Slack into my home, temple, fane, cathedral, chapel, shrine, priory, abbey, friary, convent, monastery, or place of business. "

    If you are able remain in divine slackitude with everything you do, then you have truly succeeded in being forever young, for the world is truly yours and life will be far too short for all the fun things 'needed' to be done.


  3. I'll bet David Brooks sees a certain symmetry between Obama's pant and inCREASEd slack.

  4. Surely this is something we can all disunite behind.

    I cooncur,B'Atman.

  5. I feel a disturbance in the force.

  6. Nah; the only surprising thing about Williams's comment is that it took him so long to stop by and gloat. Though if he was trying to score points, I think this effort failed miserably.

  7. You have to be highly educated to not know the difference between being highly educated and being intelligent. Or even having common sense, really.

  8. Or else just thoroughly lacking in irony.

  9. Bill's Tennessee Paradise. For the same money he could afford to rent a condo in highly educated California.

  10. Yeah - if you're going to call people stupid for being from certain states, it probably helps to not be from one of the "least intelligent" states yourself.

    Then again, only an idiot would try to make that point, so maybe he proves his case...

  11. Highest per capita military -- those who actually make it possible for over-educated parasites to feel superior to the rest of us.


I cannot talk about anything without talking about everything. --Chesterton

Fundamentally there are only three miracles: existence, life, intelligence; with intelligence, the curve springing from God closes on itself like a ring that in reality has never been parted from the Infinite. --Schuon

The quest, thus, has no external 'object,' but is reality itself becoming luminous for its movement from the ineffable, through the Cosmos, to the ineffable. --Voegelin

A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes. --Wittgenstein